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Results 7171-7200 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The Newspapers had informed Us of your Marriage, but the first Evidence of it from yourself, was...
I have rec d your charming narration of your Tour to Paris, both to me and your mother, and am...
I have received but one Letter from you Since I left Quincy now near a Month; I have been here...
I last monday receiv’d your Letter of the 22 d of october it was a long time coming. I wrote to...
Since my residence at this place, now a Month, occasiond by the prevalence of the yellow fever in...
It was only Yesterday that I received your No. 44 of 22. July though I had rec d N o. 45 a few...
I received Yours of Octob r. 14 h. and have attended to the several Matters mentiond therein. The...
I received a few days since with much pleasure your letter jointly with my new Sisters for which...
Your Letters have become Such a model of elegant composition, that I cannot but think you must...
I yesterday about 11 oclock went into the Presidents Room to see if John had returnd from the...
After an absence of near four Months I returned, to this City the last week. I am disposed to...
I wrote you from East Chester and inclosed you 90 dollors to pay a Note in mr Frothinghams hands....
On 16 November 1797 the Philadelphia Aurora General Advertiser printed the following squib: “His...
I have received your favour of the 3 d and am much obliged to you for it and equally pleased with...
That you have reciev’d but one Letter from me my dear Sister is not because I have not written I...
I received your obliging favour of Nov br 8 th the day after I last wrote you. I inclose the...
I am not only highly gratified, but extremely grateful for your kind communication of 15 th. inst...
I am under obligations to you my dear son, for keeping up so regularly, and so constantly your...
Thus has my son given me a legal right to address you. I feel also, that I have an affectionate...
I received Your Favour of Octob r. 17. last, and have agreably to your Request consulted Deac n...
Since my last to you, Porter has finishd ploughing the Meadow on the back of your House, the...
I received your kind Letter of Nov’ br. 19 th by this days post. I had previously received two...
I thank you for your Letter of the 15th of Nov br. before this I hope you have receiv’d another...
I have the pleasure of informing you and Mrs Adams of the safe arrival of mr Johnson and Family...
I had the pleasure of receiving from you a very excellent Letter last week, which fully proves...
A Letter from my Nephew, M r: William Cranch of the City of Washington, informing me of your...
I received your Letter of Nov br 24 by the post of yesterday. with respect to the Notes you wrote...
I receied yesterday your kind favour of 29 Nov’ br and 8 th December. I had a few lines from you...
I design’d to have written you last week but was prevented by company I have receiv’d your Letter...
I wrote to you from East Chester, but I believe I have not written to you from hence. I was...