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Results 71701-71750 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Agreeable to your request I now send to the care of Mr Deblois, a Keg of Myrtle wax—The gentleman...
This will be handed to you by Doctr Cornelius Baldwin a young Gent from the State of New Jersey...
Yours by Mr Erwin was delivered by him, safe with the two letters inclosed. I forwarded them by...
M r Jefferson your man thrimpston Went away from me this Evening Without any reason only I...
by the hands of my friend, Geo: Ticknor Esqr. who is honoured with letters of introduction to...
Voici Monsieur la lettre que j’ecris a Mr. Derieux, puisque vous voulés bien la mettre dans vos...
I promised myself the satisfaction of receiving letters from some of my friends by the express...
I am this day honored by your letter of the 3d, & “as the unbounded calumnies of the federal...
An act to extend the terms of credit on certain revenue bonds, which passed both houses nine days...
The enclosed paper will show you that your Republican friends in South Carolina , cannot forget...
My last was on the 15th. and acknowledged your preceding letters. I have since recd. that of the...
A small balance ($4 25/100) has remained for a considerable time to your credit on the Books of M...
You will find here annexed three Bills of Lading for the Box and three Trunks of Books you have...
Monsieur je prans laliberte de vous Ecrire pour vous dire que mes parans Sesont oposé pour que...
[ Mount Vernon, 24 Mch. 1784 . Noted in SJL as received 26 Mch. 1784. Not found.]
Your letter of may the 4h. I receiv’d by the way of Naples on the 12h. Augt. and on the next day...
Bordeaux, 16 Aug. 1792 . In the absence of any letters from TJ, he encloses a copy of his last....
We have your favor of 13th Inst. and in Compliance therewith have this day shipped to the address...
A state of the situation of the tanyard, is left with me. It appears that things are in bad order...
I have the honor to propose for your approbation Peter Ogilvie Jnr. of New York and Ethan Allen...
I was a few minutes since with Mr. Glendy : on saturday last he was attacked with a violent...
I am Now in a Deplorable way as I Cannot Get my Business Done by Congress As they have A Greate...
I reply to your queries, as to the branches of science expedient to be taught in a university....
I have respected your laws and your goverment for the younited Stats of merrica and I wish to...
By order of the Board of Directors of the Society for the Commemoration of the landing of William...
The vicissitudes of fortune which I have experienced, and continual uncertainty of my place of...
Yesterday an express arrived here with the following melancholy account, contained in a letter...
I have this moment placed in the hands of the stage-driver from this to Charlottesville , your...
Sur l’avis que Votre Excellence a eu la bonté de me faire donner de la demande de M. Adams, je...
A Report to the President. The Secretary of State has the honor to Report to the President in...
I wrote you the day before yesterday by the way of the English Packet. This will not arrive in...
Inclosed I have the honnor to send to you from Mr Pougens. Permit me Sir to recomend to you his...
Being about to embark for Europe, (induced to change the Scenes which Surround me, from a recent...
I have not written to you since I left Rome because I have been since that almost constantly in...
You must not be offended if your central college is in some measure become one of my hobby...
As a vacancy in the Office of Collector of this Port in the course of a few days is inevitable in...
I have received your Letter of the 2nd. Ultimo, together with its several enclosures.— Your...
Havre, 9 Mch. 1793 . He encloses a copy of a letter from Gouverneur Morris announcing that the...
For your conveniance I some time past inclosed your bond (to the late A Robertson & C o of this...
To the Honourable Court. The Humble petition of Samuel Miller Most Humbly Sheweth. Your...
Ausitot Recue lhonneur, de la vôtre tous de suite Je Me sui Enpraicer dexecuter vos ordre, le vin...
M r Preston has at last found and Sent me, your Letter. D r Bancroft Spoke to me, about Commodore...
As the politics of S. Carolina are very interesting, I enclose you a pamphlet ascribed to Mr....
In a Supplement to the Daily Advertiser (a Gazette published in New York) dated the 2d. of...
Inclosed I have the honor to forward you a memorial of a number of the Citizens of the town of...
Mr. Venable having been so much longer than he expected in getting an answer respecting the money...
Of the hundred pair of shoes expected from Petersburg, there came only 53, and those so bad that...
Though I have not the Honour to be personally known to you, yet your Character, for easy...
As the Collection, mentioned in the Proposals annexed, is a Matter of Importance to the Colonies...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following Promotions and appointments in...