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Results 69401-69450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The letter which you did me the honor to write to me the 20th of last month, I found at this...
Your favor of the 3d Inst. I receiv’d by my Son & will with the greatest pleasure execute the...
The Society met according to Adjournment Present— John Jay President John Murray Jun r ....
[ Paris, 12 May 1785 . Entry in SJL reads: “Edwd. Burd prothonotary supreme court Pennsylva....
Vous serés bien etonné Monsieur de ce que Mr. Doradour ne part pas avec Mr. Adams, mais la...
I have the honor to inform you that at length Messrs. Laval & Wilfelsheim have paid the bill of...
[ Paris, 12 May 1785 . Entry in SJL reads: “P. Mazzei. Receipt of his of Dec. 1. Peace. Likely to...
Mr. Jefferson’s compliments to Mr. Adams and begs his care of the inclosed letters . Those...
69409May 13th. (Adams Papers)
At four in the morning I left Dreux, and rode, till 9 in the evening without stopping at all: But...
We meet as you know very well, so often with foreign Ministers, at Court and at other Places and...
In obedience to your Commands, by M r: West , respecting Lodgings, I have been, yesterday &...
69412[Diary entry: 13 May 1785] (Washington Papers)
Friday 13th. Mercury at 65 in the Morning—67 at Noon and 68 at Night. Growing Weather—day clear...
This will be hand ⟨to⟩ You by Mr Bolton. The Person I recommended to Finish your Large Room—He is...
You will receive with this Letter a copy of the previous Title Law that pass’d in the year 1779...
My Correspondance With You Will this time Be in two Volumes and Young Mr Adams, John Adams’s Son,...
When I was in England my friends Messrs Harrison Ansley & Co. of London gave me Charge of a power...
First. The value of silver compared with gold. Second. The weight or size of the several pieces...
I have the honor to inclose you two Copies of my Case with relation to my Lands in the State of...
6941914th. (Adams Papers)
At 5 in the morning I was in my Cabriolet, and never stopp’d anywhere untill I arrived at Rennes,...
I wrote you from Albany informing you that the Chancellor had given you till the first of June to...
I am desired by Mr Hollyday to transmit the inclosed to you, and to request the favor of an...
6942215th. (Adams Papers)
Left the Hotel d’Artois, at about 5 in the morning, and was determined not to stop again before I...
69423[Diary entry: 15 May 1785] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 15th. Mercury at 59 in the morning—63 at Noon and 65 at Night. General Cadwallader came...
6942416th. (Adams Papers)
I went to bed immediately on my arrival; rose at about 10 in the morning, sent a man to find out...
We received in due time the letter which your Grace did us the honour to write us on the 26 th...
69426[Diary entry: 16 May 1785] (Washington Papers)
Monday 16th. Mercury at 63 in the Morning—66 at Noon, and 68 at Night. General Moylan, Mrs....
I stand indebted to you for your several favors of the 7th of March, and 12th & 19th of April....
In for a penny, in for a pound, is an old adage. I am so hackneyed to the touches of the Painters...
I am sorry to interrupt your attention to more important objects by an appeal to you in a dispute...
We received in due time the letter which your Grace did us the honour to write us on the 26th....
I thank you for your obliging congratulation on my appointment to the Chair of Congress, and I do...
6943217th. (Adams Papers)
Immediately after breakfast I went to Mr. Barclay’s. The wind has changed, so that we shall not...
Our winds are now contrary, and as they changed with the moon they may be three weeks as they...
Philadelphia, May 17, 1785. Sends information concerning Ross’s share of ownership of the ship...
69435[Diary entry: 17 May 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 17th. Mercury at 60 in the Morning—62 at Noon and 62 at Night. General Cadwallader went...
The Secretary of the United States for the Department of foreign Affairs, to whom was referred...
All the plank and boards You wrote for are here, and will be sent as soon as I can procure a...
6943818th. (Adams Papers)
In the morning I went to the Post office, and enquired if there were any Letters for me; there...
I received your Letter this Day when I was in Paris—for the last time! I took my leave of it, but...
After a very warm and dusty Journey, setting out early, and riding late, I arrived here on Monday...
I have rec d. yours of the 12 th and thank you for your Congratulations and kind Wishes of...
69442[Diary entry: 18 May 1785] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 18th. Mercury at 60 in the Morning—68 at Noon and 72 at Night. Wind Southerly in the...
At a meeting of the Subscribers to the Potowmac Navigation held yesterday agreeable to the Acts...
I received the Grass-seeds which you sent me sometime since, & thank you for them. This Letter...
I am much obliged to you for your Good and Kind Letter. I never knew before of your having been...
Mde. Doradour a l’honneur de souhaitter le bonjour à Monsieur jeffersson; elle est obligée de...
6944719th. (Adams Papers)
At about 6 o’clock, the Captain of the Packet, and Mr. Salvius, a Sweedish Gentleman, who intends...
69448[Diary entry: 19 May 1785] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 19th. Mercury at 66 in the Morning—63 at Noon and 66 at Night. Mr. Pine left this (on...
permit me to remember to your mind one of your most faithfull servant, I would have done it...
Letter not found: from Châteaufort, 19 May 1785. On 15 June GW wrote the chevalier de Châteaufort...