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Results 7021-7070 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I wrote you in my last that we were about raising every fifth Man of our Alarm and Train Band List to go to the Aid of the Army at New York. Except from some remote Counties and Seaport Towns. We have now Concluded that Business. The orders are gone out and they are now Executeing, only one Regiment of them are to be taken to go to Rhode Island. That there should be no failure in this Business...
It is no less a duty which I owe to myself, than to those, my fellow Citizens and fellow Captives, with me here : that I am at present induced to address you, the subject cruel as it is, can by no means whatever be Justified, nor could either my fellow Captives, or self, have conceived the most distant Idea, that a person of such distinguished abilities, and honored as you are by the call of...
There are seven Captains wanted, and they must be soon called into service.—There are wanted also, a great many Lieutenants, & several Masters & Commandants. Lieutenant Prebble, originally appointed first Lieutenant of the Constitution, from all the information I can receive of him, ought to have been a Captain from the beginning Lieutenant Rogers, appointed first Lieutenant of the...
Your favor of the 4 th. inst. came to hand yesterday. I now inclose you the two Arrets against the importation of foreign manufactures into this kingdom. the cause of the balance against this country in favor of England as well as it’s amount is not agreed on. no doubt the rage for English manufactures must be a principal cause. the speculators in Exchange say also that those of the...
By the enclosed Sketch of this weeks proceedings you find no great business perfected, or even began. On Monday the Senate are going upon weights & Measures, The House of Representative have taken up the judiciary as they are fond of puting the first finger in every pie. Your friend are in hope and expectation that you are on the Road & in hope of seeing you soon I remain with compliments to...
I last Evening received Your favours of April 21, 23, 24 & 26 th . I think an other week will discover the Sense of the people so fully, that the Representitives can no longer delay to perform their part. I have not on any occasion Seen so general and universal an allarm. The people have waited During a Months Debate with patience and temper, expecting that in the End, the House would comply,...
I received the Letter you did me the Honour of writing to me by Capt. Jones, and immediately answer’d it, acquainting you that my Packets contain’d no Commission, nor any Mention of one. I have just receiv’d another Letter from you, dated the 14th past, with a Number of Dispatches, but they are Duplicates only and as old as July; they contain nothing of the Commission neither, except the Vote...
I receivd last night your letter of the 21st. inclosing one from Genl. Forrest & one from Mr. Wilmer which I return to you. As the applicants for the office of Marshal for this district are almost entirely unknown to me I thought it most proper to consult Mr. Stoddart on the subject. He says that Mr. Chase is, he beleives, qualified for the office, but that in his opinion it woud be...
J’ai traduit ce jour ci une lettre d’un armateur américain à Nantes, en datte du 8. août, qui se plaint que deux de ses vaisseaux lui ont étá enlevés en sortant de Pamboeuf, et demande certaines facilités pour la Courses. Il m’a été impossible de lire Sa Signature, et c’est la seconde fois que je me trouve dans cet embarras. Je l’ai figurée sur le papier ci joint, pour vous prier de vouloir...
I have received from Benjn Austin Esqr, for your perusal, a collection of News papers, printed by Benjn Edes of Watertown, between the 5th June 1775 & the 9th of Decr 1776; & have committed them to the care of Mr Marston. The privateering act which I formerly mentioned, is printed in the Gazette of the 13th of Novr 1775. I shall probably be absent at the time you may wish to return this book...
I recd your letter with the correspondence of Gennet for wch am much obliged to you but being put into the post it cost 19S which the captains often do as soon as they come to Land— how mine was delayed know not beleive it was by a private hand. The communication by letters is exceeding dangerous the habeas corpus bill being suspended, wch gives power equal to lettres de cachet & it is used...
My son Richard who has been a customer for the Aurora ever since he lived at the Jersey College, after reading your last letter, brought the enclosed papers from his office, and requested me to forward them to you. I have lately met with an account of the brain of Voltaire being preserved by a Lady in a France, and showed to her friends as an object of affection and adoration. The author of...
Major Swett, being about to embark for Boston, in the Galen, has been good enough to take charge of this Letter, and of two packages, addressed to you; one containing Tucker’s Light of Nature, and the other a piece of Cloth, for my brother. I have not been able to wade through the Book: but I plunged about half way into it—An inflamation of the eyes then seized me, which compelled me to...
