George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major General Alexander McDougall, 8 October 1778

To Major General Alexander McDougall

Head Quarters Fish kill 8th Otbr 1778.

Dear sir.

An outrage has been committed on some inhabitants of this State, by a Lieut. Henderson—Marshal—B. Ball and an Ensign Smith, as appears from the deposition in the hands of the bearer of this letter.1 As these officers are in your command, you will be pleased to direct them under immediate confinement; and to remain so till the civil power can take up the matter. Henderson and Ball2 I beleive are of the Pennsylvania line, and they can inform you of the others. I am D. Sir your most obt Servt

Go: Washington

p.s. I inclose you two letters on the subject, one from Govr Clinton, the other Gen. Nixons, which you will be pleased to return.3

LS, in James McHenry’s writing, owned (1992) by Mr. Joseph Rubinfine, West Palm Beach, Fla.; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1This deposition has not been identified.

2At this place on the manuscript, McHenry inadvertently wrote “Bell.” The draft and the Varick transcript both read “Ball.”

3See George Clinton to GW, this date. The letter from Brig. Gen. John Nixon to Clinton that Clinton had enclosed in his letter to GW has not been identified.

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