To George Washington from Thomas Bryan Martin, 13 May 1778
From Thomas Bryan Martin
May the 13th 1778
At a Season when Affairs of the greatest importance claim your Attention, I am at a loss to find an excuse for troubling you with the inclosd Letter, Affection for my connexions induces me to Attempt to remove the Uneasiness our Silence Occasions, His Lordship Offers his Compliments and joins me in desiring you will endeavour to give the inclosed a Conveyance I am Sir Your Excellencys most Obt humble Servt
T.B. Martin
Thomas Bryan Martin (1731–1798) was the nephew of Thomas Fairfax, sixth Baron Fairfax of Cameron (1693–1781), for whom he served as land agent after 1752. Martin had been elected to the House of Burgesses from Frederick County with GW in 1758 and served in a number of offices in Frederick and Hampshire counties, Virginia. At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, he left public life and retired to the Fairfax estate at Greenway Court in what is now Clarke County, Virginia. The enclosure from Lord Fairfax has not been identified, and no reply from GW has been found.