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Results 6911-6920 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your favor of the 16th. is a reviving cordial in which I have languished for a fortnight—But I have to complain, that it is only two days, since I heard since I heard of George’s misfortune. I suppose it has been concealed in tenderness to me, but I wish to hear the worst of bad news from the begining. This tenderness for me has concealed many misfortunes which if they had been communicated to...
Mr De Bresson, a Secretary to the French Legation at this place, and his Lady who is a daughter of Mr Thompson the Secretary of the Navy, are going upon a Short visit to Boston; occasioned by the approaching departure of our old acquaintance and relative of Mr de Valnais. Mr de Bresson is desirous upon this occasion of paying his respects personally to you, and I take great pleasure in...
I have recd. your letter of Mar: 22. I am very sorry that any difficulties shd. have arisen in the case of the land sold to you by Mrs. Willis & myself. All that I had learnt relating to it, had left me under the impression, that no interfering claims existed that could invalidate our conveyance: and I trust that such will be found to be the case. You will of course take the proper steps for...
M r Dinsmore consulted me yesterday on the entablature of the Rotunda & of it’s windows. I reviewed them , and find no reason to substitute any other than that of my original drawing for the main entablature, which was that of Palladio Book. 1. Pl. 26. taking the base however from his plate 23. that of Pl. 25. having too much work as well as that of the Pantheon. I have examined carefully all...
I am first to thank you for the shads you were so kind as to send us. they were the first and only ones we have seen this season. The visitors at their late meeting being requested by mr Bro c kenbro’ to enquire into the charges brought against him by Oldam, came to a resolution that their Exve commee should first enquire of Oldam whether he avowed the anonymous lre to mr Griffin, and would...
I have examined the proposed constitution of the Library society, which I like well, and now return, suggesting only some doubts on particular parts. Art. 9. ‘the committee to purchase such books as shall be agreed upon by the shareholders .’ the committee of 7. will be more likely to make a good choice, than the 200. Art. 11. does not say distinctly whether all, or what, votes are to be...
Being desirous that my address to the American Bible Society might come to your Hands in due Season, I herewith enclose it— I presume you will recieve it this Week, and in Time to let me know it by the Mail— It may be well to inform Gen l . Clarkson, or the Secretaries that you have it. We expect to recieve this week Letters from W m . or Nancy, appointing a Day for the carriage to meet them...
I am necessarily detained here by a negocian for the Univ y . with the Literary board not yet closed, and our next c t which I must attend is now so near as not to allow me time for my visit to you and to get back to court. I must then defer it until our court is over. I ment d to yourself and to Jefferson that you must make use of our dairy, our flock of sheep E t c for your table until your...
I intended to have gone to Poplar Forest with my grandson Francis, in order to fix him in the house there and see with what accomodns we could aid him in the beginning as beginnings are always difficult with young H. keeper . but indispensible business has kept and will keep me here till our court. in the mean time I pray you to attend to his wants, to let him have the use of our dairy...
It was not until this morn g that I could procure the Constitution, & in consequence of my engagements I am oblig’d to send it to you in its original rough state.— It has been propos’d to me to call a meeting of the Committee which will probably take place on Wednesdy, at which time, if convenient, I should be glad to receive any suggestions which you will be so good as to communicate. If our...