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Results 691-740 of 184,431 sorted by author
I do not know whether there is any getting over the Rivers. the Eastern Mail due yesterday is not...
I received on saturday Yours of May 28 th I wrote you on saturday previous to my receiving yours...
I cannot say that I write you from my Solitude, for who can call themselves Solitary, when in the...
I write you this Morning just to say that there are dispatches from our Envoys up to April by...
I write you again by this vessel altho it seem’s as if there was a Spell to detain her; she has...
I have not written to you since I received your Letter giving me an account of the ordination,...
I received last Evening Your kind Letter of Feb ry 8 th . I thank you for your congratulation,...
What can be the reason I have not heard from you since the 20 of April, and now tis the 27 of...
Tis a Great Grief to me that I know not how to write nor where to send to you. I know not of any...
I wrote to you intending to Send the Letter by mr Dexter, but found he was gone. I therefore...
We leave this place this morning & hope to reach Home on fryday of the next week. I have written...
I have rejoiced in the fine weather which has attended you through your journey, and the good...
I suppose you have written to me, tho I have not received it, for Mr. Ayers left his pocket Book...
your Aunt Cranch received a Letter from your Mother of Jan ry 1st in which she makes mention of...
William Shaw came from Boston last Evening to keep Sabbeth with me and brought me your Letter of...
This is the Sixteenth Day since you left me, and I have not yet heard a word from You. I hope...
Here am I all alone, in my Chamber, a mere Nun I assure you, after professing myself thus will it...
My unkle who is very attentive to acquaint me with every opportunity of conveyance, last Evening...
I arrived in this city last Evening & came to the old House, now occupied by Francis as an Hotel....
It was with a mixture of pleasure and pain that I read your Letter of December 25th from Berlin...
I inclose to you a National song composed by this same mr Hopkinson. French Tunes have for a long...
If I should ask why I have not heard from my sister or Friends, for several weeks past, would she...
I inclose to you a pamphlet, The correspondence between the Secretary of state, and the French...
Mrs. Adams presents her respectfull compliments to Mr. Jefferson and asks the favour of him to...
I received by the post yours of March 3 d & 5 th I had previously received the speach which I...
I received by Mr. Church a few lines from you; I wish to hear from you every opportunity tho you...
In truth Friend thou art a Queer Being—laugh where I must, be candid where I can.—Your pictures...
I would tell you that I had an ague in my face, and a violent toothache, which has prevented my...
I never feel so great a propensity to write as when I have just received a Letter. Yours of Nov...
I received your two kind Letters of April 19 th & 22 d I was much gratified by the appointment of...
I received your kind favours of the 19 & 22 of April. the printers were very obliging in taking...
I last Evening received your Letter of 28 th of Febry which relieved my mind from a great weight...
Mr Dawes sent me word that he was going to Newyork this week. I would not omit any opportunity of...
I was in hopes of hearing from you by last Nights post, as I am solicitious to learn how mrs...
We have had four days and Nights of Rain an old fashiond rain. if there had been upon the Ground...
Your Letters have become Such a model of elegant composition, that I cannot but think you must...
I sit down to write tho I feel very Languid; the approach of Spring unstrings my nerves, and the...
I received two kind Letters from you since I had the pleasure of writing to you. I regreet that...
in the midst of the Bustle and fatigue of packing, The parade & ceremony of taking leave at...
Your favour of december 21 was deliverd me enclosing the extract relative to Mr. Hutchinson. As...
Captain Lyde is arrived to our no small joy and brought us a charming parcel of Letters, amongst...
I seldom feel a sufficient stimulous for writing untill I hear that a vessel is just about to...
I received this week as many packets by the Mail as a minister of state. they however containd...
It gives me real pain to see the various arts and machinations of our internal Enemies practised...
Yesterday being Sunday I went with your papa to the Foundling Church, Dr. Price whom we usually...
Your Letter of March the 10 th is before me; Your Brother informs me that he has one of April. It...
yesterday dispatches were received from mr King up to the 9 th Jan’ ry in a postscrip he says, I...
I wrote you by the post, but as Capt. Cuznow Cazneau goes to morrow perhaps this may reach you...
I write you a few Lines this mor’g just to inclose to you the News paper of yesterday which...
About an Hour ago I received a Letter from my Friend dated June 21: begining in this manner “my...