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Results 6951-6960 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The Prospect that opens upon me presents Troubles enough of every kind.— I have made Some Inquiry concerning Horses and Carriages, and find that a common Chariot of the plainest Sort cannot be had under Twelve hundred Dollars, and if you go to a little more ornament and Elegance you must give fifteen hundred. The President has a Pair of Horses to sell, one 9 the other 10 Years old for which he...
I have received with great Pleasure your kind Letter of 28 th. I think M r Sands’s Plan for the Education of his Nephew is judicious. But I Should not advise him to Send him to Europe, So very early. If he remains in America two or three Years, undergoes his Examination and is admitted to the Bar it will be early enough to go to Europe. By your Representation M r Joshua Sands has been your...
I have recieved your letters which afforded me infinite pleasure as they assured me you were well and in good spirits— You tell me you are to remain at the Hague, and that you hope a greater distance, and longer time of seperation than we had contemplated, will have no effect upon my affection— I am almost angry when I read that part of your letter, as it implies a sort of doubt which I am...
I received by the last post, Your Letters of the 14 th. 16 th 18 th & 19 th . The frequent and repeated fires in the various capitals of Savanna Baltimore and N york are really shocking, but renderd vastly more allarming from the opinion that they are the effect of design, and not accident. I fear America will be the harbour and assilum of the Dissolute and abandoned of the Nations of Europe,...
Your obliging favour of December 28 th , I received by the Hand of Dr. Welch. I thank you Sir, for your Congratulations, which receive their value from the Sincerity with which I believe them fraught. The elevated station in which the Suffrages of our Country have placed our Friend, is encompassed with so Many Dangers and difficulties, that it appears to Me a slipery Precipice, surrounded on...
Since my Letter of the 20 th: I have not enjoyed the pleasure of receiving any from my friend, but I do not forget the mutual engagement of writing every week, and I cannot close the year in a better or more agreeable manner than in conversing with her— There are some particulars in your Letters of Nov r: 29. and Dec r: 6. which require a reply from me, which time did not allow me to give in...
The new year opens upon us with new Scenes of Life before us. what are to be the trials the troubles and vexations of it, are wisely with held from our view. To him who sits Supreem let us commit the hour the Day the Year, and fearless view the whole. there needs but thinking right, and meaning well, and may this ensure to you, the Souls calm sun shine, and the Heart felt Joy. I seldom think...
I wish the new Year may be the happiest of your Life. Last Night I had a Visit from D r Rush, whose Tongue ran for an hour.— So many Compliments, so many old Anecdotes. To be Sure, My Election he Said, he had vast pleasure in assuring me Since it had been made certain had given vast Satisfaction in this City and State. Even those who had voted for another had a great Affection for me. M r...
I rec d Yesterday your favour of 23. of Dec r. from Boston. The old Patrioch, has got a Name of Old Scrathum, or old Scratch or Some Such Oddity that will amuse the Blackguards for a time. M rs Storers Verses are very shrewd The Story of my Muteness, or Incapacity to talk, I almost wish were true.— On Some Occasions. D r Walters Politeness to be Sure is conspicuous. It is enough at present to...
M rs Swan and her Daughters, conducted by M rs Otis came into the Senate Chamber this morning to see the Room and Pictures. There I had Opportunities to see for the first time the fair young Ladies. I send you Guillotina, the most wanton Muse of the whole ten.— dreadful Truths are told in jest— Dallas tho, innocent , Dallas is much injured. I have now rec d Votes from Kentucky the last state:...