George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 3 February 1798]

3. Wind brisk from No. Wt. & Mer. 42 in the Morning—clear and but little of it afterwards. Mer. 44 at highest & 38 at Night. A Mr. Adamson from Hamburgh & Doctr. Stuart came to Dinner.

William Adamson wrote GW a letter on 5 Feb. 1798 thanking him for “the polite & kind reception” that he had received at Mount Vernon (DLC:GW).

Dr. David Stuart was at Mount Vernon to discuss with GW what was to be done with Washington Custis. After young Custis’s return from Princeton in October (see 3 Oct. 1797), GW made out a schedule of study with the intention of having the boy pursue his education at Mount Vernon (7 Jan. 1798, DLC:GW). The results, as may have been expected, were not satisfactory. GW wrote to Stuart on 22 Jan. to see if he and Custis’s mother could find out what the boy wanted to do (MH: Autograph File). Stuart replied on 26 Jan. that Custis himself “found his habits of indolence and inattention so unconquerable, that he did not expect to derive any benefit from the plans pursued in [a college].” Stuart promised GW that he would be at Mount Vernon soon to talk over the situation (DLC:GW). He came again on 18 Feb.

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