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Results 6931-6960 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
AL : Massachusetts Historical Society Mr Franklin junr. has the honour of sending herewith to his Exy Mr Adams, his Grandfathers Dispatches for Holland; & has that of wishing him his Health, & an agreable Journey./. On the afternoon of the 26th JA went to BF ’s residence at the Hôtel de Valentinois for a passport. At one o’clock the following afternoon he and his sons John Quincy and Charles...
There is not any thing in this Life, now my Dear Friend is seperated from me, that can communicate equal delight and pleasure to that which I feel upon the Sight of Letters written in the well known Hand of my Friend. My Heart Leaps forward to meet them, whilst the trembling Hand uncloses the Seals, and my eager Eyes devour the contents; tho unwilling to reach the close. Capt. Deshon had the...
I have had the honor of receiving your several communications in relation to Manufactories, including your note of the 20th. inst. enclosing a letter from John Webb. Having sent about one hundred & fifty letters to different Gentlemen in various parts of this State in the month of August last, I had presumed that before this time I should have received so much information on the interesting...
Herewith cometh the transcript of a Letter, expressing some of the last exercises & religious concern of our late valued Friend Warner Mifflin, deceased; It was written at Philadelphia in the time of awful mortality with which that City was visited in the Year 1798; We the subscribers were in company with him at that season; He opened to us his concern on the subjects hinted in the Letter,...
The favour of your Letter of 20 Aug—with which I was so unexpected honoured—procured me a delightful pleasure in renewing your kind assurances of esteem, and opening a new field for my instruction—I am only grieved, that it is beyond my power—to make some equivalent return, and discharge a part of the obligations you have laid me under. I should sooner have acquitted meself of the duty of a...
I have hoped for Leisure to answer your favor as fully as, in my own Vindication, it demands. There are matters touched in it, which imply a Censure upon me, which a recapitulation of facts, I am satisfied, would convince you is unjust. But as I dispair of sufficient Leisure for some time, I must content myself with replying to what is immediately necessary. A desire to remove as much as I...
Our Legislature have been some time occupied in debating upon what are called The Virginia resolutions which you have doubtless seen and which have been so industriously forwarded to the different States for their concurrence though our good Sister has not been treated quite so cavalierly by New York as she was by Massachusetts yet I beleive they both concur in thinking her a very whimsical...
General Marshall handed to us your esteemed favor of the 14th. July inclosing a number of Coupons to be invested in fresch stocks, of the United States, in consequence we re purchased 4 Oblg.: of ƒ1000—each No. 852 & 853, 2692 & 2673 at 84 per Ct. of the Loan of 4 per C intrest Whch. please to find charged in the abstr: of Y/a inclosed, whch. ballance in our favor we transfer on new accts....
I beg leave to congratulate you on your reelection as Vice President of the United States; and to ask your acceptance of a specimen of a monthly publication in wch you will find that your name & those of other American worthies are in future to be inscribed on a map of the Globe Yesterday we had an Academy meeting When Mr Fisher Ames & Dr Barton were chosen members—I enclose to you a...
That we have One Still day in Seven undisturb’d by Mobbs & Drums & French Irreligion & Fraternity . I as a humble Individual, Thank you in particular Sincerely For, & From Them & Their Infedelity Good Lord deliver Me, & mine for ever & ever Amen!!!—General Smith & Mr: Winchester, are our Candidates,. (No I beg Mr: Winchesters pardon. For He was press’d to come forward by allmost Every...
I have the Honor of transmitting to you herewith enclosed an Act of Congress of the 13 th: Ult: respecting british Claims and Encroachments on our Eastern Boundaries, and instructing and authorising you to take proper Measures for amicably settling the Disputes thence arising. You will also find herewith enclosed the several Papers & Documents referred to in that Act, and of which a List is...
So far Sincable of my duty to Comply with your Dissier to write to you I now Take my pen in hand to give you a narative of the Evelotions thats hapned Since you Left us. Before the Taking Posseseon of Dorchester hills the Militia of Braintree Was Called Upon to go to the Lines at Dorchester Neck to be in Readiness of an Atack from the Regulors. What makes me Relate this is I was one of these...
The Director of the Mint, begs leave for the Information of Government, respectfully to export That during the past Year, there have been issued from the Mint, the several Species of Coin particularly mentioned in the enclosed Returns, amounting in Value to 194,605 Dollars in Gold Coins, 63,156, 45/100 Dollars in Silver Coins, and 9,990, 34/100 Dollars in copper Coins, making up the whole...
I now send you a copy of the letter transmited to Mr. King—I wrote him also privately stating the best opinion here to be that not more than two milion of Dollars coud justly be chargeable to the United States under the treaty I am Sir with the highest respect / Your Obedt. Servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
I have the Honor of receiving this Day your Excellencys Letter of the 31st. Ultimo. The deferring the Acknowledgment of our Independancy to the Turns which a Negociation for a general Peace may take is in my opinion a very weak and perhaps Unfriendly Plan. I am confident this Measure would tend most to bring England to a general Accomodation, for it would take from Her every resource and every...
