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Results 69421-69450 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
A Dangerous sickness in my Family must be my Apology to you and to many others of my fellow Citizens, for the Delay of my Answers to their favours. Your Resolutions of the fourth of July have been presented to me and received with Gratitude and respect. Your Approbation of the Administration of the Government and the Conduct of its Envoys; and your firm Determination to Support, in all...
My dearly beloved, & only Sister, for the “threefold silken Cord is broken ” To what an unusual Striking, affecting Providence have you been called to witness,—such as my Eyes never beheld—Very pleasant, & lovely through a long series of years, & in Death we may say, they were not divided—Together freed, their Gentle Spirits flew, to Scenes of immortal Bliss, we humbly trust—Thought can pursue...
6942328th. (Adams Papers)
Mrs. Welch and Betsey Smith came from Boston this morning; we all went to Weymouth and dined at Doctor Tufts’s. In the afternoon I went over to Mr. Norton’s house; where in my Infancy I have spent many days, which I scarcely remember even as a distant dream; but before this day I had not been in the house these nine years. As I returned from Weymouth I was overtaken by the rain, and stop’d at...
I am favd with yours of the 5th and 6th I hope the loss of the enemy mentioned in the former may prove true. I cannot at present account for the intent of the landing at Bedford, if they mean to act seriously to the Eastward, I think it will occasion a removal of their whole force from New York. Many accounts from thence say that an evacuation is intended, but I cannot learn that they have yet...
69425[Diary entry: 24 August 1799] (Washington Papers)
24. Morning clear—a light breeze from the Southward and Mer. at 70. Clear all day & warm. Mer. 80 at Night. Mr. White came to dinner—as did 4 Gentlemen from Phila. viz.—young Mr. Meridith (son of the Treasurer) Mr. Clifton, a Mr. Walter &—. The 4 last returned after dinner. young mr. meridith : a son of Samuel Meredith, treasurer of the United States, and his wife, Margaret Cadwalader Meredith.
Mr Lear under date of the 20th of August last desiers me to Ship for you two pipes of wine by the first opportunity that would Sail from this port for Philadelphia after the Receipt of His letter. He Requests me also to address my letters to you as he was about leaving your family in a few weeks after the date of his Letter to form a Commercial Establishment at the new City of Washington on...
I take the liberty to enclose the Moniteur of the 6th inst containing the new Organization and have the honour to remain with much respect your humble servant RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 5 Oct. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure: Gazette Nationale ou le Moniteur Universel , 18 Thermidor Year 10 (6 Aug. 1802), containing the text of the sénatus-consulte organique of 16 Thermidor (see...
69428[Diary entry: 21 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
21. Do. Do. Very warm Morng. & day.
Letter not found: to George Augustine Washington, 30 Nov. 1789. In a letter to GW of 14 Dec. Washington referred to “Your Letter of the 30th Ulto.”
Letter not found: from Bourdon de Vatry, 6 Dec. 1786. On 8 Jan. 1788 GW wrote Bourdon : “I have recd your letter of the 6th of Decr 1786.”
Your letter of the 15th instant has been duly received, and we were glad to hear that you & Mrs Kitt were well, and had escaped the malady with which the City has been afflicted. But sorry to be informed that two, who had been my domestics, had fallen victims to it. Continue your enquiries, I pray you, after Herculas; and if you should find it necessary, hire some one who is most likely to be...
I have made Mr. Bannister’s affair the subject of a separate letter , containing a full explanation of it, because by giving in the letter, it will give you no more trouble. I will only add here, what would have been too urging if expressed there, that if any thing be said of early paiment, I would rather be allowed to draw on any one there for the money than to have it sent here. The attempt...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de faire tous mes remercimens a votre excellence de la bonté qu’elle a eüe de m’envoyer la belle médaille frappée pour les Etats-unis. C’est un monument du plus grand evenement qui soit dans les fastes du monde, et je ne vous dirai point en face quel est l’homme que cet evenement honore le plus. Vous avés plusieurs genres d’immortalité a la...
I am at this place on my way to New York, from whence I expect to sail for Europe.—I promised myself the pleasure of waiting upon and taking leave of you at Quincy; but a detention of some days in Portsmouth, longer than I had calculated upon, and previous arrangements to be in New York at a fixed time, make it necessary for me to hasten on to that City—which I shall do by the Stage of...
The disorders of our Army do not proceed from any natural faults in our men. On the contrary I believe the people of America (especially the Natives) are the most tractable Creatures in the world. I Can say with great certainty that I have never yet been disobeyed in a single instance by a Virginian or a New England man in any connection with them in the hospital. I speak therefore from...
