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Results 6961-6990 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
At this important crisis, while the sensibility of our good citizens through the union is awakened by the indignities the United States have suffered from the French government, and while they are signifying their confidence in and approbation of the measures adopted by their own Government, I hope it will not be deemed impertinent or improper in me to testify my sensibility at the nefarious...
Valley Forge, March 25, 1778 . Orders Forman to leave salt works and join Colonel Israel Shreve’s regiment. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
The fort & Garrison with Colo. Johnston are ours—Our Officers & men behaved like men who are determined to be free. Yours Most Sincerely ALS , DLC:GW ; copy, enclosed in GW to George Clinton, this date, sold by Christie’s, Sale No. 1770, 5 Dec. 2006, no. 324. A letter from GW’s secretary Robert Hanson Harrison to an unknown recipient, written on this date, reads: “His Excellency requests you...
This will be delivered you by Majr Boyce who has reconnoitered the enemy now in Billingsport and reports their strength to be 1500 men at least 1300 of whom went from Phila. he will inform you of particulars. This evening the enemy have been reconnoitering us from the Meadows, what they intend I know not. Certainly their force scatterd in this manner must weaken them much. Their Shiping have...
I last night received your Letter of the 1st Instt, and am sorry to find that you meet with so many difficulties in raising your Regiment. I cannot request Governor Trumbull to advance the Extra bounty; That would be approving a measure which I have always condemned as impolitick and injurious to the General interest, and would be promoting a proceeding, so far from being authorized by the...
A deep sense of duty, alone, impels me to intrude a few remarks upon you, on a subject of vital importance to the future prosperity, if not, to the future existence of the Missouri Territory. These are occasiond by an address subscribed by the Delegation in Congress from the State of Ohio, (with an Individual exception) and by the Delegate from the Indiana Territory. This proposes among other...
21 July 1804, Le Havre. “Since mine of the 5h. I have received the Returns from Dieppe of the Vessells enterd at that port [not found] & forward it ⅌ this Occasion. This Day the Embargo is raised and I hope the Vessells detaind at fecamp & Dieppe will be able to sail. I forward the last News papers from Paris.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Havre, vol. 1). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner as received in October.
I recieve with great satisfaction the letter of the Viscount de Vergennes and take a sincere interest in whatever had relation to my former venerable acquaintance the Count de Vergennes. on his account therefore, as well as your own, I shall be happy in occasions of being useful to you. on the subject of your letter I have the pleasure to inform you that General Turreau, minister of France is...
Letter not found: to George William Fairfax, 20 Aug. 1774. On 30 June 1786 GW wrote Fairfax : “With respect to your Book Debts, my letters of the 10th of June, 20th of Augt [1774] . . . will have informed you of the difficulties which then occurred.”
ALS : American Philosophical Society The enclosed letters I brought with me from London—several circumstances concurred to detain me in England longer than I wished or expected, or there would not have been so long a space between the date of these letters and their delivery— Dr. Fothergill would have written to you long before, but deferred it, for obvious reasons, untill some safe...
I send you by this days mail, the documents of greatest interest , which have been presented to Congress during the present Session. on our concerns with Spain we have nothing new, & little reason to expect a minister here from that country, during the Session, m r Vivas , said to have been appointed some months ago, being under quarantine, within a few leagues of Madrid , in consequence of...
You remember I have reserved a right of employing twenty years to answer your Book, because you consumed that number in writing it. I have now written you thirty Letters and have not advanced beyond a dozen pages of your Work. At this rate I must ask indulgence for forty or fifty years more. You know that your Amusement and my own are the principal Objects that I have in View. In the fine...
6973[Diary entry: 11 March 1769] (Washington Papers)
11. Ground excessive hard froze & Morning very cold—wind being fresh from the No. Wt. but the Afternoon more moderate wind falling.
I should at all times be happy to see you here, but at this moment have a particular occasion to ask that favor of you. the Rivanna company , engaged in clearing the river from Moore’s ford to Milton , have called a meeting with a view to petition the next legislature to enlarge their powers; that is to say their powers over my property, for it is over that of no other human being. the laws...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Yesterday Recd. a letter from Mr. Gregoire informing me that your Excellency has no objection to giveing me my liberty provided you were assured that I was raly an American. Inclosed I send you three Letters I have receivd. from Mr Frazier which is all I can do to convince you Mr. Frazier has likewise informed me that he has acquainted your Excellency...
Your letter of the 29th. of August is just come to hand. My circular of the first of November which you had received required that you should not admit on loan the Certificates of the State of North Carolina upon its own account. The reason of this would operate in regard to the Comptroller or any other Officer of the State, or any individual who might be the acknowledged or secret Agent of...
