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Results 691-720 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
691 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 28 July 1832 1832-07-28 The waggon will take you a load of flour this evening which please sell & inform me of the amount...
692 Madison, James Daingerfield, John James Madison to John Daingerfield, 28 July 1832 1832-07-28 In compliance with the request in your letter of the 16th. I enclose a certificate in the best...
693 Madison, James Faulkner, Charles James James Madison to Charles James Faulkner, 26 July 1832 1832-07-26 I have duly recd. your letter communicating the Resolutions in which "the National Republican...
694 Livingston, Edward Madison, James Edward Livingston to James Madison, 23 July 1832 1832-07-23 (Private) Your letter of yesterday has given me some hints of which I shall immediately avail...
695 Allen, William Madison, James William Allen to James Madison, 21 July 1832 1832-07-21 The mails of yesterday brought me yours of the 19th. and a letter from Colo. Peyton enclosing a...
696 Glenn, Elias Madison, James Elias Glenn to James Madison, 20 July 1832 1832-07-20 I regret that indisposition prevents me from delivering this letter in person, and more...
697 Madison, James Herring, James James Madison to James Herring, 20 July 1832 1832-07-20 I have received your letter of the 14th. If I could under other circumstances venture on the...
698 De Peyster, Frederic Jr. Madison, James Frederic De Peyster, Jr. to James Madison, 19 July 1832 1832-07-19 I have the honor herewith to transmit the published Collections of the "NewYork Historical...
699 Maury, James Madison, James James Maury to James Madison, 19 July 1832 1832-07-19 Altho I know the news papers I now send must have lost much of what might have been more...
700 Daingerfield, John Madison, James John Daingerfield to James Madison, 16 July 1832 1832-07-16 I am sorry to trouble you again on a subject in which you are not interested or concerned—but...
701 Madison, James Homans, Isaac Smith James Madison to Thompson & Homans, 14 July 1832 1832-07-14 J Madison presents his respects to Messrs. Thompson & Homanes, & incloses 5$ instead of 2 1/2...
702 Herring, James Madison, James James Herring to James Madison, 14 July 1832 1832-07-14 Permit me to introduce to your notice the Plan of a work, the design of which is to honour those...
703 Board of Visitors, University of Virginia Board of Visitors, University of Virginia, 11 July 1832 1832-07-11 July 11—The Board met. Present James Breckenridge, Joseph C. Cabell, William H. Broadnax, and...
704 Wirt, William Madison, James William Wirt to James Madison, 11 July 1832 1832-07-11 Judge Glenn of this place, being about to pass through Orange, and having always been one of your...
705 Madison, James Randolph, Thomas Jefferson James Madison to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 6 July 1832 1832-07-06 It is a painful consideration with me that I shall be unable to give my attendance at the...
706 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 3 July 1832 1832-07-03 It is more than four weeks since I received your last; and I then thought that but a day or two...
707 Faulkner, Charles James Madison, James Charles James Faulkner to James Madison, 1 July 1832 1832-07-01 I have been instructed by the National Republican Convention of Virginia, which has this day...
708 Madison, James Dade, Lawrence T. James Madison to Lawrence T. Dade and Others, 29 June … 1832-06-29 I have received, my friends, your letter of the 25. instant, inviting me, in behalf of a portion...
709 Dunglison, Robley Madison, James Robley Dunglison to James Madison, 28 June 1832 1832-06-28 The last accounts from Montpellier not representing you as in perfect health, I shall endeavour...
710 Madison, James Stone, William L. James Madison to William L. Stone, 25 June 1832 1832-06-25 I have recd., Sir, with your letter of the 17th. inst. a copy of your work on Masonry &...
711 Dade, Lawrence T. Madison, James Lawrence T. Dade and Others to James Madison, 25 June … 1832-06-25 A portion of the Citizens of Orange have agreed to celebrate the approaching Anniversary of...
712 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 23 June 1832 1832-06-23 The waggon will deliver you two Hhds of Tobacco which you will make the best of in the Fredg....
713 Stone, William L. Madison, James William L. Stone to James Madison, 17 June 1832 1832-06-17 It is highly probable that my humble name has never reached your ears, unless through the medium...
714 Madison, James Hoffman, David James Madison to David Hoffman, 13 June 1832 1832-06-13 J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Hoffman thanks him for the copy of his lecture lately...
715 Madison, James Chaumont, Le Ray de James Madison to Le Ray de Chaumont, 9 June 1832 1832-06-09 I have received and thank you for your favor of the 2d. instant, with the edifying pamphlet...
716 Madison, James Lawrence, William Beach James Madison to [William Beach] Lawrence, 8 June 1832 1832-06-08 J. M. has received the copy of the "Historical Discourse" for which he is indebted to the...
717 Madison, James Doddridge, Philip James Madison to Philip Doddridge, 6 June 1832 1832-06-06 Your letter of the 1st. instant followed by a copy of your speech on Congressional priviledges,...
718 Madison, James Willis, John Indenture. Sale of land in Orange County by Dolley and … 1832-06-05 This Indenture made the fifth day of June one thousand eight hundred and thirty two between James...
719 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 2 June 1832 1832-06-02 We send off to day a wagon with two hogsheads of tobacco. The tobacco is not large but grown in...
720 Chaumont, Le Ray de Madison, James Le Ray de Chaumont to James Madison, 2 June 1832 1832-06-02 I am about sailing from France where it is necessary I should spend a few months to attend to the...