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Results 70851-70880 of 184,431 sorted by author
It occurs to me that it may not be perfectly prudent to say that we are never to expect Favors...
Since my last to you before you left Paris, I have been favored with no Letters from you except a...
I have been favored with your very polite & obliging Letter by the Return of my Courier. None of...
Philadelphia, 24 June 1779 . Circular to the state executives enclosing resolve of Congress, 22...
We are inform d . that a considerable Quantity of Drugs & Medicines are in y r . Possession...
The English Packet which arrived the Day before Yesterday, brought me no Letters from M r ....
I have written many Letters to my Friends in the State of New York since I left America, but have...
Altho I could write to you a long Letter, and on interesting Subjects, yet the Liberties often...
The Secretary of the United States for the Department of foreign Affairs, to whom was referred...
Men have universally and in all Ages agreed and concurred in ascribing Light to the...
The honour confered on me by the Managers of the American Bible Society in placing me at the head...
My last to you was of the 26 Ult. in which I mentioned the Dates of the Letters with which you...
I lately sent you five or six copies of the last Edition of my Pamphlet. I then supposed it to be...
Notes of a Conference between His Excellency the Count De Florida Blanca and M r . Jay at S t ....
It gave me great Pleasure to recieve your friendly Letter of the 23rd last Month. As your Father...
[ Albany, March 10, 1800. Jay’s endorsement on Hamilton’s letter to him of March 4, 1800, reads:...
Letter not found: from John Jay and Rufus King, 27 Jan. 1794. In his letter to Henry Knox of 15...
Articles agreed upon by and between Richard Oswald Esq r ., the Commissioner of His Britannic...
The Convention of the State of New York having by a Resolution of the 16 th . day of July instant...
I have rec d : your letter of the 22 nd : Ins t : informing me that “the Corporation of the City...
My last to you was dated the 14th. of last Month, since which I have received and laid before...
By the Mail, next to the one which brought me a Letter from Mr. Duane, I transmitted a copy of it...
I have rec d . Yours of the 26 ult. The one by Cap t Dusenbury, and this morning that of the 6 th...
My last to you was a short Letter by M r John Penn, who I suppose is near america by this Time—...
The Necessity of speedily providing accommodations here both for myself & the Gent. of Congress,...
[ illegible ] ^[ illegible ]^ after my Return from Ph a ., and just as I was about setting out...
CERTAIN late publications render it proper for us to authorize to inform the Public, that a...
We have hired for a Year the new House of the honorable Walter Livingston Esquire in the Broad...
The answer of John Jay, who, was one of the Commissioners by whom the Treaty of Peace between...
To contemplate offences, and to prescribe punishments are unpleasing but necessary Tasks; being...