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Results 6931-6980 of 184,431 sorted by author
Accept of my thanks for your favor of 28 th. Sept r. — The Analogy of Religion & of Manners are...
I nominate Timothy Pickering Secretary of State, Oliver Wolcott Secretary of the Treasury &...
Mr. Bass arrived this Day, with the joyfull News, that you were all well. By this Opportunity, I...
Your Favours of June 22d. and July 7 and 11th. are before me. The delay of Mr. Lamb’s arrival is...
Prov. Law. Page 23. Names returned. 2. Salk. 482. Anonimous. 3 Men and families. 2 Salk 485....
I have just now received your Favour of Yesterday and am very Sorry to find by it that my Express...
I thank you kindly for sending me the Centinel containing the peices upon neutrality signed by...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society <Passy, September 22, 1778: In examining our joint...
Know all Men, by these Presents, that I John Adams of Quincy, in the County of Norfolk, in the...
6940July 10. 1784 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
May not the Ascent of Vapours be explained, or rather accounted for upon the Principle of the Air...
L’Ambition dans l’oisiveté, la Bassesse dans l’orgueil, Le Desir de s’enrichir Sans travail,...
Ego recepi tua epistolam a te scriptam Vigesimo tribus mensis Julii. ubi nuntius te a bombardâ...
Your obliging Favour of the 5th. came by Yesterdays Post, and I intended to have answered it by...
I thank you for your Letter & the Proceedings of Auvergne— The Provincial assemblies, if they act...
6945Nov. 5th. 1760. (Adams Papers)
I presume upon the common sense of the World that no offence will be taken at the Freedom of the...
last night on my return from Versailles and the Sight of the gallant young Duke of Normandy. I...
This day was brought me, your kind favour of August 28th. the first Line I have received from...
In your third Volume page 169, you say that “on the twenty Second of April 1782, Mr. Adams was...
Our social and political compacts are indeed threatened with dissolution and with them all the...
The Vice President of the United States has the honour to present his humble Opinion, on the...
695118 Monday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a warm morning, at 11 ’Clock read Theses on this question, (viz) antliarum et...
6952January 20. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Franklin and I met the Comte de Vergennes at his office at Ten. He told us, he was going to...
(Project for) the definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship, between his Britannic Majesty and...
I have been highly gratified by your obliging letter recd Yesterday. You need not give yourself...
69551779. April 14. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
At Nantes, Hotel de la Comedie, Rue Bignonestar.... Walked, this Morning with my Son over all the...
6956[March 1783] (Adams Papers)
In the Morning Chronicle of Saturday February 22, Mr. Secretary Townsend in the Debate upon the...
On Monday the 25 of March 1776 I made a Motion and laid it in Writing on the Table in these Words...
Late last night I received Your Report and your translation of Tracy , for both of which, tho’ I...
69591779. Decr. 28. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Went from Castillan to Baamonde. The first Part of the Road, very bad, the latter Part tolerable....
The Essex Register, its Editors, and Printers are not only Innocent but meritorious for...
Paris, 15 February 1780. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
I ought, before now, to have acknowledged the Receipt of your favours and even now I can do no...
Sat out from Boston, home where having tarried 7, or 8 Days I set out on a journey together with...
But, the first Question that is to be made, according to my Opinion, is, whether Impresses in any...
On the 30 Nov. our Peace was Signed. On the 28. March We dont know that you have Yet heard of it....
The Reverend Dr Belknap and Dr Morse being upon a Journey into your Neighbourhood I have been...
I nominate J. Phillips of Maryland to be a Captain in the Navy— Josias M: Speake of Maryland to...
I have received your number 27. 15 October, 13. The large quarto Pamphlet entitled “Principes de...
6969[Braintree Lawyer, 1761] (Adams Papers)
On the 25 of May in this Year 1761, my venerable Father died in his 71st Year, beloved, esteemed...
S amuel Q uincy . Prov. Law. 1st in the Book. Obsolete. Against common right. Not to be done by...
It is the general opinion here both among the Members of the States, and the Hotel de la France,...
I return Mr. Tracy’s letter as you desire in yours of the 27th Both Badger and Tracy recommended...
De Pradt, I Suspect is a descendant of that Arcbishop Bishop of Clermont, the Bastard of Cardinal...
IT is now almost three Months since I left you, in every Part of which my Anxiety about you and...
I am very glad to learn by your Kind favour of the 9 th. that Boylston has sold his oil to...
I congratulate you, & your state and our Nation on the Acquisition of such a secretary of the...
I have received the letter your Excellency did me the honor to write me on the fifth of this...
The ardor of patriotism, which is expressed in this unanimous address of the Citizens,...
Whether it is that the Art of political Lying is better understood in England than in any other...
6980Wednesday [25 October]. (Adams Papers)
Went in the morning to Mr. Gridleys, and asked the favour of his Advice what Steps to take for an...