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Results 70891-70920 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
70891 Washington, George Clinton, James From George Washington to Colonel James Clinton, 29 … 1776-06-29 The Committee inform Me that no Evidence has appeared against Fletcher Mathews, and desire his...
70892 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 29 June 1776 1776-06-29 I was last night honoured with your favour of the 26 Instant and agreable to your request shall...
70893 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 29 June 1776 1776-06-29 I do myself the Honour of transmitting sundry Resolves, respecting the further Augmentation of...
70894 Washington, George Livingston, Philip From George Washington to Philip Livingston and John … 1776-06-29 Genl Washington presents his Complimts to Mr Livingston & Mr Jay—thanks them most cordially for...
70895 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 29 June … 1776-06-29 Since Col. Reed left this I have Received certain Intelligence from the Hook that about forty of...
70896 Officers and Soldiers of the Second Brigade Washington, George To George Washington from the Officers and Soldiers of … 1776-06-29 New York, 29 June 1776 . “The excerable Conspiracy wherein the Murderer and the Incendiary were...
70897 Tillinghast, Daniel Washington, George To George Washington from Daniel Tillinghast, 29 June … 1776-06-29 By Capt. Lippit of this Town, who is just arrived at Boston from Hallifax, we have certain...
70898 Washington, George General Orders, 30 June 1776 1776-06-30 The Brigadiers are to order the officers and men belonging to their several Brigades (not on...
70899 Washington, George Burnet, William From George Washington to William Burnet, 30 June 1776 1776-06-30 I recd your favor by Mr Treat & cannot but consider the Officer of Mr Franklyn’s guard extremely...
70900 Washington, George Captain of William Franklin’s Guard From George Washington to the Captain of William … 1776-06-30 I understand that the Convention of New-Jersey did resolve that Govr Franklin was an Enemy to the...
70901 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 30 June 1776 1776-06-30 I had the pleasure of receiving your favor of the 29th early this morning with which you have...
70902 Ward, Artemas Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Artemas Ward … 1776-06-30 Your Letter of the twenty third instant I received last Evening, and shall carry your Orders into...
70903 Lamb, Catherine Jandine Washington, George To George Washington from Catherine Jandine Lamb, June … 1776-06-01 [New York, June 1776] . States that her husband, Maj. John Lamb, commander of the Continental...
70904 Washington, George General Orders, 1 July 1776 1776-07-01 The General Court Martial whereof Col. Parsons is President is dissolved—A General Court Martial...
70905 Clinton, James Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel James Clinton, 1 July … 1776-07-01 I have Just now Purchased from Capt. Peter Vredenburgh Nine hundred good Inch white pine Boards...
70906 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 1 July 1776 1776-07-01 I wrote you by the Express on Saturday last, since which nothing has Occurr’d worthy your Notice...
70907 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 1 July 1776 1776-07-01 This will be delivered to you by Monsr Antoine Felis Wiebert, a French Gentleman, who brings such...
70908 Lee, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Charles Lee, 1 … 1776-07-01 I have the happiness to congratulate You on a very signal success (if I may not call it a...
70909 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1776-07-01 On Friday Evening I received a Line from General Sullivan, Copy whereof I have the Honor to...
70910 Washington, George Ward, Artemas From George Washington to Major General Artemas Ward, 1 … 1776-07-01 I received your favors of the 20 & 23 Ulto and am happy to hear of the further success of our...
70911 Washington, George General Orders, 2 July 1776 1776-07-02 Genl Mifflin is to repair to the post near Kingsbridge and use his utmost endeavours to forward...
70912 Bullitt, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Thomas Bullitt, 2 … 1776-07-02 My having Early in Life ingaged in the Last war under you, and the present one we are Ingaged in,...
70913 Massachusetts General Court Washington, George To George Washington from the Massachusetts General … 1776-07-02 The General Court in Compliance with the resolve of Congress appointed Committees to go into the...
70914 Mifflin, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Thomas … 1776-07-02 I find the Works well advanced but not in a State of Defence—The Teems allotted to them have been...
70915 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1776-07-02 An Hour after the Post was gone the Express arrived with Your Favor of the 28th Continued to the...
70916 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General John … 1776-07-02 I have from time to time Endeavoured to give your Excellencey the Earliest Intelligence of our...
70917 Wentworth, Joshua Washington, George To George Washington from Joshua Wentworth, 2 July 1776 1776-07-02 I was Honour’d with your favor of 15t. Ulto ⅌ post, Inclosing resolves of The Honble Continental...
70918 Washington, George General Orders, 3 July 1776 1776-07-03 The Director General of the Hospital having laid before the General, a plan of conduct for the...
70919 Elizabethtown Committee of Safety Washington, George To George Washington from the Elizabethtown Committee … 1776-07-03 This Morning we have been Alarmd with a Party of the Enemy landing on Staten Island & proceeding...
70920 Fredericksburg Precinct Committee of Safety Washington, George To George Washington from the Fredericksburg Precinct … 1776-07-03 Whereas at a Meeting of the Committee of Fredricksburgh Precinct July 3d 1776 a Gentleman of...