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Results 69421-69450 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
not being in any business at present that will find me meat and cloathes, i write to thee with the view of recommending myself to thy notice for some employment to answer that purpose. i do not pretend to any superior republican patriotism or love for the country i am in which causes me to apply to thee—but some appointment would suit my present situation; and, if i could procure one i would...
I take the liberty of certifying to you that the bearers of this letter (4 Onandago and 7 Oneida Indians) are sober peaceable & moral Indians well attached to the peace and welfare of the United States. I therefore recommend them to the notice and attention of the General Government. I am, Sir, most respectfully Your Obt. Sevt. PHi : Daniel Parker Papers.
Mr. Hammond presents his most respectful Compliments to the Secretary of state, and has the honor of returning to him the draught of the letter to the President of the U.S., the contents of which certainly meet his full approbation, and are an accurate exposition of his personal sentiments.—Mr. Hammond begs leave to assure the Secretary of State that he is perfectly sensible of this mark of...
At the date of my last I entertained hopes of being at this time half way to Washington. Instead of that I am unable to say when I shall be able to commence the journey. The ride which we took in order to train Mrs. M. for it has been succeeded by sensations & appearances which threaten a renewal of her complaint in some degree & in some form or other. I flatter myself that as the appearances...
It is with the greatest reluctance I find myself compelld, to intrude on your time, & apealing to your Justice for redress, therefor will state my case as briefly as my poor Talents will admit. On or about October 1807, Capt Tengy, applied to me to manufacture for the Navy Departmt 2000 Cartridge Boxes & Belts complete—I said I could not make them for less than $1.75 & it was verbally agreed...
I have yours of the 26. March. I enclose you a letter for Mr. Irvine , wh. as you know the part of the case wh. is agnst me, I leave open that you may see my explanation. I will thank you to have it conveyed to him. Whether it is proper for you to withdraw yr.slf from the attention of the friends of free govt. at the present moment, is an important question wh. ought not to be decided but on...
J’ai reçu la dernière lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire dans laquelle Se trouvait intercalée, le certificat que m’à donné un de mes anciens chefs; et J’ai à vous en remercier très humblement. A mon arrivée en cette ville, J’appris malheureusement, la mort de l’illustre Captif ; Cette mort, m’a fait prendre la détermination, de me fixer aux Etats Unis pour jamais. Ayant exercé...
Dans la Supposition que la lettre que j’avais pris la liberté d’adresser à Votre Excellence le 30 Nov. de Norfolk Vous soit parvenûe, je prie Votre Excellence de Vouloir bien me faire savoir l’heure, à laquelle je puisse jouir du Bonheur de Vous presenter mes Respects , et de recevoir de vos mains tout ce que j’ai sollicité par ladite lettre. Ne possedant pas encore la langue anglaise je dois...
I Receiv.d yours of the fourth Instant by Mr. Buck . I have with pleasure Given him Every Information I am able respecting the Machine . At present I am very unwell. As soon as I should be better in healh I will make a drawing of the machine and forward it by the post to charlottesville for you. Mr. Graham told me Colo. Coles had apply.d to him and that he had promis.d him a drawing. But it...
Enclosed is Capt. Grennelds bill of lading for two cases of wine, I also enclose an account of the expenses I have paid on the several parcels I have received,—and have the honor to be, with much sincerity and respect, Sir, your obedient servant RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson President United States”; endorsed by TJ as received 19 May and so recorded in SJL ; also endorsed by...
In compliance with your wishes as intimated to us, we transmit to you copies of the Acts of the late Presidents Washington and Adams directing the conveyance of the streets, and public appropriations in the City of Washington to the Commissioners agreeably to the Act of Congress entitled An act for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the Government of the United States. We are...
Haveing served the cause of Liberty during the american war, in the Defence of My native Country, Could not see France strugling Against all the Tyrants of Europe without offering her my service, for which purpose I Came to Paris in 1794. I was amediately appointed Chef d’Escadron, Lieutenant Colonel of Cavalry, in which quallity I served untill (1797) when it was thought that a war would...
By the Act of Congress of this Day herewith enclosed your Excellency will be informed that Major General Gates is ordered to take the Command in the southern Department. This Order is in Consequence of Intelligence received that seems to place it beyond a Doubt, the Enemy are in Possession of Charles town and the Garrison there made Prisoners, although the Intelligence received is not...
The Secretary of the Navy informs me that you had the goodness to offer me the place of Commissioner of Loans for the State of Maryland. Having reason, from the small Experiment I have made, to hope that my present Employment will be more profitable than the other, I beg leave to decline it, with due acknowledgements for the offer. with great respect, I am Sir Your most obedt. RC ( DNA : RG...