We the Mayor, Aldermen, Common Council, & Freemen of the City of Vergennes in the County of Addison and State of Vermont; though deeply impressed with the train of lawless and unprovoked aggressions of the French nation upon our lawfull commerce, the repeated Insults upon our Government, the neglect, & even studied contempt, with which our Messengers of peace and accomodation have been...
I have long been acquainted with Samuel Bayard Esq. of New Rochelle, in the State of New York, where he has Settled with and has an amiable Family, having married Miss Pintard of that Place, a Relation of the Family of Mr. Boudinot, Director of the Mint.—He has had a Liberal Education. He practiced Law a Number of Years, at the Bar of Pensylvania—Served Six Years as Clerk of the Supreme Court...
That your Memorialist and Petitioner came from London to America early in the Year 1794 to endeavour to recover Debts due to him at that time to the Amount of upward of Five Thousand Pounds—and that he has not been able (by all his exertions) to recover 5 per Ct. in real value, but has been obliged to labour hard for a very scanty Living, since he was upwards of 50 Years of Age (tho’ not ever...
Thro’ the hurry and confusion of one retreat after another I have omitted to answer your last favor. You are pleas’d to desire a list of the Officers from Massachusetts Bay noting such as bid fair to rise superior to the commonality. I have endevor’d to procure the whole list but in vain. The General sometime since order’d a list to be given in of the Officers of evry Regiment in Order to go...
A month’s absence from Monticello has added to the delay of acknoleging your last letters; and indeed for a month before I left it our projected College gave me constant employment; for being the only Visitor in it’s immediate neighborhood, all it’s administrative business falls on me, and that, where building is going on, is not a little. in yours of July 15. you express a wish to see our...
Compliments to the Vice-President. Enclosed is the curious and Insulting Letter mentioned yesterday Evening. AL , MHi : Adams Papers. The date is taken from the docket, which reads: “16 Feb. 1797”. GW enclosed a copy of Thomas Paine’s letter to him of 20 Sept. 1795 . In that letter, Paine denounced GW’s alleged indifference and inaction vis-à-vis his imprisonment in France, and accused GW of...
Were it not that I am well acquainted with the illustrious place you deservedly hold, in the annals of your Country; and that I know also, that your whole life; in its dawn; meridian; and (according to the limited age of man) your matured days, were devoted, and most usefully devoted, to the best interests of your Country; I should not trouble you with this letter:—I have addressed more than...
I have taken up my pen again to relieve the anxiety of a Heart too susceptable for its own repose, nor can I help complaining to my Dearest Friend that his painfull absence is not as formerly alleiviated by the tender tokens of his Friendship, 3 very short Letters only have reachd my Hands during 9 months absence. I cannot be so unjust to his affection as to suppose he has not wrote much...
I shall not in my great hurry repeat to you any of the matters which I have written to Mr. S. Adams as you can have them, on sight of him. I expected Brother Geary would have written to you but he has just requested me to inclose two Letters which he opened in consequence of your orders; and to give his Compliments to you begging your excuse of his further silence as he is preparing to go on a...
You know, dear sir, that the interests of America have been ours as well, ever since the start of its glorious revolutionary era. The foremost reason for this sentiment is the natural demand of wanting justice to prevail over oppression and tyranny. We see only unhappy men. Our satisfaction is the happiness and liberty of free men, men that they wanted to subject to the shame of slavery. We...
Messrs. Willings & Francis of this city have undertaken to prepare a fast sailing vessel, of a moderate size, to go to the Isle of France, with a cargo estimated to defray the expence of the voyage, in order to carry thither a suitable person as the agent of the United States, to propose a renewal of our commercial intercourse with that Island.—They have brought to me a very pointed...
I have had the honour to receive your several letters under date of the 13th 14th 17th and 21st of September and also of the 4th. 5th. 10th & 12th of Octbr. instant. I shall give the earliest consideration to the objects suggested in your letter of the 10th (which came to hand yesterday) and write you thereon as soon as possible. With respect to this sickness at Philadelphia, that may as well...
