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Results 69451-69500 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have been honored with your’s of the 5 th . of September. Want of Liesure constrains me to be...
Your very kind Letter of the 7 instant gave me all that Pleasure, which accompanies marks of...
private Dear Sir London 23 June 1794 on Sunday the 15th of this month I arrived here. the next...
To the worshipful the Mayor Alderman & Commonalty of the City of NYork Gent accept my warmest...
The Letter you did me the Honor to write Yesterday, enclosing one to Judge Cushing Judge Willson...
I landed here this Evening with a Commission from the President of the United States,...
However my Letters may be short and unentertaining, you will I am sure give me Credit for...
In Obedience to the Orders of Congress I have the Honor of informing you, that Phineas Bond Esq...
The publication made by M r . Edwards in the enclosed newspaper, needs no Remarks. I think it...
Philadelphia, 29 June 1779 . Circular letter to the state executives enclosing an extract of a...
I rec d . and answered your Letter of the 19 Inst: on Monday— Yesterday I found the Instructions,...
Since yours by Col. Mason I have rec d . a Letter from M r . Ridley mentioning your having been...
On considering the nature and necessity of the Extra Expences with which You think the united...
Sally is still here and quite as well as when she came; so that her Jaunt to NYork has been...
I have rec d . your friendly Letter of the 27 th . ul t .— It gives me pleasure to reflect that...
I have ^ had ^ the Pleasure of recieving your the Letter of the 9 July last which you wrote me by...
Your very friendly Letter of the 6 th : Ult. was this Moment delivered. In what careless Hands it...
I have been honored with your favor of the 3 d . Instant, and am much obliged by your attention...
I have been fav d . with your Letters of the 5. 8. & 28 of Nov r . & 2 d Dec r . in the last...
Studious to avoid every Suspicion that m[ torn ] ous to the good opinion which you say you [ torn...
Your Excellency’s Letters of the 24th & 26th Ulto with their several Inclosures have been...
I have been favored with your obliging Letter of the 10 th . Instant, and sincerely congratulate...
I have the Honor of transmitting to your Excellency official Extracts from the Journals of...
Whereas his Excellency the late Governor of this State did on the twenty second day of August...
I have recieved the Letter you did me the Honor to write on the 2 d . Instant. As M r . Vaughan...
Your favor of the 13 th Ins t. was delivered to me last Evening— I admire the generous principles...
Mr Jay has the honor of transmitting herewith enclosed to the President of the United States, a...
Herewith enclosed is a copy of a Letter from Coll Simmes respecting leave of Absence —Congress...
M rs Jay having been informed by a Gentleman who lately passed thro one of your Towns, (I think...
The last, and indeed only Letter I have had the pleasure of recieving from you is dated the 6...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 18 th . Inst. In what Manner it will be most expedient to...
Since my last to you of the 18 Augt.———I have received and laid before Congress the Letters you...
Permit me thro’ your Excellency, to have the honour of representing to his most Catholic Majesty,...
Docr. Edwards of Philada. will be so obliging as to take charge of this Letter. I regret that he...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favors of the 27th Ult. & 1st Inst. They were...
AL (draft): Columbia University Library I have been favored with your Letter of Yesterday, & will...
There was a time when a majority of the citizens of New-York were so opposed to lawyers as...
I have rec d . and thank you for the Copy of the Memorial against privateering, and of the number...
I wrote to you a few Days ago and inclosed a copy of certain Propositions, or mode of...
Since the 22 d . February which was the Date of my last Letter to You, I have been honored with...
Your very friendly Letters of the 10 th : Ult o . and 2 d . & 9 th . Ins t . by M r . Barclay,...
Your Letter of the 17 th . Inst. came to hand Yesterday. On my Return from Schenectady the Day...
Since my Letter to you of 24th. April I have been honored with yours of 14th. and 23d. of...
I have been honored with your Letters of the 10 th. 19. & 30 April and 1 st: May last. Since the...
I hope my Letter to you of the 18 th September, of which I also sent a Duplicate, has come safe...
The Congress have at Length determined against the Tea holders— a Measure in my opinion neither...
Circumstanced as I am, and as my Country is, it cannot be easy, nor would it be right, if...
There is a Destinction between Ceremony and Attention which is not always observed tho often...
M r . Carm. was 9 days going from Madrid to Bayonne, from whence he wrote to me on 12 March &...
Your Favor of the 15 ult. with the Packets mentioned in it, arrived in good order. I regret your...