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City & County of Newyork } ss An Inquisition Indented taken for the People of the State of Newyork At the third Ward of the City of Newyork in the County of Newyork, the thirteenth day of July in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and four, and Continued by adjournment until the Second day of August in the year Aforesaid, before me John Burger Coroner for the Said City and County...
692II. Recipient’s Copy (Jefferson Papers)
I have delayed answering your friendly letter by madame Brogniard in the hope of having some thing important to communicate but in the mean time have been so full in my letters to the secretary of State that I have left myself little to say on the subject of our publick affairs. I can only tell you generally that I have been gaining ground for some time past & some propositions I had an...
I avail myself of the opportunity of a vessel about sailing from Hull for Boston, to say that a Danish frigate with a small number of ships under her convoy, having resisted a search attempted by a squadron of British frigates, has together with the merchant ships been captured and sent into an English Port. Several persons on each side were killed in the action between the frigates. If...
It gives me the greatest pain to hear the murmurs and complaints among the officers for the want of spirits—they say they are exposd to the severity of the weather subject to hard duty and nothing but bread and beef to eat morning, noon, and night, without vegetables or any thing to drink but cold water—this is hard fare for people that have been accustomd to live tolerable—The officers...
Impelled by the triple tyes of affection for my Country, Attachment to Liberty, and concern for my family Interest and place of residence, I am embolden’d to break thro’ the rules of formality, and inform your Excellency, that at Annapolis in this Government, a schooner with hands impressed, which had two Cask of Powder, and an equivalent in ball, ship’d by some officers in the Governments...
According to the permission in your letter which I recieved at Monticello, I drew on you about a fortnight ago in favor of Messrs. Clow & co. for two hundred dollars, and have drawn on you to day in favor of the Revd. Matthew Maury for 1662/3 Doll. and in favor of John Garland Jefferson for seventy five Dollars. These last orders will probably be presented to you towards the latter part of...
697[Diary entry: 9 April 1796] (Washington Papers)
9. Thick morning, but clear afterwards with a brisk So. Westerly wind—ground very dry. Smoaky.
Your favor of Aug. 19. came duly to hand, and I tender my thanks for it. I have very little to add in return for your acceptable observations, especially as the opportunity, happens to be reduced to a very few minutes. Mr. Smith will send you the communications to Congs. with whatever else is important. The career of Mr. Jackson, has been equally short & singular. His correspondence as far as...
69921st. (Adams Papers)
This day the Seniors leave, College; there is no recitation in the morning, and prayers are deferred till 10 o’clock. The Class then went down in procession two by two, with the Poet at their head, and escorted the President to the Chapel. The President made a very long prayer, in which in addition to what he commonly says he pray’d a great deal for the Seniors: but I think he ought to get his...
Capt. Crocker having represented that his Circumstances are such as render it absolutely necessary that he should leave Service, on his own very pressing Request. has obtained my approbation, and if agreeable to your Excellency, request he may obtain a Discharge. The necessary Certificates are obtained that his public Accounts are adjusted. I am Your Excellencys most Obedt Servt DNA : RG...
Having lived in obscurity for a long time my counsel will perhaps have but little weight with our modern philosophers, but to your Excellency I shall write freely for I think you are better informed respecting mankind. I have for a long time been patient in reading the proceedings of congress which I think are very futile, I for my own part & for the sake of my posterity can devise no way for...
The mails of yesterday brought nothing for the office worth forwarding to you. Mr. Foster has observed to me on the subject of the supplies for the Columbine, (the Dispatch vessel at Norfolk) with a view to my communicating the Remark to you, that they scarcely ever victual one of their public vessels for a shorter period than four months at a time, and that the destination of the Columbine...
The question arising on Mr Simons’ letter of Jan. 10. is Whether sea-letters shall be given to the vessels of citizens neither born nor residing in the US? Sea-letters are the creatures of treaties. no act of the ordinary legislature requires them. the only treaties now existing with us, & calling for them are those with Holland, Spain, Prussia & France. in the two former we have stipulated...
I cannot imagine my Dear John what can be the reason of your not writing to me. You used to be a very regular correspondent, but I suppose the Ladies have such demands on your time you have none to bestow on your poor Mother. We are very happy to learn from Mr Pomeroy, that your Grandfather is so entirely recovered he tells us the old Gentleman has not looked so well this two years as he does...
I have the honor to transmit you herewith Returns of the Militia of the United States, made from such Returns as have been received by this Department Accept Sir assurances of my high respect & consideration DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Agreeably to the directions given in your letter of the 27th of October, I have endeavoured to get the rent of the house in which you are to reside fixed with the Committee; but my endeavours have been ineffectual. The footing upon which they have placed the matter with Mr Morris puts it out of their power to ascertain the rent at present. I am informed by Mr Mires Fisher, one of the most...
