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Results 71501-71510 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your obliging Letter by Callahan I received, and thank you for the information it contained. The picture you give me of the British-Cabinet, is no less humiliating and dangerous to them, than it is just— every circumstance that has come to our knowledge proves the description to be true; and so very corrupt have the leading men in that nation become, there is very little chance of their...
I made a mistake in my other letter respecting the Medical Society— ’Twas you who settled the Correspondance between the Society of Medicine at Paris & our Medical Society here— I well remember the notes that passed on the occasion between you & Mons r: Vicq d’Azir, perpetual Secretary— Our medical Society were extremely pleased at what you had done for them, & wrote them, (immediately on your...
71503[Diary entry: 30 December 1785] (Washington Papers)
Friday 30th. Thermometer at 46 in the [morning]— at Noon and at Night. A good deal of rain fell in the Night which ceased about day break but the Wind from the Southward continued to blow very hard all day with flying Clouds. Went to Dogue run again to compleat my Surveys of the Fields which I did about 2 Oclock and upon my r[e]turn Found Miss Sally Ramsay Miss Kitty Washington—Mr. Porter and...
Since I last had the honor of writing to you, I have had several interviews with Mr Gough, who seems of opinion that Mr Rawlins charge of £160 for finishing your Room is full as reasonable if not more so than what he charged him for Work of the same kind —Upon this I have come to the following heads of agreement with him, which will be committed to firm after I have heard from you. The Work to...
I receiv’d yours by Mr B. Muse and am happy to hear that our Nephews are fix’d in Alexandria being more convenient to you, as they are under your direction, when I mentioned their coming to Berkeley in order to be under the direction of Mr Stubbs, it was with a view of lessening the Expence, however as the continuence of Mr Stubbs is uncertain, hope the matter is better Plan’d—think the...
The past week has been rendered important by nothing but some discussions on the subject of British debts. The bill brought in varied from that which miscarried last year 1. by adding provision in favor of the Creditor for securing payment at the dates of the instalments 2 by annexing a clause empowering the Executive to suspend the operation of the Act in case Congress should notify their...
La nommée françoise Rippert, Monsieur, reclame une somme de six cent soixante quinze livres , qui lui est düe pour logement et nourriture fournis en 1779 aux S. Robinson garde marine et john francfort pilote à bord de l’Escadre americaine. M. Jones ayant touché les parts de prises des S. Robinson et francfort vous trouverés juste sans doute, Monsieur, que cet officier soit tenu de payer ce qui...
[ New York, 30 Dec. 1785. Recorded in SJL as received 18 Oct. 1786, “by Wagner.” Not found; this letter is not in Jay’s Journal of Foreign Affairs (DNA: PCC, No. 127).]
7150931st. (Adams Papers)
Finish’d Watts’s logic. Which I have been a long time, about, but have never look’d in it except Saturdays in the afternoon. What I this day read were rules to guide our Reason, and I was much pleased with them. The Ladies went in the afternoon, down to Mr. White’s to see Eliza, who has again been very much indisposed. And now the year has come to a close; one half hour more, and probably...
71510[Diary entry: 31 December 1785] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 31st. Thermometer at in the Morning— at Noon and 37 at Night. A Raw Wind from the Eastwd. blew in the forenoon. Afternoon Calm, but chilly with appearances now & then of a change in the weather. Rid to my Plantations in the Neck Muddy hole, and Ferry. George Steptoe Washington came here to dinner and after it went away the Company that came yesterday. Landed 230 Bushels of Oats today...