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annexed I give you a copy of a letter I have rec d from mr Oldam s pecifying the charges he means to alledge against you. I can do no more at present than to furnish the copy . on my return from Bedford measures shall be taken for recieving the evidence which shall be adduced on both sides. it can only be however such as will voluntarily offer, at your respective requests; as the visitors...
After diligent inquiry, I have ascertained that no bookseller, in Philadelphia, has received a Copy of Las Casas in french, I have reason to doubt that any has been sent to this country. the Count de Survilliers (Napoleon’s Brother) to whom, generally all new publications of the kind are addressed, has none, & I do not know that any Edition of the Original has ever been printed. I can supply...
I have duly recieved your letter of the 15 th specifying the charges you propose ag t mr Brockenbro h . I can do no more at present than to furnish him with a copy of it. on my return from Bedford measures shall be taken for recieving the evidence which shall be adduced on both sides. it can only be however such as will voluntarily offer at your respective requests as the visitors having no...
Thinking that fresh Shad wou’d be a rarity, I avail myself of an occasion I had of sending up to the University, to forward you a few of the first we have obtained this Season. CSmH : Jefferson File.
Youre letter of the 18 th instant with its enclosure was receivd on friday nite, i must Sir apologise to youre excelency for the delay, some persons are at a distance that i wished to of seen, and prevents my answering as distinctly as you request, and must be a subject of another communication. the charges contained in the letter to M r griffen first that settlements cannot be obtained,...
I have made known to you of going on to Annapolis in the year 1800—and put a card into the Newspaper printerd at this city that brought out Judge Dewala to write essays which was inserted in all the Newspapers through the Unit States that was not in the federal interest as I am getting in years I think you should notiece me—and shall expect it at your death when it shall please the allmighty...
I receivd with great pleasure your favor of the 29 of march, with a copy of one which you had sent to our friend mr Short, and should not be surpris.d, if the prediction containd in this letter, should be verified, by a rapid succession of events, proceeding from the mov’ment of the french government lately announced in the Speech of the King. when it is recollected that he, his whole family,...
You must not suppose, on seeing my handwriting that I mean to importune you. I would not consent that you should suffer any inconvenience like that to which you refer. The remainder of your brilliant and valuable life ought to be exempt from whatever is irksome, and arduous for the bodily powers. I trust and fervently hope that it will prove more considerable and easy than you seem to expect....
I have received the letter you write me on the 10 April instant and I thank you for it because it gives me an opportunity of making an apology & that is none other than the one you have pointed out viz “old age bordering on second child hood” When I read those letters in the old Colony memorial I regretted those offensive passages & was sincerely glad that the editor had done you justice....
Your brother my Dear Charles is much better and his arm doing well though it will probably be a long time before it will be of any use to him. He is entirely without fever and his health in consequence of leaving off tobacco in all its forms is better than it has been a long time. Both his Surgeons have agreed that he is undermining and destroying his Constition which cannot support any...
Presuming that you will by this time have returned from your trip to the lower country, I enclose in fulfillment of my promise a copy of Mr. Adlum’s Memoir on the Vine. It is intended by him as appears for the Agricultural Socy of Alb: with which you will be so good as to have it deposited. I have thought it not amiss to give this same destination to his letter, that the members may have the...
I recd some days ago the 2 Copies of your Memoir on the cultivation of the vine, with a bottle of your Tokay; and I have since recd. your letter enforcing the importance of making the Vineyard, an appurtenance to American farms. The Memoir appears to merit well the public attention to which it is offered. It is so long since I tasted the celebrated wine whose name you have adopted, that my...
I did myself the honor to address a short letter to you about a month ago, in relation to some Horses I was about sending to Va. I think it probable you or Mr Todd, if he should be at home, may see Mr P. H Jones who took charge of them. Accounts from Va are rather unfavourable as to the prospect of good prices for Horses: but the disturbances in Europe may make money more plenty & cause a rise...
I recieved, the day before yesterday, your favor of the 6 th covering 100.D. for the University of Virginia on account of mr Johnson’s subscription, for which I now inclose you the bursar’s reciept. we should certainly have been happy in your assistance at our late meeting, but are much more so at the cause which kept you away, as that is to give us the benefit of your aid in the legislature....
I have the honor to enclose a small Memoir on a non-descript Animal and I avail myself of this opportunity to assure you of my sincere respect MHi .
I have to thank you for the copy of the laws of your College, from which I am sure we shall recieve good aid whenever we proceed to form those for our institn if ever that day is to come. our last legislre indeed has had better disposns than the preceding one. they agreed to lend us another 60.M.D. but on interest also. this will compleat our buildings. but then our annuity of 15. M . D will...