The Bearers John Oliver and Michael Nagail are indicted of the ignominious narrow-Soul’d Crime of Sheep-stealing (at Taunton Superior Court). They depended on my going down to defend them but my Business at Boston Court prevents me. I have therefore advised them to you; they intend also to engage Colo: White with you. Their Defence principally rests on these two points which they expect to...
I am now most happy to felicitate you and our Parent Country on the fortunate Event which has attended your unwearied efforts for obtaining the Dutch accession to the American Independency and that you are accepted by them as fully empowered for the final accomplishment of this glorious Aera. Indeed when I reflect on the injustice and savage cruelty of the late Administration I much wonder...
At a meeting of a large and respectable number of the Citizens, of the town of Burlington, in the County of Otsego, State of New–York; held at the dwellinghouse of Willard Church, Inholder in Said Town, on the 25th day of May 1798, according to previous notice for that purpose: Jedidiah Peck, in the Chair, Joseph Wright, Clerk, It was unanimaously resolved, that the following address should be...
A number of my Neighbours who are present, and in the Names of the rest who are absent, desire me to acquaint you, that, not withstanding Genl. Ward’s Request, that the Companies stationed for the Protection of Squantum would tarry there till further Orders, they are all gone, and that important Place, and the valuable Farms in the Vicinity of it, are left exposed to the Ravages of the Enemy,...
The sudden departure of the plunderers of Boston and the removal of the Continental troops from Cambridge occasions a temporary calm in the eastern region; but if the storm should again burst upon this quarter, I fear we shall be too destitute of skillful navigators, to oppose its fury with success: though we have still a few left among us whose tried courage and experience has set danger at...
By the present oportunity permit me to offer you a Copy of Pamphlet I published in Paris immediately before Generals Pinckney & Marshall left there. It was the attempt of an early pen to defend our common Country from an imputation of Corruption, & I solicit your Indulgence for this work not only on account of my inexperience or inability but on account of Time and Place, Circumstances which...
We have been honourd with your very esteemd favour of the 26th. Instant acknowledging receipt of your sundry acceptations amounting in all to Bf 126,000. and approving our payment of them for account of the United States of America. We inclose anew your following acceptations which we have discharged for said account 4 of the 24th. Instant Amounting to Bf 2200. 11 of the 28th. do. 6050. Bf...
I do not write with the ease which your letter of Sep. 18. supposes. crippled wrists and fingers make writing slow and laborious. but, while writing to you, I lose the sense of these things, in the recollection of antient times, when youth and health made happiness out of every thing. I forget for a while the hoary winter of age, when we can when we can think of nothing but how to keep...
Quoyque depuis bien du temps je n aye pas eu l’honneur ny le plaisir de vous demander des nouvelles de votre santé et de celle de votre chere famille, je nay pas moins eté occupé de vous et d’eux, et je ne vous oublieray jamais ainsi que vos compatriottes leurs bontés et amitiés et les votres particulierement pour moy. Et si vous ne jouissez pas dans notre patrie de toutte la santé et le...
I was yesterday honored by the reciept of your Letter of the 12 th. Instant. Can Mystery remain when Demonstration is produced? Time has acted his part, if We affect to disbelieve the Evidence which he has brought forth, neither will We be persuaded tho’ one rose from the dead. You will herewith receive copy of a Letter from M r. Bridgen in confirmation of what I said to you in my last, if...
I take the liberty of recommending, Captain Ferdinand Lee Claiborne, as a proper Character, for Secretary of the Indiana Territory—This Gentleman has been about Seven years, in the Army of the United States—a considerable part of that time, he Served in the Northwestern Territory, and thereby acquired, a Verry considerable Knowledge, of that Country, and of the Habits and dispositions, of the...
We are honored with Your Excellency’s respected favor of 2 d. Ins t: with Copy of the Resolution of Congress conveying your Recall, and a Testimony of your Services and Merits, the more honorable, as it comes from the only Source capable of appreciating justly their Value. Upon which please accept our Congratulations, together with our Wishes for your safe Return to your Native Country, Where...
I received the Centinal last Evening and found by it that the two Houses were formed and that a committe had waited upon you; that you could not as usual attend upon the day following oweing to indisposition. You will easily suppose that I must feel very anxious from reading this; because I know a Slight indisposition would not detain you; I have a Letter from you of the 4 th of December. you...
A bad cold, added to the pressure of business, has delayed my answer much longer than I intended to your last acceptable letter. You have mistaken the Church to which I belong in supposing that prayers will one day be offered up in it to the great man whose birth day has lately been celebrated in our Country. During the life of Dr Ewing whose influence was very extensive in the Presbyterian...
I have received your favor on the subject of Docr. Waterhouse, inclosing a letter from him which is now returned. Previous to this communication, the vacancy occasioned by the death of our Excellent friend, & the friend of mankind, had been filled by the appointment of his son Dr. James Rush. Besides the numerous & respectable interpositions in favor of it, I felt a pleasure, in putting this...