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Results 691-740 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Whenever I have set myself down to write to my dear Sisters, I have found myself so drowned in...
I am to acknolege the honor of your letter of Jan. 29. and of the papers you were so good as to...
I have at length an Opportunity by Mr. Brown to forward Bills of Exchange; and I only add the...
I have been waiting with impatience to hear of your arrival in Philedelphia, your health was so...
I did not indulge the expectation that I Shoud wholly escape reproach when I had the honor to...
You cannot think how mortified & grieved I was, by being so unexpectedly disappointed, of seeing...
I had been so short a time in this place when I wrote you last, that it was out of my power to...
It is now a violent Snow Storm (PM) and I hope it will be the last for this Spring, for the Snow...
I have been so diligent on the Road and so much interrupted by Company at the Taverns that this...
I have often thought of You My good friend, and as often wish’d to See You, and did flatter...
It is indeed a long time since I have receiv’d any Letters from my friends in America, and I must...
The silk you desired was delivered to mr̃ Parker a month ago, on the eve of his departure for...
This is one of my red Letter Days. It is the Anniversary of the Signature of the Declaration of...
Your kind letter I receiv’d to day and am greatly rejoiced to hear you are all so well. I was...
Just Come to hand is A Letter from my very Worthy Friend who I suppose is by this time arrived at...
I have nothing to write you at this moment but Scandal, and that about one of our Connections and...
The Reason of our being in Spain, you will, perhaps, be no stranger to, when this reaches You. I...
The vacancy is up and our Sons are just return’d to their Studies at college. Were they Brothers...
I am now Settled.— The first night I went to a M r Alders, opposite to M r Binghams, but not...
By the Post of Yesterday I received your kind Letter of the 4 th. of this month, and, by it, was...
I told you, in a former Letter, that I lodged at Gen. Roberdeau’s. This Gentleman is of French...
Your Letter of the 25 Nov. has revived my heart. I rejoice at your real Recovery and hope it will...
A Gentleman, Mr. Boardman of Newbury Port, is going, and by him I send you a few Lines. In...
If words could express the gratitude I feel for your kindness to me, & my Children, it would be...
Ten days ago, I shipped your Carriage on board a Schooner called the Hannah of Nantucket bound...
I believe I shall set off for Paris next Fryday. Mr. Thaxter and Mr. Storer will go with me. The...
Could I write you any agreable Inteligence I would with pleasure Grasp the pen And Call of my...
Yesterday, by the Post, I received yours of Septr. 25th., and it renewed a Grief and Anxiety,...
I am thus far advanced on my Journey, and shall continue it from hence tomorrow. I found Mr....
I presume Dear Madam that I Shall receive Your pardon by Complying with the request of M r....
It would give Pleasure to every Body your Way but the few, unfeeling Tories, to see what a Spirit...
I am never happier than when I am performing good offices for good people; and the most friendly...
In my last I informd You of having contracted with the Two Shipleys. I had kept them sometime in...
I have received your Letter, respecting the Bill for £50. The way that you propose is as agreable...
I received at Töplitz, on the 3 d: of last month, your kind favour of 12. June, which I did not...
This day I received yours of the first of March from Bilbao, with the Journals &c.—the Postage of...
Yesterday’s Post brought me your Letters of the 10th and 14 with a Copy of March 17. on the...
I have, this minute rec d your favour of the 22 d. The Report of the Presidents Resignation is...
Since I had the pleasure of addressing you last, I have found in the office a Narrative...
On Saturday I Saw our sons Letter to the Secretary of State. M r Randolph expressed his intire...
This is King Tammany’s Day. Tammany was an Indian King, of this Part of the Continent, when Mr....
Your letters of the 18 th. of last December, and the 4 th. of March following, with the contents,...
Monsieur Chaumont has just informed me of a Vessell bound to Boston: but I am reduced to such a...
I thank you for presenting a Barrell of Flour to my Mother, and wish you to do every Thing for...
I have this moment received your polite Invitation to dinner tomorrow, and am extremely sorry,...
Mobs are the trite Topick of Declamation and Invective, among all the ministerial People, far and...
I have been duly honoured with your two favours of the 18th. of Novr. and 8th. of December. I am...
Mr. Church setts off, tomorrow Morning. I have sent this Morning by Mr. William Winthrop, about...
After a March like that of Hannibal over the Alps We arrived last Night at this Place, Where We...
Last Evening I received a few Lines from you dated the 23d of Decr., with Newspapers to the 4th....