This will be handed you by young Monsieur de Tronchin, son to a gentleman of that name here who is minister for the republic of Geneva, resident at this court. The son is now in England as a traveller. He is personally unknown to me; but what I hear of him from others, together with my acquaintance with, and respect for, his father, induces me to recommend him to your notice. I do this the...
I am much obliged to You for the Very Agreable Acquaintance of Mr Theodore Lyman; to Him I Will Be Under obligation for the kind Care He takes to forward this Letter: He lives in the Capital: I in the Country Where the pleasure and occupation of farming are to Me a Continual source of Enjoyment. Not So Exclusive However as to Render me insensible of What is Going on in the political line. our...
I have the Honour to enclose a Letter from Mr. Harper recommending Mr. Cook to be the District Judge of Maryland.... I agree with Mr. Harper, that whoever may be appointed the residence of the Judge ought to be in Baltimore. I have the honour to be with / great respect / Sir, / your obedt. Sert. MHi : Adams Papers.
The dispatches you will receive with this, were sent to me by Colo. Lawrens, last evening, some of them he brought from America, the others came in the Duke of Leinster directly from Philadelphia. If I have not a good oportunity before, I will send them on, next week, by Mr. Searle, who will then certainly set off for Amsterdam, unless he shou’d be too sick to travel. His indisposition has...
Knowing your intimate acquaintance with subjects of divinity, and believing that no individual has a more correct knowledge of the history of theology in our country than yourself, I presume to offer to your acceptance a volume of sermons. I present them, not on account of their worth, but as a token of personal respect. Fervently praying that you may on earth enjoy the consolations & comforts...
my Last Letter was written to you in Bed I write this from my chair, my fever is leaving me and I am mending So that I can set up the chief of the day. the dr says it was the unexpected News of mrs smiths return that had so happy an effect upon me as to Break my fever. I am languid & weak but hope to be well by the Time you return. I shall forward my next Letter to you, to be left at N york as...
Upon perusing with more attention a letter from Judge Lowell which I had the honor to mention to you, it appears to me to be a duty not only to him but to the Executive, to communicate the letter itself under his hand, as it seems to contain not merely an expression of his wishes in relation to the office of Circuit Judge, but an eventual resignation of his office, which he relies upon me to...
I have the honor herewith, to transmit You, a Copy of the report of a Committee, of the house of Assembly of Jamaica—appointed to inquire into the State of that Colony—as to trade, Navigation, Culture &c, which I presume cannot be unacceptable to you. It appears sir to me, from the various Observations I have made, in the different West India Islands—that the inhabitants cannot exist, without...
On the arrival of Mr. Boylston I carried him to the Marquis de la Fayette, and received from him communications of his object. This was to get a remission of the duties on his cargo of oil, and he was willing to propose a future contract. I proposed however to the Marquis, when we were alone, that instead of wasting our efforts on individual applications, we had better take it up on general...
I Have Been Very Happy to See You, and altho’ I Regretted The Shortness of My Visit, and the absence of Your Son, I Have Cordially Enjoy’d, More indeed than I Can Express it, the pleasure to Embrace My old Respected friend and Revolutionary Companion. This letter is Entrusted to Clol Huger Whose Noble Enterprise, Sufferings, and dangers at olmutz You Well know. I am Returned from an Excursion...
Some months have elapsed since I recieved your very obliging favour of May 1786. I have followed the advice of you & your friend Doct Price in bringing forward a publication of my Poem in America. The Edition is nearly disposed of. I take the liberty of addressing to your care a bundle of the Books, one of which be pleased to accept, & the others I wish to have conveyed to the persons to whom...
I am desirous of knowing whether you ever received from me a parcel of selected News-papers, and pieces cut out of News-papers, by the sloop of war that brought out the Dutch Minister, commanded by Captn. Baker? I am curious to know, because there were efforts to prevent any but high federal papers being sent, by those Americans in Boston, through whose hands all letters & packets passed...