With a Veneration for literary and patriotic Character, a Letter addresses to You with a Packet of Manuscripts, Viz. The Theory of Fevers, 6 Copies. The Theory of Generations, 6 Copies. in Request of a Communication with them, as may propose, in the Sphere of Your Intercourse. With an Acknowledgement of a Patronage at Writings; and a high Consideration for a Personage of a Name and Character,...
With this letter I send you a book which is in a miserable and tattered condition which if you will have bound for me I will be very much obliged to you it is old and rotten but being valuable to me on account of the person who gave it if it can be stuck together any way so as to prevent it from tumbling to pieces it will do. Many of the leaves are lost for it has seen hard service though not...
This is the first time I ever felt a disinclination to address you, as the subject on which I shall touch is one in which you must be heartily wearied. In fact my delicacy occasion’d me to postpone from Week to Week Soliciting you in favor of an old and worthy friend of ours Alexander Fowler of Pittsburg. There are two Offices at that Place one of inspector of the Revenue the other Quarter...
To permit me begging as a favour to have a Committee composed of three Members, acquainted each, with the principles of Geometry and Mathematics; the principles of Phisics; the diffirent situations and cases of Vessels, either, sailing, or laying to at Sea, or at Anchor in harbour; and the requisites qualities they must have for to be as perfect as possible. That I may first demonstrate before...
I have this day forwarded to M r W m F Gray a Box addressed to you containing 40 Volumes which I have bound for you I trust they will meet your approbation In the Box there are 8 Political Economy and 3 American Gardener for M r James Thomas who I Expect has called on you as I had letters from him dated at Charlottesville 26 th
My father has only one instance of the white negroe in his estate. I have been prevented examining her by her being sent some time since to Amherst. But as she lived many years at Blenheim and generally drew the attention of every one who saw her, I have found little difficulty in collecting answers to your queries. I feel myself much disposed to see this curiosity and think to visit Amherst...
I am prepareing fore the purpose of undertaking some little worke at a distance from hear, Will you Sir, be so good as to give me a few words of recommendation. CSmH : Jefferson File.
I have lately rec d a list of Debts due to the M l Assurance Society against Fire in which I find you charged thus 1806 Decem r : 10 th two thirds Quota $55.20 If it be right I should be glad to receive it so soon as it may suit your Convenience. With the greatest respect I am RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 3 July 1809 and so recorded in SJL ; with Brown’s subjoined 5 Sept. 1809...
The Polygraph intended for your secretary and that for Mr. Volney were shipp’d yesterday, and the other which you are pleased to order is now in hand; having one ready made of the same board of which your Polygraph top is made, with a black and white string on the edge, it has a neat look, but not so rich as those with a variety of strings of different colours—it is about ¾ of an Inch longer...
My last advis’d you of the progress of Spanish negotiation. Until that time the reference of Jay’s letter to a committee was , I believe, the point at which it rested ; but to enable you to form a satisfactory opinion of the object of that letter I transcribe you only operative paragraph in it. “ I take the liberty therefore of submitting to the consideration of Congress whether it might not...
By the Death of Mr. Goetihus, and the Resignation of Mr. Murray , the Consulate at Genoa , and at Glasgow Are become Vacant. An appointment to fill Either, would Confer a favour to be Remembered with Gratitude, and afford Relief to a family Who are great sufferers in the Cause of freedom and firmly attatched to Your administration. Should It be thought necessary to forward Recommendations from...
Your two favrs. 15th & 16th Ulto. were duly recd, and would have been Answered before this, but, in the hope, of succeeding—in procuring for you Myers Accot. of his travels in France 2 Volo: P.P. had not got it, or, any Other, Book store in Town. at least, I inquired of several, and left Order, with, Dobson, to procure them for me, if to be had. even at second hand—is now the Only chance...
M r Tho s Jefferson 1821 Bo t of D. Isaacs March    30th   7 ℔ Cheese
I have received your favor of—. The deficient pages of my work I suppose have been furnished by Mr. Dilly long ago. Your wish to get some shrubs from Carolina shall be gratified if possible. Mr. Watson shall be applied to and if he can furnish what you desire they shall be transmitted to New York to Mr. Otto to be forwarded by him. I have to return you many thanks for your attention to my...
Un Giovane Italiano, che si ritrova nella più critica circostanza, la di cui descrizione sarebbe troppo penosa per esso, il detagliarla; osa indirizzarsi al Vostra Signoria, onde ottenere i mezzi per trasportarsi alla New Orleans ; il sottoscritto conosce abbastantemente l’arditezza di domandare a V.S. tali soccorsi; ma d’altronde si confida, che ricorendo ad una persona, quale è lei, non può...
Suffer me to gratify the vanity of an author, and the pride of an American, by presenting the enclosed, for acceptance and perusal, to one, no less distinguished for his literary taste, than political wisdom. It will afford me much pleasure if, without diverting your attention from matters of more excellence and importance, I can procure you a momentary gratification, in the perusal of those...