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Results 6901-6910 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
You Will doubtless hear from several quarters of the arrival of admiral Greavess squadron who anchored of point Judith 4 days since. You have heard from better hands of the present situation of this Country, the Military Manuvers, the political opperations, the Disinterestedness of the Inhabitants and the purity of the Manners. You have been told that the New Constitution has been accepted,...
M r Fitch presents his Compliments to M r Adams. & begs Leave to Remind him That the latter End of the Year 1774 & very early in 1775 M r. Adams borrowed of him the first Volumes of the Year Books. The Laws of Connecticut. and New Jersey. (with the Charters of each prefixed) & Smiths Historory of New York: as M r Adams hath, doubtless, these Books. M r Fitch would be much Obliged to him for...
A few days ago, I received at once your Letters of Novr: 11. from Quincy and of Decr: 5. from Philadelphia. In the course of three or four days indeed, I had a flood of American Letters pouring upon me, and can no longer complain of that inattention and neglect which an interval of three or four months had occasioned me to mention in my last Letter. Very soon after you wrote, the Elections of...
I rec d. M rs. Adams’s Lett r. of Nov. 6. and had wrote a long Epistle of the 21 t. Ins t. and put it into the Post Office to go by a Cap. Brown who is to sail from Portsmouth, had also drawn a Bill on you for £150 Sterl g which I found necessary— But on receiving this Day M rs. Adams’s Favour of Jan y 1. and finding that they were not forwarded & that the Vessell would not sail for some Days...
I most sincearly Congratulate you on The accession of Rhode Island to the Union. by this event the Chain seems compleat. may our publick deliberations be conducted with that wisdom as shall insure Happiness to this great Nation. I have just return’d from attending our Gen l Assembly, Convened on purpose to Elet Senators and prescribe the mode of Choosing the Representative. Your Humble Servant...
I have received, sir, the letter which you did me the honor to write on the 27th of this month. When I took upon myself to give you a mark of my confidence by informing you of the destination of Messrs. de Ternay and Rochambeau, I did not expect the remarks that you have thought it necessary to make regarding a passage in my letter of the 25th of this month. To avoid any further discussions of...
Selon vos ordres du 1er. du Courant, j’ai cacheté de mon cachet la Lettre que Vous m’avez envoyée pour M. le Président de L. H. P. et mis de ma main l’adresse en Hollandois, avec le nom de celui qui préside, et qui est le Baron Pallant de Glinthuisen; et je la lui portai hier matin, en lui disant que je l’avois reçue de Mr. Adams, avec ordre de la lui remettre. Il la reçut sans la décachetter,...
The knowledge of your Excellency’s principles, with the distinguished marks of attention, which with Your Excellency was So Kind of honouring me, Since manÿ years, makes me so free of introducing to you Major Peter van Gaesbeck. His character as a man entitled him to the general esteem of his fellow-Citisens, and the quality of his mind promoted so much of his Intrests by the free-holders of...
Your favours of May 23. and the two of May 27. came safely to hand, the first being open. That of the 22d. from Montreuil sur mer had been received and answered on the 25th. The day before the receipt of the letters of the 27th. we had had your cases brought to the barrier of Paris in order to get the proper officer to go that far to plumb them. From there they were put on board the boat for...
I hope to receive some Letters from you this week, the date of the last was the 7 of March and now tis the 7 of April. I cannot suppose according to your usual practice but you must have wrote several times since; I sent a Letter to the post office a Saturday, but yesterday hearing of an express I thought to write a few lines by it, just to tell you that the family are well as usual, that I...