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Results 6931-6940 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society By Mrs. Franklin’s Desire, I now send by this Opportunity, two small Kegs of Keskatomas Nuts, one is a Firkin the other a small Quarter Cask: They contain very near a Bushel and a half. I hope they may come safe and sound to your Hands: As I have been now a great while confined by the Gout, I could not go out about them; but as the Second Mate, is a near...
Charleston, S.C., 16 Apr. 1787. Encloses a letter from A. E. Van Braam Houckgeest, formerly of the United Netherlands and now a citizen and “respectable Gentleman of this state.” Urges TJ’s assistance in his behalf, since he is a “Gentleman of reputation much esteemd by his lately adopted country.” RC ( DLC ); 2 p.; endorsed. Recorded in SJL as received 6 July 1787. Enclosure: Houckgeest to...
To the People of the State of New-York. THE second charge against the House of Representatives is, that it will be too small to possess a due knowledge of the interests of its constituents. As this objection evidently proceeds from a comparison of the proposed number of representatives, with the great extent of the United States, the number of their inhabitants, and the diversity of their...
You will be pleased to repair to our lines and investigate the causes of the late misfortune & disgrace at Elizabeth Town &ca —& report your opinion there upon as soon as enquiry is made. You will also examine into the state of our Guards—their situation &ca & see if any change can be made in their position for the bettr havg respect as far as present circumstances will allow to the objects in...
6935[Diary entry: 3 February 1798] (Washington Papers)
3. Wind brisk from No. Wt. & Mer. 42 in the Morning—clear and but little of it afterwards. Mer. 44 at highest & 38 at Night. A Mr. Adamson from Hamburgh & Doctr. Stuart came to Dinner. William Adamson wrote GW a letter on 5 Feb. 1798 thanking him for “the polite & kind reception” that he had received at Mount Vernon ( DLC:GW ). Dr. David Stuart was at Mount Vernon to discuss with GW what was...
MS not found; extract printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 175. May 14, 1755 Two sentences from this unlocated letter are printed in the Pennsylvania Assembly’s reply, Sept. 29, 1755, to Governor Morris’ charge, September 24, that the Assembly had done little to support Braddock’s expedition (see below, p. 207). On the same day...
69371765. Jany. 24th. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Soon after I got to Boston, at Jany. Court Mr. Fitch came to me upon Change, and told me, that Mr. Gridley and he had something to communicate to me, that I should like, in Sacred Confidence however. I waited on Mr. Gridley, at his office, (after many Conjectures what the secret might be) and he told me, That He and Mr. Fitch had proposed a Law Clubb—a private Association, for the study of Law...
Letter not found: from Col. Charles Lewis, 20 Mar. 1778. On 21 Mar., GW wrote Lewis , “Your favor of yesterday was duly received.”
I was going to send you the enclosed when I received your valuable present of the Camera obscura, accompanied by a note still more valuable. You have conferred upon me nothing but benefits. This additional kindness renders me at a loss how to express what I feel towards you. I cannot do it in words; but the opinion and the regard that prompted this new proof of your sentiments towards me are...
The State of Maryland apprehending an attack from the enemy now in Chesapeak bay have requested that you might be sent there to take the command. You will therefore proceed forthwith to Baltimore apply to the Governor and concert with him the measures necessary to be taken on the occasion. Your present command is only temporary. So soon as the enemy have left Chesapeak bay and the danger which...