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Results 7021-7050 of 184,431 sorted by author
7021Decr. 21. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Visited Mr. Jay and then went out to Passy to shew Dr. Franklin, Mr. Dana’s Letter. The Dr. and I...
The Sight of a well known hand, made my heart leap, before I opened your Letter of the 6th. the...
Within a few days I have rec d your Favour of the 16 of August, with the Resolve of the General...
News Paper. Jacobite Party. Kent . Odd that Edes and Gill should desire him to be of no Party....
I received your favour of the 28 March, some days ago, and thank you for your kind...
I thank you for your favour of the 8th. I believe my Letters to you, were carried faithfully...
70271783. October 20. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Set out with my Son and one Servant, Leveque, on a Journey to London. We went from Auteuil, thro...
I have rec d yours of the 10 th and a Cordial it was, for I began to be fearful for your health....
The Subscriber, Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, has the Honour to...
The Old Folk, returning last Evening from an Airing which has become daily necessary for both, to...
A Stranger, having particular Occasion to Speak with the Broker, who, Some time Since, negotiated...
The inclosed Letters No. 6. 7 8 and 9, especially the last, contain Information of so much...
The Refugees in England are so great an obstacle to Peace, that it seems not improper for me to...
I forgot in my last to remark, a very trifling Inaccuracy in yours of June 27 th . The Letter...
Although unfortunately my eyes have been so ill that I could not read, yet I have had the...
I have this day received from the Post Office, three copies of the sketches which with twelve...
Broken to Pieces and worn out, with the Diseases engendered by the tainted Atmosphere of...
By the last post I received your letter of January 17 th , and was as much surprised at the...
I have recd your favour of this morning; and in Answer inform you that I have not recd an Answer...
7040Monday. Oct. 12. (Adams Papers)
Samuel Harding of Welfleet Cape Cod says that Mr. Robert Bartholomew or Bartlemé, and Incleby of...
Plan of a Negotiation to the Amoúnt of One Million Gilders. at the Charge of the United States of...
I have just now rec d your favour of the 12 th. The Mail from the Eastward has been unusually...
Your favour of the 4 th. arrived by Yesterdays post. The Votes on the important day you mention,...
This is a Treaty of Peace & Friendship, established between Us and the United States of America,...
Your favour of 28th. June has given me more pleasure than you can imagin; I am delighted to find...
M r. Francis Upton, a Gentleman recommended to me by M r: Hartley, will have the Honour to...
I have long entertained scruples about writing this letter, upon a subject of some delicacy. But...
Yesterday I went to Court in Company with the American Minister Plenipotentiary, and had the...
Margaret (Smyth) Bingham , wife of an Irish peer, the first Baron Lucan, was better known for her...
In the letter which I did myself the honor to write you, on the 15 th. I did not think proper to...