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Results 71-80 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am requested by the Board of Managers of the Washington National Monument Society to ask the favor of your signature, as President of the Society, to the accompanying memorial to the General Assembly of Virginia, if you should approve it; and to give it such aid as in your judgment may be proper, and as it may be convenient for you to give. Permit me, Sir, to congratulate myself upon the...
I had the honor, yesterday, to receive your favor of the 31st. ulto. enclosing a letter from Mr. McCleland of Balto. communicating his ideas respecting the Washington Monument, and shall lay it before the Board of Managers. At the meeting of the Board on the 3d. instant, a resolution was proposed to advertise for plans & estimates; but as we cannot yet form a correct idea of the amount of the...
I beg leave to present to you the accompanying speech, in which I have endeavored to maintain the right of petition, as it is recognised in the Constitution. It is not probable that I should have troubled the House with my views on the subject, but for my knowledge of the debates of 1790 in reference to a very similar occasion, and the reliance I placed on the opinion which you then expressed,...
The friends of free principles in the first Congressional district of Ohio in manifestation of their Joy for the emanicipation of their country from the thraldom of the United States Bank the charter of which expires on the 3d. March next have resolved to celebrate the following as the first day of the second great era of American Independance—And as well in high admiration of your Character...
Your long intimacy with Mr. Jefferson, your accordance with him in the principles of civil government, your cordial co-operation in carrying those principles into effect, and lastly, the kindness with which you have answered my inquiries and guided my researches, make it peculiarly proper that I should address to you the following pages. In submitting to you the biography of that friend of...
a paper prepared by Mr. Madison a short time before his death, in which he re-examined the question of the power to establish a Bank—written in consequence of its having been represented, that his signature of the Bank bill proceeded from a change of opinion on his part, of the constitutional power of Congress on that subject— Ms (fragment) (ViU) .
I enclose a letter from Mr. McCleland, of whom I have no knowledge, containing a plan for the Washington Monument. I have merely informed him that I should do so—with an intimation to address to you his further communications on the subject. It has I believe been the practice abroad in such cases to invite a competition from men of genius and taste. With my respects and cordial salutations FC...
I have received Sir your letter of Jany 23d. containing a plan for the proposed Washington Monument. When my appointment as President of the Society was made known to me, I intimated that my acceptance of it was merely as an evidence of the interest I felt in the object, and that in my present condition the appointment could be but honorary. This being every day more and more the case I shall...
I have received the copy of your address to the two branches of the Legislature, which I have read with much pleasure. It is what I should have taken for certain it would be, a very able document, and of a character appropriate to the occasion. I am not sure however, that I ought to congratulate you on the event, which led to the address, since it withdraws your services from a wider theatre,...
I return with thanks the papers you kindly favored me with an opportunity of perusing. They are not without interest tho’ superseded by the mass of information now before the public. I am sorry to find from this, that so much uncertainty still clouds the issue of the controversy with France. Should it fail of an amicable adjustment by the parties themselves, it is quite possible that Great...