I have received your favors of the 15th and 16th instants. When the 1st and 5th New York Regiments were ordered up to Albany, I directed Genl Clinton, if he should receive advice that the enemy had retired, to send them down again. Under this order he accordingly directed their return: I had not then fixed, in my mind, the line of Cantonment of which I afterwards informed you. Upon the whole,...
Being desirous of forwarding the Clothing, Stores &c., belonging to the Troops of the Convention, and also a Cargo of Wine and other Refreshments for their Comfort, to Charlotteville in Virginia, I am to request you will be so obliging to send me the necessary Passports for the Ships mentioned in the Margin to proceed to Richmond on James River, for that purpose. And as I wish at the same time...
As Mr Fornandez an Officer just released from Captivity by an exchange, informs me, that large and weekly supplies of fresh provision are brought into York, which, he was informed by a Friend of ours, came from Connecticut, but whether by Water or by Land he does not know—This information I have thought proper to transmit to your Honor by the earliest opportunity, that you may adopt such...
Upon a Review of my Books, there appears to be a Balle due from you, to me, on my own private Acct. of £34.6.9½. Please to examine how this matter stands on your Books, and if found right remit the money to Robt Cary Esqr. & Co. Merchants in London whose discharge will be good against Sir Yr most Hble Servt ALB , DLC:GW . After his marriage in 1759 and until 1766, GW continued the Custis...
I recd yours of the 21st Inst. this Evening, and, as you seem to be misinform’d respecting Mr Laurence Lewis’s Intention of changing his State, I thought it best, on Information from Mrs Lewis (he being at present in Berkly) and his other friends here, to lose no time in writing to you again—They say (& I also believe) that he has no Notion at all of entering into the matrimonial State, and...
I have the honor to enclose you a Copy of a Contract entered into by Elijah and Simon House for ye supply of rations in ye. State of Connecticut— I am Sir Your obed Servant ( LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing Army contract with Elijah and Simon House, October 4, 1799 (copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). A note on the cover of the LS from James McHenry reads:...
6983[January 1786] (Adams Papers)
The forenoon discourse from Acts XXVI. 22. Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, inculcated thankfulness for the goodness of Providence in suffering us to live to this day. That in the afternoon from Psalm CXVI. 12. What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me? was more general, and respected all the blessings, the People have enjoyed during the...
Letter not found: from Colonel Thomas McKean, 10 Aug. 1776. In his letter to McKean of 13 Aug. , GW refers to “your Letter of the 10th Instt.”
In a letter I wrote you on the 27th. Inst. in great haste, just as the mail was closing, I informed you that a very numerous meeting of the Citizens of this City, & its vicinity, took place on that day in Saint Michaels Church. That they appointed a Committee to draw up a Report, which Committee withdrew & between 12 & 1 oClock on the same day made their Report. I also then gave you my...
Th: Jefferson will be obliged to Mr. Bankson as soon as he has finished the letters left with him yesterday, to go on with the Duplicate of those Aug. 16. and 23d. to Mr. Gouverneur Morris and the documents, taking therein the assistance of the other gentlemen. The press copy is to be sent to Mr. Morris, that on writing paper being wanting for another purpose . When it is ready, Mr. Bankson...
I have just Published an elegant Edition of the Farewell Address of the late President Washington. If you will condescend to give a Copy of it a place in your Library, you will confer a particular favour on Your Obedient & Very Humble Servant The Work alluded to I have forwarded to the care of Mr Wm Browne of Georgetown D.C. RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM. Rand’s engraved broadside of Washington’s...
The necessity of drawing on you for a considble sum obliging me to take the best review I can of our accounts since the last one rendered I suppose 350. B. flour to have b n deliv d on my acc t from Th: J. R and 50. B. by T. E. R. which with the money deposited with you for me by Th: J. R. pay my balance of Dec. 31. and subseq t draughts & your other owed disbursem ts
Copy: Library of Congress It is some time since I procured the Discharge of your Capt. Stephenson. He did not call here in his Way home. I hope he arrived safely, and had a happy Meeting with his friends and family. I have long postponed answering your Letter of the 29th. of June. A principal Point in it, on which you seemed to desire my Opinion, was the Conduct you thought America ought to...
I do myself the honour of inclosing you a printed copy of the report on measures &c. You asked in your letter whether the papers I had sent you were to be kept or returned. They are now useless and therefore may be done what you please with. They were only copies of what I had retained. Congress will rise this week, and I hope to be able within a fortnight after them to leave this place for...