M r Madison, a few days ago, presented me, in your name a case of bronze medals, for which I pray you to accept my best thanks. I shall place them in our University as soon as it’s ready, as a deposit in which more probably than elsewhere, they will be preserved longer to eternize the memory & effigies of men who have deserved well of all mankind. the fruits of their labors are now in growth....
Your favor of Mar. 18. has been duly recieved, and in it the copy of Gov r M c kaim’s letter. what he says of your respectable uncle is all true, and I within my own recollection. his memory has failed him in some other particulars of no importance. he has confoundd two distinct votes and blended together the transactions on them as if on one, to wit the vote on the Virga proposn to declare...
The wishes expressed, in your last favor, that I may continue in life and health until I become a Calvinist, at least in his exclamation of “ mon Dieu ! jusque à quand”! would make me immortal. I can never join Calvin in addressing his god . he was indeed an Atheist, which I can never be; or rather his religion was Dæmonism. if ever man worshipped a false god, he did. the being described in...
The wishes expressed, in your last favor, that I may continue in life and health until I become a Calvinist, at least in his exclamation of ‘ mon Dieu ! jusque à quand’! would make me immortal. I can never join Calvin in addressing his god . he was indeed an Atheist, which I can never be; or rather his religion was Dæmonism. if ever man worshipped a false god, he did. the being described in...
I recieved successively the two bottles of wine you were so kind as to send me. the first, called Tokay, is truly a fine wine, of high flavor, and, as you assure me there was not a drop of brandy or other spirit in it, I may say it is a wine of a good body of it’s own. the 2 d bottle, a red wine, I tried when I had good judges at the table. we agreed it was a wine one might always drink with...
It was near the close of the session of the Supreme Court that I rec d your welcome letter of the 4 th ult., and as well the Bustle of such an Event, as the scenes of Distress which attended it, and the Habit of Procrastination which with much less Propriety you attribute to yourself, have prevented me from making an earlier acknowledgment of the Favour I feel bestowed upon me, when you devote...
Between persons who heartily wish to promote the interest of their country an interchange of opinion upon the best method to do so, cannot be condemned atho no previous acquaintance exist between them. that you may know something of me, I will state that I was born in the county of Campbell near the quaker meeting hous 4 miles west of Lynchburg & not a great way from your poplar forest...
As by common consent you are regarded as the Patriarch , of the Democratic Republican family; a number of your republican Fellow Citizens in the interiour of the State of New York, feel a strong desire to know whether you consider M r John Quincy Adams as a member of the Republican party in the United States? Your answer would only be shewn to a few of your old Republican Friends unless you...
I inclose you the copy of a resolution of the Visitors of the University of Virga entered into at their late meeting and also a copy of the letter to mr Griffin which is the subject of it, the original being deposit d with the papers of the board in my possession and open to your inspection, if desired. you will observe that the first duty enjoined on me by the resoln is to ask of you whether...
The Old Colony Memorial was lately put into my hands, I suppose with a view that I might see my doom portray’d by A Coffin in a letter to S Adams Esqr. in the year 1785, lately hunted up after laying quiet 37 years, and now carefully publish’d, not by the person to whom it was addressed, who no doubt saw no cause for it; but by order of my friend John Adams, with his directions to insert it...
You will no doubt have been fretting again at my unusual silence but it has been occassioned by a very unfortunate accident which befel your brother on his return from Rockville where he had been to visit Johnson—He was thrown from his Horse and fractured his right just in the elbow joint which is likely to disable him for many months—Your father and myself went immediately to Montgomery where...
I now return you your papers in the case of mr Coffee. I have maturely considered them and send you the result in a letter to him left open for your perusal in order that there may be no discrepancies between your letter and mine. when perused be so good as to stick a wafer in it and commit it to the Post office. I confess that had I observed the agreem t he inclosed to me and which is...
I recieved yesterday evening your favor of Mar. 31. acknoleging the rec t of the remittance of 100.D. for the ornaments of my Bedford house, and I am particularly happy that it was in hand by the very day which you had originally requested. Your favor of Mar. 27. with that inclosed for mr Brock enbrough , was rec d on the eve of the meeting of the visitors which took place on the 7 th inst and...
In the agreem t signed by mr Brockenbrough and inclosed to me by mr Coffee, and again returned to him, under Pavilion N o 1. the words ‘lead to be paid for extra’ and under Pavilion N o 2. the words ‘the whips of lead to be pd for extra’ are expressly inserted in the body of the description [various notes by TJ] : 3/6. N.Y. = .43¾ Coffee 413.34 Br. 382.39 pack g 13.64 396.03 lead