John Jay Papers

Secret Committee Appointment of Jacobus Van Zandt, Augustine Laurence, and Samuel Tudor, 22 July 1776

Secret Committee Appointment of Jacobus Van Zandt, Augustine Laurence, and Samuel Tudor

[Poghkeepsie, 22d. July. 1776]

The Convention of the State of New York having by a Resolution of the 16th. day of July instant appointed us a Committee among other Things to devise means for Fortifying the Hudson River; and Obstructing its Navigation and for carrying the same into Execution—We have thought it Necessary to appoint and do hereby appoint Jacobus Van Zandt Augustine Lawrence & Samuel Tudor or any two of them to superintend the following Works (under the direction of such of the Members of this Committee as may remain or be at Poghkeepsie—

1st. The making a Chain to fix across Hudsons River at that most convenient place near fort Montgomery and fixing that same, and if it should be found impracticable at or near the said Fort, then to fix the same at or near Fort Constitution.

2d. The building and fitting out Ten Fire Rafts and preparing such Vessels as they may be furnished with for Fire Ships, and sending the same down to Fort Constitution as soon as made—also to get 12 fire: Grapling Irons made, and to get carriages made for the Cannon expected from Salisbury—

3d. The making 100 oars for the Use of the Forts Constitution and Montgomery,

4th. To get 4000 Fire Arrows made and fixed—

If it should happen that, none of this Committee should be at Poghkeepsie, in that case the said Van Zandt, Lawrence & Tudor are directed to inform the Chairman of this Committee, or any of the Members, of the Measures they have taken in consequence this appointment, And we hereby engage for and in behalf of the State of New York to defray the Expence attending the Execution of this Work as well as to make to the said Van Zandt Lawrence & Tudor a Reasonable allowance for their trouble—

Robert Yates Robert R Livingston
Chairman Gilbert Livingston
Christr. Tappan John Jay

DS, in the hand of Robert Yates, N (EJ: 965).

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