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Results 6851-6900 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
6851 Franklin, Benjamin Colden, Cadwallader From Benjamin Franklin to Cadwallader Colden, 10 July … 1746-07-10 ALS : New-York Historical Society I have your Favours of June 2d. and the 7th Instant. I thank...
6852 Heard, John Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant John Heard, 15 … 1777-09-15 I have just Been Down to the out gards. Saw the Ennimy. they Lay about a half mile from...
6853 Adams, Abigail Tufts, Cotton Abigail Adams to Cotton Tufts, 15 January 1801 1801-01-15 I received Your kind and friendly Letter of December 15 and thank You for your sympathetic...
6854 Briggs, Isaac Madison, James To James Madison from Isaac Briggs, 18 January 1814 1814-01-18 Permit me to introduce to thee, two of my young friends from Philadelphia, who will hand to thee...
6855 Hamilton, Andrew Washington, George To George Washington from Andrew Hamilton, 16 August … 1775-08-16 Your Excellencys known Character for Candor, & humanity, has encouraged me to take the liberty of...
6856 Reed, Philip Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Reed, 15 October 1806 1806-10-15 The public papers having announced the death of Mr. Purviance, Collector of the port of...
6857 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 April 1775] 1775-04-05 5. Wind very fresh and Cold from the No. West all day.
6858 Adams, Abigail Thaxter, John Abigail Adams to John Thaxter, 17 June 1782 1782-06-17 I had no intention that the Fire Brand should sail without my replying to your repeated kind...
6859 Madison, James, Sr. Madison, James From James Madison to James Madison, Sr., 18 August … 1788-08-18 I have recd. your favor of the 9th. inclosing a paper from Mr. Triplet. The case is stated so...
6860 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson, Patrick Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 11 November 1819 1819-11-11 The period for the renewal of my notes in the banks of Virginia & of the US. being now...
6861 King, Rufus Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Rufus King, [25 September … 1798-09-25 [ London, September 25, 1798. Letter not found. ] Letter listed in Rufus King’s “Memorandum of...
6862 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 March 1771] 1771-03-02 2. The Doctr. & I set of for Winchester. Dined at Triplets and lodgd at Wests. GW had called a...
6863 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 14 January 1826 1826-01-14 Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance, a young Lawyer by the name of Josiah Quincy, and...
6864 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Lafayette, 14 February 1785 1785-02-14 Le Mis. De la Fayette a l’honneur de faire ses compliments à Monsieur Jefferson et lui envoye la...
6865 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 28 June 1812 1812-06-28 I know not what, unless it were the Prophet of Tippacanoe , had turned my Curiosity to inquiries...
6866 Bache, Richard Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Bache, 18 September … 1779-09-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have yours of 2d. June via Boston— I have also since...
6867 White, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander White, 11 May 1795 1795-05-11 I embrace the first opportunity of acknowledging the receipt of your letter of 28th Ulo—which did...
6868 Jay, John Temple, John From John Jay to John Temple, 15 August 1787 1787-08-15 I am sorry it is not yet in my Power to tell you any thing decisive and satisfactory respecting...
6869 Franklin, Benjamin Ellis, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Ellis, 26 December 1773 1773-12-26 ALS : Linnean Society, London I return the Book you were so kind to favour me with. Upon...
6870 Washington, George Herbert, William From George Washington to William Herbert, 21 October … 1799-10-21 Enclosed are Two negociable Notes, sent to the Bank of Alexandria for collection. The amount of...
6871 Officers of the Virginia Regiment of 1754 Resolutions of the Officers of the Virginia Regiment of … 1772-11-23 We the Subscribers (being the only Commissioned Officers of the first Virginia Regiment who met...
6872 Searle, Nathaniel Jr. Madison, James To James Madison from Nathaniel Searle Jr., 6 July 1814 1814-07-06 The imminent & increasing danger of hostile attack to which the State of Rhode-Island is exposed,...
6873 Smith, William Stephens Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William S. Smith, 31 March … 1800-03-31 Agreably to your request, I have had Abner B. