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Results 6901-6930 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ New York, 25 Nov. 1788 . Recorded in SJL as received 4 Feb. 1789. Not found, but the nature of its contents is revealed in TJ to Fanning, 10 Feb. 1789 and Fanning to TJ, 21 Feb. 1789.]
[ New York, September 2, 1790. “I cannot let the Packet go my Dear Friend without dropping you a line to prove to you that you are always of more consequence than the great affairs which you have so often represented as the rival of all my friendships.…” Letter not found. ] ALS , sold at Parke-Bernet Galleries, May 4, 1938, Lot 189. Angelica Church was Elizabeth Hamilton’s sister. Text taken...
Inclos’d I send your Excellency a copy of a letter from Mr Thompson, Waggon Master General, respecting Waggoners. His plan and reasons you will judge of, and give your directions accordingly. This, or some similar mode, is indispensibly necessary to promote the service; and however inconvenient it may be to the line of the army, Congress have put things upon such a footing, that there is no...
26. present all the members } see a paper containing minutes of the proceedings of these days, in which there was no dissentient voice. 27. Do. except the Atty Genl 28. Present all the members DLC
I have to thank you for your pamphlets on the subject of Unitarianism, and to express my gratification with your efforts for the revival of primitive Christianity in your quarter. no historical fact is better established than that the doctrine of one god, pure and uncompounded was that of the early ages of Christianity; and was among the efficacious doctrines which gave it triumph over the...
Certain information being received that a considerable Fleet of the Enemy has arrived within our Capes, and have begun their debarkation, I have thought proper with advice of the Council of State to require one fourth of the Militia of your County to repair immediately to Richmond armed and accoutred in the best manner possible. Let every Man bring his own Blanket. It is not necessary that any...
6907[Diary entry: 10 May 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 10th. Mercury at 62 in the Morning— at Noon and 60 at Night. Wind pretty fresh all day from So. East—raw, cold, & not much unlike rain. Quitted fishing at the ferry landing, as I had done at the House landing on Saturday last. Began to weed a yard for Brick making at home. Rid into the Neck. Found my Wheat there tolerably promising. General Moylan returned before dinner. Doctr. Jenifer...
The General and Field Officers of the day, have orders to withdraw the pickets at day-break to morrow morning—Previous to that, you are to assemble Major Lees Corps, and the rest of the Cavalry under your command, and distribute them on the different Roads leading to the Enemys lines, directing them to advance with a view of discovering whether the enemy intend any forward movement—that the...
Philadelphia, July 4, 1784. Asks for information concerning an act of the New York legislature “relative to debts due to persons who were Residents of Your State, and whose Estates have been forfeited.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Forman had been a New Jersey Loyalist who joined the British army. He was taken prisoner and later released in Pennsylvania. When this letter was...
6910General Orders, 5 December 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Col. Otho Holland Williams’s orderly book entry for this date reads: “No G.O. orders the 5th” (orderly book, 12 Oct.–24 Dec. 1779, DLC : Peter Force Collection).
Pursuant to your direction, with as much expedition, as appeared consistent, with the idea of giving to each Officer of my regiment, an opportunity of voting for a person to be nominated as paymaster, I convened this day, agreably to a previous notice, eleven Officers, who by a plurality of voices nominated Lieutenant John G. Whorter as a fit character to be recommended to that Office—He will...
The Inclosed will shew you a Work which I am now printing here, a number of which I hope to disperse in your part of the world; The utility of the work is a sufficient appology for my taking the liberty of thus addressing you on the Subject; hoping you will be kind enough to give it that sanction, which you think it merits. For any thing farther, I wd refer you to Mr George Morton, Treasury,...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the President of the US. and will have the honor of waiting on him to dinner on Thursday next NHi ; NNGL .
6914General Orders, 5 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
In Congress June 10th Resolved, That for the future the Quarter Master or other Person drawing provision for any Regiment Corps or Detachment shall on the last day of every month make out an abstract of the number of retain’d rations due to each officer respectively and also the number of each part of a ration due to each regiment corps or detachment and deliver the same to the respective...
I have the pleasure of your private letter of the 26th of August. The feelings and views which are manifested in that letter are such as I expected would exist. And I most sincerely regret the cause of the uneasy sensations you experience. It is my most anxious wish, as far as may depend upon me, to smooth the path of your administration, and to render it prosperous and happy. And if any...
This moment Arrived a Small Vessell from the West Indies, with abt, Six Thousand wt powder belonging to the Continent, and as I tho’t it might be wanted at Headquarters, have Dispatched Major Gains with this information, to your Excellency and should it be wanting, (in part, or all) shall immediately forward it, on Receiveg your Direction —The Bearer will inform what inteligence the Capt....
