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Results 7021-7050 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The package, containing your various beautiful presents, is arrived— I have distributed them according to your desire, and am requested to return the most grateful acknowledgements, and to tell you that being given by you, renders them peculiarly valuable— Accept my thanks my beloved friend, they are the return I can offer except the most tender and sincere affection— As a token of your...
I hope you will not deem it intrusion to address you upon a subject which is of great consequence to me, and must interest your feelings on the principles of Commiseration and Benevolence: a subject which necessity impells me to expatiate upon—and maternal affection dictates. It is Sir, to solicit, (earnestly) an office for M r: Clarkson to enable him to support a Family of young Chilldren—...
I have no Letter this Week and begin to fear that your Respect to our late P. has laid a foundation for a Sick Spring and Summer. Sometimes too I am jealous of unfair Play in the Post office to prevent me from hearing from you at the most critical Period of my Life. The public Papers must give you an Account of Proceedings, which I am wholly unable to describe. What Judgment is form’d of my...
Yesterday only I rec d yours of March 1.— am surprized you should have rec d none from me from 11. Feb. I have written never less than once a Week, seldom less than twice and 9 Weeks out of 10, three times, ever Since I left you. The Roads or some irregularity of the Post must have occasioned your disappointment. I hope you will obtain Mr Mears, but I must leave every Thing to you— The Load of...
After a week of anxious expectation, I received by last Thursdays post, a packet containing three News papers a pamphlet, two excellent Letters from our Dear sons, and fourteen lines from a hand, from which I was desirious of receiving, fourteen times as much. unreasonable do you exclaim! Publick Buisness, publick cares, allow’d, but there is a kind of communication and intercourse which is a...
Dr Tufts has been consulted by me respecting the leaseing our places, and we have come to an agreement with the Tennants, who in proportion to the rise of Labour & produce, Annually expect more & more indulgences. a Farmer cannot be content with the profits he once made. he will tell you, the Day Labourer fares better, which is true. I meet with so many difficulties, that I wish Sometimes that...
I am So constantly engaged in Business most of which is new to me, that it Seems as if it was impossible to find time to write even to you— Yet I believe I write every Post. It proves to be a tedious Business to clear the Presidents house for me. I am now told it will not be ready this Week. You will See by the Gazette how the new Pensilvania House is disposed of. The Weather is bad— I have a...
It is nearly a fortnight since I received your letter of the 17 th: of last month. The two last Posts from Bremen have brought no English Letters, and while the wind remains in the quarter to which it has been fixed these ten days I can have no hopes of being more fortunate in hearing from you. These Easterly winds bring a clear sky and a brisk air with them.— Yet they are to me more dull and...
I have repeatedly perused your letter of the 27 of February, which afforded me infinite pleasure, as it perfectly coincides with my sentiments— Let me again assure you my best friend, that you shall never more be offended by an assertion of Spirit, that I in reality do not possess, and permit me to request, you will cease to mention a subject, which has already cost me so much pain, and for...
I received some time since your letter of the 21 st of Febuary—and am very happy to find that you suppose my apprehensions respecting any embarrassments which may be thrown in your way are premature— I have heard from all quarters that the Choice of President has been highly approved of and is perfectly Sattisfactory to all parties even the most violent Democrats in New York have expressed...
The vessel which was up for Hamburgh by which I promised to write has changed her Voyage, and the vessel for London is just upon the point of sailing, so that I have only time to inform you that your old Friend William Vans Murray is appointed your successer. This will give you pleasure, because he is a sensible Worthy Man, and a firm Friend to his Country. You will now be released, and...
I inclose to you a pamphlet, The correspondence between the Secretary of state, and the French Minister, for my son J Q Adams. if upon receiving it, you have reason to think he has allready had it; from any other hand, you will retain it, untill his arrival in England. William Vans Murray, of the state of Maryland, is appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to the Batavian Republick. This Gentleman...
To wish you Joy on your advancement to the high Station you now hold will perhaps, at present, be premature; I shall therefore rather wish you Patience. The comprehensive and clear Views that you have acquired from an accurate Examination of all the ancient Forms of Government and their consequences in actual operation, and your great Experience in the modern Systems that have been exhibited,...
I have yours of the 6 th. by the Post of this day. I have proposed to Brisler to give him 300 dollars and pay the Expences of his Wife and Children to this Place and back again to Quincy, when they return— And He and his Wife and Children are to live in the Family. This is pretty well— I must and will have him. I am peremptorily for excluding all blacks and Molattoes. I hope to get into the...
Your kind favors of October 28. & November 11. of the past year, have been some weeks in my possession. I am not, nor can I conveniently be, so good a correspondent as my brother, whose frequent and copious communications exhaust most of the subjects upon which I should feel disposed to write you myself, I think it is my duty nevertheless not to suffer any considerable period to pass, without...
