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Results 6991-7020 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society échapé des mains de nos ennemis je prens la liberté de vous addresser le memoire ci joint, supliant Votre excellence de vouloir bien y jetter les yeux, et m’honnorer de ses ordres que j’attens avec autant d’empressement que j’en ai a vous prier d’agrèer les assurances des sentimens de la parfaite vénération et du profond respect avec lesquels je suis...
6992[Diary entry: 7 November 1787] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 7th. Thermometer at 46 in the Morning—57 at Noon and 60 at Night. A Very thick fog in the morning, & but little wind all day—the fog continuing till near 12 oclock. Rid to Muddy hole, Dogue run, Frenchs and the Ferry. At Muddy hole 2 plows only at work—the other hands getting Corn in the New ground in front of the Mansion house. At Morris 4 plows were at Work. All the other hands...
New Bern [ North Carolina ] May 20, 1794 . “Agreeable to your letter dated April 3rd. I have appointed John Wallace Agent for Imploying workmen supplying materials &c for the fortifications to be erected at Ocacoke.… Copy, RG 56, Letters from the Collector at New Bern, National Archives. Daves was collector of customs at New Bern. “Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of Customs,”...
I am informed by the Secretary of War that there are, at Albany, five eight inch Brass Howitzers; two of them are wanted for a particular purpose which you will cause to be transported to this place without Delay— With great consideration I am Sir yr. obedt. servant P.S. I request as soon as possible an estimate of the ammunition of every kind requisite for a six month seige for the following...
[ Annapolis, 24 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Govr. Introducing McAlister.” Letter not found; see Virginia delegates to Harrison, 22 Mch. 1784 .]
ADS : American Philosophical Society <December 18, 1771, in Massie’s hand. On December 22, 1770, Franklin had received from him a collection of manuscripts, papers, and printed books on certain conditions, and had paid him sixty guineas therefor on certain conditions, enumerated in the receipts that were then exchanged. The present agreement is to extend the time for either or both parties to...
Mr. Hamilton presents his Compliments to Mr. Jefferson. He has perused with much satisfaction the draft of his report on the subject of weights and measures. There is no view which Mr. H has yet taken of the matter which stands opposed to the alteration of the money-unit as at present contemplated by the regulations of Congress either in the way suggested in the report or in that mentioned in...
Your favor of the 17 th came to hand yesterday. I had, two days before, addressed a letter , on the subject of these packages of wine to mr Starke of your office, with whom I had had occasion to exchange a letter in Oct. on another article. I learn from yours now before me , that you had been so kind as to anticipate my request to him, and to forward the cases to mess rs Gibson & Jefferson...
Your Excellys Favour of the 19th Inst. requesting 250 Waggons from this State was duly received & Orders have issued accordingly. I fear the Collection of them considering the great Demand by Mr Cornay & other Causes will be more tedious than the Exigency of our Affairs will well admit. The Number of Waggons in this State is most amazingly diminished—the County of Lancaster which formerly...
Tu m’aduli, ma tu mi piace says anÿ where Chesterfield—but so you do in a most egregious manner—but you make your Physic so highly palatable, that it is swallowed, before reason can with sufficient coolness examine, if the encomium—so kindly bestowed is really deserved. You want not to be informed—that I am highlÿ pleased, when I am favoured with your encouraging approbation—and whÿ should I...
7001[Diary entry: 14 October 1771] (Washington Papers)
14th. Clear in the forenoon with the Wind Southerly but Cloudy afterwards & Rain.
I recieved on the evening of the 1 st of March the resolutions inclosed in your letter of Feb. 20. for the purpose of being laid before both houses of Congress . usage & perhaps sound principle not permitting the President to place himself between the representatives & their constituents, who have a right to address their legislature directly, I delivered, the next day a copy of your...
7003General Orders, 18 August 1778 (Washington Papers)
A board of General Officers to consist of Majr General McDougall, Brigadiers General Parsons and Knox to sit tomorrow morning at ten ôClock at Genl Smallwood’s large Marquee to hear the Claims of the Officers in the Maryland Line respecting their Rank and to make such Arrangement of the same as they shall think right which they are to report to the Commander in Chief—In order to facilitate the...
By the post of Wednesday last, I enclosed you an answer to an address of the Landholders & other citizens of the county of Dorchester. An answer to this address had been before transmitted to you; and the address having, without my knowledge, been put into the hands of Mr Murray, on it’s being returned, received a second answer, without my adverting to the circumstance of it’s being already...
The compound Govt. of U. S is without a model, and to be explained by itself; not by similitudes or analogies. The terms, union Federal, national not to be applied to it without the qualifications peculiar to the System: The English Govt. in a great measure sui generis and the terms monarchy used by those who look at the Executive head only, and Commonwealth, by those looking only at the...