The place of commercial Agent at Havana in the Island of Cuba being vacant, I beg leave to Solicit the appointment to that place of Nathaniel Fellowes Junr. who has been a permanent resident in that Island for six or seven years last past; he is well acquainted with the Spanish language and commercial relations; his fidelity I will gaurantee. I have the honor to be very respectfully Your Most...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received the Honor of your Excellencys letter of 18th. Ultimo: am sorry for your indisposition, & sincerely wish a speedy return, & long continuance of Good Health. In regard to the Duties paid on the exportation of Salt from the Ports of France in general , & on Shipping it to the French Colonies from this Port , your Excellencys information was pretty...
I believe it will be found on Inspection that the northwestern Territory does not extend easterly further than the western Bank of the River Ohio. Consequently the officers of Inspection in the 2d. Survey of the district of Ohio (St. Clairs Governt.) cannot make seizures upon that River. This may be remedied by extending the said 2d. Survey by an act of the President, so as to include the...
69439[Diary entry: 11 February 1771] (Washington Papers)
11. Rid by my Mill and Dam at the head of the Race on my way to an Arbitration between John Graham and the Estate of Allan Macrae decd. For the Graham-Macrae arbitration, see the main entry for 19 Dec. 1770 .
State of facts as supposed. Mr. Jenet Minister Plenipotentiary from the Republic of France arrives at charsletown. There he causes two privateers to be fitted out, to which he issues Commissions, to cruise against the enemies of France. There also, the Privateers are manned and partly with citizens of the United States, who are inlisted or engaged for the purpose, without the privity or...
I arrived yesterday and have made my visit to day, and been very politely received by the Marquis, but of this more hereafter. This is devoted to a smaller subject. Upon Enquiry I find that I cannot be exempted from paying duties upon my Wines, because no foreign Minister is, except for a less quantity than I have of the best qualities in my Cellar at the Hague, so that I must stop all that I...
ALS (letterbook draft): Newport Historical Society Hurried by one Circumstance and another since my Return, I have not been able till now to sit down to acknowledge my Obligations to my London Friends, and particularly to you Sir. However late, I do most sincerely acknowledge myself highly Obliged for the many Marks of Politness and disinterested Friendship conferred upon me. It was my...
I have the honour to transmit to you the enclosed Commission for the Sieur Sagrenet at the port of   in France , which the President has executed, leaving a blank for the name of the port, which he says you will be so good as to fill, as you are apprized of it, and it has escaped his recollection. Upon your doing this I have to request that you take the additional trouble of returning the...
I yesterday recd your favor of the 8th: The Commy General of Issues must be supposed to have the best knowledge of the Affairs of his department, and therefore any directions given by him to draw from one post to supply Troops at another ought to be complied with. In the present instance our dependence is upon part of the stock of Rum at West point, and you will for that reason permit the...
We the Undersigned beg Leave to Recommend Mr. Samuel Sheffield the first of Westerly In the County of Washington And State of Rhode Island, as a Suitable person to take Charge as Keeper of the light house Now Erecting On Watch Hill Point In the State of Rhode Island. he is a person of good Character and has a large family to Support and we are fully of Opinion that he will be faithfull to the...
I must ask the favor of you to procure for me a safe bill of excha. on London to nett there, clear of excha. 444. D. payable to Mr Sam l Williams N o 13. Finsbury square London, forwarding with it the inclosed letter which advises him of it’s purpose . send me if you please the triplicate I must request you also to send me by the 1 st waggon 8. boxes of tin, and by the boats 6. barrels of...
It being necessary to collect at Hoods as large a number of boats as possible to transport men and horses across the river as occasion may require, you are hereby authorized to impress all the boats on this and Chickahominy river except only one to be left at each ferry and except also such boats as from particular circumstances of which you are to Judge in your discretion it woud be attended...
I presume to offer to your perusal a Speech—in which I have spoken of the late President of the U.S—with my sincerest and warmest feelings— I regret it is not in my power to present you with something more worthy of your attention—But I trust—that if it should not please, yet it will not offend you— RC ( MoSHi : TJC-BC ); probably misdated; addressed (torn): “ Thomas Jefferson Monticello...
The last letter I wrote your Excellency was from Hackensack the 14th. I have since received your letter of the 12th. as soon as I could be sure that the Enemy were evacuating the County of Bergen, I ordered the troops under my Command to Move down this way. I informed you how I intended to Station them, they are I belive all at their posts, and we have some Militia at detached posts, which I...
At a meeting of the heads of departments Upon consideration of the resolution of the Senate, of January 24. 1794, calling for the correspondences, therein mentioned: General Knox is of opinion, that no part of the correspondences should be sent to the Senate. Colo. Hamilton, that the correct mode of proceeding is to do, what General Knox advises; but that the principle is safe, by excepting...