I received by the post yours of March 3 d & 5 th I had previously received the speach which I think well calculated to do great Good. I am much out of the way of hearing the observations which will be made upon it. as it is a publication to the people, of your real sentiments & opinions I hope it will be considerd and believed as such, and have a tendency to remove prejudices. I do not wonder...
I have successively received your Letters of the 28 th: and 24 th: of last month, which I mention thus in inverted order because they so came to me, and the latest of date was the first here.— It must indeed be an implacable breast which such a Letter as this would not disarm of all resentment.— I have hailed and welcomed it as the pledge of uninterrupted future harmony between us. You have...
I have recieved your letter of the 6 which gave me infinite satisfaction your approbation love and esteem being my greatest ambition and delight— My father talks of embarking early in July and preparations are making for our removal— I almost wish the time was arrived— though I know the advantages resulting from it, to the whole family, I cannot help regreting the necessity, of our renewed...
Last night for the first time I slept in our new House.— But what a Scene! The Furniture belonging to the Publick is in the most deplorable Condition— There is not a Chair fit to sit in. The Beds and Bedding are in a woeful Pickle. This House has been a scene of the most scandalous Drunkenness and Disorder among the servants, that ever I heard of. I would not have one of them for any...
I received by this Days post your Letters of the 9 th 11 th and 13 th , that of the 13 th I hoped would have containd a post Note that my word which I had given for the payment of Haydens Note, and to the collecters of Taxes might not be forfeited. yesterday the collector calld upon me for the 2 d Time. I told him I could not pay him, but that I would in the course of the Month, relying upon...
I take my pen to make a Recuest to you in Behalf of Elisha adams as you are in high Surcomestances I was affraid to Right Butt have Ben [Prevld?] with to Dear madam the Case is this Elisha adams has Bought a Plase which he agred to give 1600 hundrede Dollers and has Paid 800 Dollers Try Be So kind as to Lend him 4 or 5 hundrede Dollers tis Not in my Power to Let him have the money I Shuld be...
I have neither Seen or heard of any unpleasent remarks or strictures upon your late addresses. what may be reserved for hereafter I know not. the Chronical has been quite favourable, drawing however wrong inferences that your administration would be very different from your predecessors. the impression made upon the minds of the publick as far as I can learn them, have been highly favourable,...
You will See by the Proclamation in the Public Papers that I have been obliged to convene Congress on the 15 th of May, and as it is probable they will Sitt till the Middle of July, this measure must make an entire change in all our Arrangements There are so many Things to do in furnishing the House in which I want your Advice, and on so many other Accounts it is improper We should live in a...
The official account is arrived and your Father and M r. Jefferson are Elected President and Vice President In a letter from M r J. to your father, he says “notwithstanding the efforts of his enemies to make the people believe otherwise, he aspires to no higher post than that of Vice President. that he will serve with pleasure under M r. Adams, and he flatters himself they shall act together,...
With my borrowed Money I have just paid the collector my tax Bill. I have the satisfaction to know that I did not borrow it to pay any expences of my own creating, but having been twice before call’d upon, I could not submit to a third, without discharging it. I have not any Letter from you of a later date than the 17 th nor do I expect to get an other untill the 4 th of April. the weather is...
M r Murray of Maryland, your old Friend, with whom you form’d your first acquaintance at the Hague is to Succeed you. That Gentleman has been So long a Member of Congress and has given Such Proofs of Talents, amiable dispositions, and patriotic Sentiments, as qualify him to do honour to the Mission, as well as to his Predecessor. It would have been enough to have Said that he is well chosen to...
I am very much concerned, least you as well as your Brother, should think hard of me, for neglecting so long to write to you, but the multiplied Cares and engagements of Life added to indifferent health must plead my Excuse M r: Murray is to take the place of your Brother, and M r. Dandridge is to be his private Secretary, your brother will go to Lisbon, and you I hope will return to...
I received at once, and with the utmost pleasure your two Letters of the 7 th: and 14 th: of this month. The tenderness and affection with which you assure me that you participate in my anxieties, sheds among them a gleam of the purest consolation The American Election is decided, and has been declared in the manner which I have mentioned to you in former Letters. All my friends here...
Monday Morning, the most agreable in the Week because it brings me Letters from you, has not failed me to day. I have yours of 23 and 25 March. The Correspondence with Plymouth amused me much— The Answer is Superiour to the Letter both in Delicacy, and keenness.— You might have told her, if Chance decides in Elections, it is no better than Descent. But she knows not what she wants. The Letter...
The proclamation of the 25 of March, which is published in the Centinal of April 1 st has excited many anxious thoughts in my Mind. What would I give for an hours conversation it would tend to alleviate my apprehensions. I feel as if I could fly in all our many seperations. I have experienced a variety of anxieties. I thought there could be nothing New to feel, but there is now such a...