Nicholas called for a committee “to enquire how far the act of Congress for the defence of the frontier had been complied with, and what number of the men ordered to be raised are yet to be enlisted.” JM had reported that act from committee in 1792 ( PJM , 14:199 and n. 1 ). Mr. Madison observed that a gentleman from New-Jersey (Mr. Dayton) had stated three different ways, in which the act was...
708Poor Richard, 1743 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1743. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1743 ,... By Richard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing-Office near the Market. (Yale University Library) Because I would have every Man make Advantage of the Blessings of Providence, and few are acquainted with the Method of making Wine of the Grapes which grow wild in our Woods, I do here...
Your favour of yesterdays date is just come to hand. You have my thanks for your care of the Spirits and Cheese, which I could wish to have sent forward to me at this place, or wherever I may be. Colo. Trumbull went from hence to day, to Peekskill; if you could get it into his care he will, I am perswaded, put it into hands that will not suffer it to be stolen or adulterated on the way—but as...
§ From Joseph Warner Rose. 14 May 1806, Boston. “Having heard of an opportunity direct from this Port to the Island of Antigua which will Sail early the next month and being determined to avail myself of it, I beg leave to communicate it as you may have some orders for me. The Commission as commercial Agent which the President has confer’d on me directs me to render all the Assistance in my...
With Mr. Davis’s report of the 8th I enclose all the papers relative to the complaint of Mr Liston against Capt Laskey & Capt Mugford & am Sir your most obedient I return also Carnots pamphlet. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
Cn. Pichon returns the Secretary of State, with his best compliments, the inclosed papers which were communicated for Citizen Pichon’s examination. It is Cn. Pichon’s opinion that the cases of American captures by french West-india cruisers described in those papers, all, except the case No. 1. of the Brig Betzy of Norwich captured January 1797 and adjuged on the 14th come within the...
I cannot help feeling some chagrin when I find you constantly treating the debt I owe you as if you were in danger of loosing it, because I wish to stand higher in your confidence than it seems is the case. I have assured you that you should not loose and I am happy to see my way clear to effect the payment pretty soon, perhaps some influen⟨ce o⟩n your part over those who are to pay may ⟨b⟩e...
I have waited with anxious expectation, for some plan to be adopted by Congress which would have a general operation throughout the States for compleating their respective Battalions. No plan for this purpose has yet come to my knowledge, nor do I find that the several Governments are pursuing any measures to accomplish the end by particular arrangements of their own legislatures. I therefore...
71511th. (Adams Papers)
Paris Afternoon. Coll. Humphreys and Mr. Short, went with us to see Astley’s equestrian exercises which, may be seen once or twice with pleasure, but which are tiresome, to one who has seen them as often as I have. Astley exhibits from October till february in Paris, and the rest of the year in London. His Amphitheatre here, is generally very full: he might make a very large fortune, but...
[ New York, March 22, 1792 . The calendar summary of this letter reads as follows: “Similar letter of appreciation.” Letter not found .] Letter listed in “Calendar Summary of Philip Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton Papers,” Personal Miscellaneous, Box 6, Schuyler, MS Division, New York Public Library. See Duer to H, March 21, 1792 .
I have taken the liberty to place your Name upon a keg filled with Pekán Nuts. May I beg of you to present them to your Lady—whose acceptance I should feel as an honour conferred on one who subscribes himself, impressed with Sentiments of the highest respect, Sir, Your most obedient and very humble Servant ALS , DLC:GW . This letter is docketed “From Judge Turner 1st Dec. 1795,” but that date...
I had the honour of addressing No. 59 to you the ninth of this Month in duplicate, by way of Gibraltar & Lisbon. The 18th. Inst. Passports for the Frigate Mirboka of 22 Guns and 100 Men, and on the 23d. for the Maimona of thirty Guns and One hundred and fifty Men, the former to sail from Larach and the latter from Salle on a Cruise, were demanded and of consequence granted by all the Consuls...
The British Fleete from New York Consisting of Seven Ships of 60 Guns and upwards Twelve Large Transport Ships and Ten Topsail Schoners and Sloops made Sail from sandy Hook on Saturday Morning last about Ten OClock The Wind about South East—at Twelve The Whole fleete was Clear of The Hook and The Wind Hauled round to Southd, in The afternoon The wind Was to The Westward of South. Upon Which...
I have answered a letter from this man, a few days ago, stating that the bills would not be paid unless Congress ordered it, & that to that body he might apply MHi : Coolidge Collection.