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Results 71501-71510 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I thank you for your kind congratulations on the return of my little family from Europe . To receive them all in fine hea l th and good Spirits, after So long an absence, was a greater Blessing, than at my time of Life when they went away I had any right to hope or reason to expect. If the Secretary of State can give Satisfaction to his fellow citizens in his new Office it will be a Source of...
By this days post I was honor’d with Your Excellencys Letter of the 18th of July—& likewise with another, directed to Major General Gates enclosing the Arrangement of the Virginia Line. As General Gates has left this State & Joind the Southern Army, I took the Liberty to open the Letter, agreeable to the directions on the outside, and after taking a Copy of the Arrangement, forwarded it on—The...
The enclosed just receivd I consider it proper to submit to you, and am with great respect & affection Your Ob. servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
You will find inclosed duplicate of my last letter to you dated 22 Sepr. About a fortnight ago I had the honor to receive, the circular which you addressed me, under the 1 Aug. last. I shall particularly attend to the Instructions therein contained, in such Cases as occur of Citizens of The United States, demanding Certificates to navigate Vessels which they may purchase. In no Instance have I...
Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Jefferson rector and James Breckenridge, James Madison, Joseph C. Cabell, John H. Cocke Chapman Johnson and George Loyall, Visitors of the University of Virginia are held and firmly bound to the President and Directors of the Literary fund in the sum of eighty thousand Dollars, to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves...
Draft: Detroit Public Library I have not yet obtained the Opinion of my Lawyer on the Title &c. and am to be out of town tomorrow and next Day, but on Friday purpose to be in the City and to call on you. I am Sir, Your humble Servant The reference to the opinion of BF ’s lawyer “on the Title” provides a clue to the possible identity of the addressee. As the result of a recent interview with...
I have the pleasure to acquaint your Excellency that the Enemy left Richmond this Afternoon about one o’Clock and proceeded towards their Vessells in consequence of which I immediately ordered a Battalion of Continental Troops and a Battalion of Militia to March to this place, and came myself as well to oppose any attempts to Land here as to be so far on the way to Petersburg where it is...
On the 1 t Nov r last I took the liberty of troubling you with a request to favor me with a Copy of a letter addressed to You by Matthew Nimmo Esq r under date of the 28 th Nov r 1806 , on the subject of Burrs late treasonable Conspiracy—Or, if the same was not in your possession, to informe me from what source a Copy might be obtained— To this request no answer has been rec d
An outrage has been committed on some inhabitants of this State, by a Lieut. Henderson—Marshal—B. Ball and an Ensign Smith, as appears from the deposition in the hands of the bearer of this letter. As these officers are in your command, you will be pleased to direct them under immediate confinement; and to remain so till the civil power can take up the matter. Henderson and Ball I beleive are...
I have recd. your letter of the 5th inst. and delivered your letter to Captn. Elliott who happened to be at hand. He has certainly omitted what he ought to have done, I mean to answer your letters: it may be however that he transferrd this duty to the officer who suceded him at Fort Mifflin, when he was ordered to Northampton, and that he has considered himself detached from his command, since...