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Results 70851-70880 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
On the 20th Inst. I received Your two Favors of the 15th & 17th by Bennet, & Yesterday Evening...
Yesterday at two O’Clock in the Afternoon I received a Line from Colonel Wynkoop by a returning...
It is with the greatest pain I inform you that after our retreat from Canada, to this place, of...
70854General Orders, 25 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Militia Officers of the adjoining provinces who are to reinforce this army, are upon their...
By this express, you will receive advice From Genl Schuyler of our evacuateing Canada, an event...
I this morning recd yours of the 28 Ulto and approve the measures you had adopted for opening the...
Agreeable to your Excellencys Desire I have called together the Committee of the County of Essex...
I received yours of the 20 Instt and in answer thereto request you to draw out of your Regiment...
I have to acquaint your Excellency that the Delay of Dischardging the pay Roll of the Regiment...
Your Favour of the 21st Inst. by Mr Bennet with the Enclosure were duely received and laid before...
About an Hour ago General Arnold, who is arrived here from Canada sent me a Letter from General...
This morning at Day break I rece’d your Excellencys favour of the 16 Instant—am Extremely...
I this morning Received Information that One or more Boats have pass’d thro: the Narrows in...
70864General Orders, 26 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
Agreeable to a Resolve of the Honorable the Continental Congress, no Certificates of Expences are...
You will perceive by the enclosed Resolves, which I do myself the Honour of transmitting in...
Being in the greatest distress here for Arms without the most distant prospect of obtaining a...
70867General Orders, 27 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
Several persons having been detained by Sentries, notwithstanding their having given the...
70868Council of War, 27 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of General Officers, held at Head Quarters June 27. 1776. Present his Excelle....
The Warrant you Sent me Against Fletcher Mathews Esqr. I Executed Agreble to Your Excellencys...
Since I wrote to You I Rece[ive]d the within Letter but I think it Necessary to have Your Orders...
Since our Last We have In Company with Capt. Rogers of the Arm’d Sloop Montgomery Retaken 4...
I this morning received by Express Letters from Genls Schuyler & Arnold, with a Copy of one from...
Upon information that Major Rogers was travelling thro’ the Country under suspicious...
For God’s Sake! If it is possible Let all Ward’s People be instantly orderd to Canada or to Some...
In Considering the Several Matters which your Excellency has been pleased to referr to us; we do...
Congress having disapproved the Proceedings of the Commissioners at Albany on the 13th instant,...
I have Directed The Commissary General to give me information of the Value of Rations as he...
Having received information of your being appointed to Command the Militia to be furnished by...
⟨The Necessity of the most vigorous⟩ & decisive Measures in our present Cir⟨cumstances⟩ will I...
70880General Orders, 28 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
The unhappy Fate of Thomas Hickey, executed this day for Mutiny, Sedetion and Treachery; the...