To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel John Jameson, 23 October 1780
From Lieutenant Colonel John Jameson
Pinesbridge [N.Y.] Octr 23d 1780
I have just received Intelligence that part of the Cork Fleet have arrived that they have a number of Recruits on board (the report is three thousand)1 It is also said that another embarkation has taken place (the number I have not heard[)] They had not Sailed Yesterday.2 The Militia on Long Island are Ordered to assembl⟨e⟩ at Flat Bush the last of this Week to draft a number of Men to Garrison some of the Enemys Post.
The Report in New York is that the French have taken twenty five Sail of the Cork fleet.3 I am with esteem Your Excellencys most Obedient Servant
John Jameson
1. For this supply fleet’s arrival, see Nathanael Greene to GW, 23 Sept., n.1. Another British fleet with recruits and supplies had arrived in New York (see John Hendricks to GW, 17 Oct., n.2).
2. A British embarkation had sailed from New York (see GW to Samuel Huntington, 17 Oct., n.2). Another British fleet did not sail until 16 Nov. (see John Mauritius Goetschius to GW, 24 Oct., and , 234).
3. French warships had attacked another British supply fleet (see Rochambeau to GW, this date, and n.3 to that document).