I have received information that a lurking party of the Enemy is sent out to intercept the mail between Philadelphia & the North River, the place they are to lay in wait for the Post is said to be between Pluckimen & Morristown. I thought it proper to give your Excellency this notice of it (altho I cannot positively be answerable for the veracity of the intelligence) that measures might be...
By a Letter Just received from Colo. Harrison, I am Informed that it is your Excellency’s Pleasure, That Such of the militia belonging to General Saltonstalls Brigade as have not been ordered to move Forward, should now march and take Post opposite to Head Quarters on the Morrisania Side of Harlem River & c. I beg leave Just to represent to your Excellency, That this Brigade Consists of nine...
The Memorial of George Cornell of Portsmouth On Rhode Island—Your Excellency Humble Memorialist is the first of all this State that yet appears To Congratulate your Excellency Too the Appointment of Their President—and he Thinks Himself forever Happy Now under Your Excellencys Reign and Good Government, and To whome with a faithfull heart he wishes Long life and all Happiness—and your...
I have delayed an answer to your Excellency’s letter, which I duly received, from an expectation of having a conveyance by Col. Humphry’s, of whose design to visit Mount Vernon I was early informed after the receipt. Had the Conquest of Cannan been published, on the plan of a subscription, I should have taken the earliest opportunity to forward a paper of proposals to your Excellency. But that...
I have the honor to inform you that we arrived here yesterday, and had the pleasure to find all our friends in good health. Our passage from New York to Providence was a very pleasant one, and performed in about 36 hours. We met with no accident during the journey, and were highly favored in the weather. Agreeably to your directions I called upon Mr Morris before I left Philadelphia, and...
Whereas it has been represented to me that at a Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Massachusetts, held in the year 1816, the Swedish Ship Mercurius and Cargo were condemned for a violation of the Law of the United States interdicting Commercial Intercourse between the United States and Great Britain & France and their dependencies, and whereas it has been made to appear to...
LS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer is the Honble. John Wheelock President of Dartmouth College, who has come to Europe with a Deputation from the Trustees, supported by strong Recommendations from the first Characters in America, in order to obtain Donations for an Institution for the propagation of Knowledge & Virtue. The respectable Recommendations Mr. Wheelock has with him make...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the Vice-president of the U. S. and has the honor to inclose him the copy of a letter from the President, just now received. MHi : Adams Papers.
I do myself the honor of enclosing documents to establish the Citizenship of a son of Mr Bloodgood (a respectable citizen of this place) impressed or imprisoned by the British and in his behalf I solicit your good offices with the American Minister at London to obtain his release I enclose you two setts of documents in order that they may, if you think proper, be sent by different conveyances....
Three ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my last of Feby. 20th. there have issued from my office, the following Loan Office Bills of Exchange To the State of New Hampshire 25 Setts 12 Dollars each No. 1045— 1069 25  18 1045 — 1069 25  24 1045 — 1069 13  30
I wrote to you lately, kind sir, begging the favour of you to direct in every thing about the seal, and undertaking to add twenty pounds to the money allowed for it by the general assembly. The smallest size will be most convenient; and perhaps the figures may be represented on a small as well as on a large one. I pray you to remember me affectionately to all your family, and that you will...
Your favor of the 26th. has found me here, on my way to Washington. I shall spend but a few days before I proceed thither, in the hope that I may be enabled to render such further services in my former station, as may be acceptable to you. With sentiments of the highest respect and attachment, I remain, Dr. sir, Your most humble servt. RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM. Letter not found. Wagner had...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, September 18, 1794. “I have to request that a warrant may Issue in my favor for one Thousd. Dollars to make a payment to Samuel Wheeler the maker of the two Lanterns for Baldhead & Tybee Light houses. As Mr. Wheeler is under marching orders in the 1st City Troop tomorrow morning all possible dispatch is requested.” DfS , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters, Vol. I,...
7019Thurdsday June 19. (Adams Papers)
I have been the longer in the Arg umen t of this Cause not for the Importance of the Cause itself, for in itself it is infinitely little and contemptible, but for the Importance of its Consequences. These dirty and ridiculous Litigations have been multiplied in this Town, till the very Earth groans and the stones cry out. The Town is become infamous for them throughout the County. I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received yours of Sept. [ blank ] and Nov. 4. It gave me great Pleasure to hear of your safe Arrival and Entring on Business with such Appearance of Success. I wish you every kind of Prosperity. Agreable to your Request after making a rough Sketch of the Account which I now send to your Father, I paid the Ballance appearing in my Hands £83 3 s. 9½ d. to...