J’espere, qúe ma lettre, qúe j’ai eú l’honneúr de Voús ecrire mardi passé, voús Sera bien parvenúe. Voús ÿ aures Vú, Monsieúr, qu’en consequence des eclaircissements, qúe Monsieúr Dú Mas m’a donné, des raisons, qúi Voús ont empesché de remettre Votre Lettre de Rappel, avant qúe de remettre Votre Lettre de Creance aú Roi d’Angleterre, leúrs Haútes Púissances Se trouvoient Satisfaites, et qu’il...
I avail myself of the first leisure hour I have had since the Conclusion of my lectures to acknowledge your last favor. I shall begin my Answer to it by answering the question with which you concluded it. The Barilla is a native of the seacoast of the United States. It is to be found on the shores of Massachusetts, and of the Delaware states. From the interest you have kindly taken in my...
I should not perhaps have troubled you with my thanks particularly for your kind answers to my queries respecting Liberty trees; if you had not mentioned the “Letters on the Eastern States.” The work was published anonymously, and I wished to remain unknown as the author, but this seems to have been an absurd expectation on my part, as most of my acquaintances, insist that they detect me in...
The following was the return of the Greenland Fishery on the 17 th of June last. made here London ships Number of Fish Whitby Ships Number of Fish Broderick 5 Ann & Elizabeth 2 John and Margaret 7 El Falconberg 2 Butterworth 3 Resolution
I have the honor to inform your Excellency, that I have concluded a contract with Messrs. Thomas and John Ketland, for supplying the State of Pennsylvania with ten thousand stands of arms; and to request that you will favor me with a letter to the American Minister at the Court of London, for the purpose of engaging his influence to obtain the necessary permit for exporting the arms from Great...
In answer to your Letter of 17 which I received last evening I have only to beg that you will keep up your spirits and make every exertion to remove the impressions which your father received during his visit to Cambridge and which he is too just to retain if you convince him by your application and industry that those impressions are incorrect—Your frequent and injudicious declarations that...
I wrote to you under the date of the 20th. inst. and sent it to the post office, but arriving there a few minutes too late to be forwarded by the mail it was returned. I now forward it under cover with this. There is a sentence in your favour of the 11th. demanding my particular attention:—“When you told me,” you observe, “that my Letter had been a topick at Boston, and given rise to free...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft), press copy, and incomplete copy: Library of Congress I received the Honour of yours, with an Account of the Bills you have to pay. I have accepted your Drafts for 77,000 Crowns, at 15 Days Date. The Shortness of the Term is inconvenient; and as our Money comes to hand by Degrees, and these unexpected Demands from Holland and Spain oblige me to...
You will forgive my long delay in replying to your very interesting & confidential favor of the 18th. March:—I was reluctant to write until I could inform you that I had made some progress in the work so honorably confided to me by the Nation. You justly observe that the intended size of the paintings appears to you vast:—They will considerably exceed the dimensions of the descent from the...
Christmas Day I sit down to offer you the compliments of the season, in the most respectful, cordial, and friendly way in which they can be tendered. May you live to see many Christmases more, and may each find you in possession of health to enjoy the blessings and fame that surround you; of the faculties of a mind more full of wisdom as age continues to come over it; and of a heart still, as...
As you may possibly harbour some suspicions that a certain passage in your intercepted letters have made some disagreeable impressions on my mind I think it necessary to assure You that it is quite the reverse. Untill the bulk of Mankind is much alter’d I consider your the reputation of being whimsical and eccentric rather as a panegyric than sarcasm and my love of Dogs passes with me as a...
I received your letter of last evening; & have written to Mr. King on the subject of a Danish Consul—The letter to go by the British packet, which will not sail till next Saturday. To-day I received a letter from Mr. Winchester, acknowledging the receipt of your commission, constituting him Judge of the Maryland District. He concludes—“Be pleased, sir, to communicate to the President my...
Zeer lang, heb ik vierrig en hartelijk gewenscht, in Noord America te zijn; maar noojt is mijn wensch vervult: voor grote 3 maanden geliet het zig als ofick er kommen zou; ik verzochte den Heer Willem Hooft (die mij kent) zijn welE: mogte mij daar toe verhelpen die Heer sturde mij naar den Heer Jan de Nuviele, die mij ooik niet alleen mijn verzoek gratie selijk toe stond; maar mij daar en...