I lately received your Letter of the 31st of August, scarce any Thing could have surprised me more than the Occasion of it for instead of being displeased I thought myself much obliged by the Letter you wrote me in the Time of our Convention —To strengthen the Friends of the new Constitution and expedite it’s Adoption I shewed that and other Letters containing much the same Information and...
11 April 1803, Boston. “If I had an idea of what its commonly called the making of interest I should not possess confidence enough in the weight of my own character to attempt it: but in an extensive government, information, as to men qualified for offices must be had through some channel or other.” Encloses a letter signed by men “respectable and friendly to the present administration” and...
agrée je vous prie L’homage De mon Respect et me perméte De vous Rappeler Les Sirconstances, qui Mont procuré La Satisfaction De méttre En Evidance tout Le zele et Lamprescement a Cegonder veaux vüe par mes Scitations Sur veaux Côttes Comendant Le vaisseau de Sa Majésté LEveillé et Deux frégate avec Lesquels je me Suis Rendüe Maitre Du vaisseau Le Romulusse, Le Duc De york, La Goilétte La...
It has been represented to me by my friend Doctr. Seybert & other Gentn. Members of Congress, that it was understood the Hotel could be purchased for about ten thousand Dollars, in consequence of which the sum appropriated was only twenty thousand Drs. The bill Authorises the President to buy or build an house for public Offices, I believe it cannot be denied that it was the general wish of...
Press copy of ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress Since the Letter I had the honour of writing to your Excellency on the 19th. Inst, the Duke de Lauzun is arrived at Versailles from Virginia, with the glorious News of the combined Force of America & France having forced General Cornwallis to capitulate. The English Garrison marched out of York Town on the 19th of...
Your letter of the seventh instant has been received. I have upon reflection, thought it expedient to order all the recruiting Officers of the additional regiments, with the men they may have enlisted, to their regimental rendezvouses; as it would be impossible to adopt any arrangements which would effectually prevent the enlistment of more men than are wanted to complete the old...
Congress have been pleased to refer to me a petition from you to them for liberty to go a voyage to sea for the recovery of your Health—To this I consent, and you have leave of absence for six Months, upon the following condition, that you do not go on board any armed Vessel as a marine Officer or in any character which shall entitle you to a share of prize money. I am &c. DLC : Papers of...
If you may please to look over these lines, thinking of their Merit. In the year 1766. or when I was about fourteen years of age, when I was looking for fishworms, for Angle fishing, the foundation of my since Experience, toke place in my Understanding, with such a demonstration that it was left without any Doubt.—I can give my reasons for it.— Near 20 years ago, I tried it with potatoes, it...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This is the first letter in the volume that offers services; the writer apparently hopes that Paris is full of young Americans eager to learn equitation. On April 2 Delaire, in La Rochelle, makes a similar suggestion; it is addressed to Silas Deane, but came to Franklin and is among his papers. The writer has had business setbacks but remains in good...
I acknowledge myself much obliged by your polite attention to the letter, I had the honour to send you respect g the Edinburgh & Quarterly Rev ws . The Edinburgh, has indeed a decided preference, even among those who are its political opponents. This is sufficiently manifested, by my Sub on List. Lawyers & Federalists are the principal Sub ers . As a profound mataphi si cal work it is...
5 April 1801. Indisposition prevented his going to Richmond when JM was last there. Encloses a medal as token of friendship and “high consideration,” knowing JM has a collection of them. RC ( DLC ). 1 p.; in Stuart Griffin’s hand (see Cyrus Griffin to JM, 29 July 1801 ); docketed by JM. Cyrus Griffin served with JM in the Continental Congress in 1780 and was a district court judge in Virginia,...
Le M. f. previent le S. d. la t. des E. U. qu’il a donné à Conyngham Nesbit et compe. deux mandats dont un de 40624 Doll. 33/00 à vue faisant le reliqua du payement echu au 15 du present et l’autre de 9980 Dol. 28/00 payable au lr. de may prochain. T. LC , Arch. des Aff. Etr., Corr. Pol., Etats-Unis Transcripts or photostats from the French Foreign Office deposited in the Library of Congress....
I have the Honor to transmit to you an Extract of a Letter from Captain Sir Robert Laurie Bart, respecting some British Seamen, Deserters from His Majesty’s Service, stated to be now serving on board the United States Frigate Chesapeake; and beg to request that the Government of the United States will cause such Steps to be taken as may be thought proper on the Occasion. I have the Honor to...
6930[1766?] (Adams Papers)
Q uery . The Service done by Tommy Hutchinson, for the Province, for which he had a Grant of 40£. and his fathers application for Pay, for the same Service and saying, he never had any Pay for it. The Bill drawn by Mr. Hutchinson, and carried in Council and sent down to the House, to enlarge the Power of the Judges of Probate, and empower them to appoint a few freeholders to set off Widows...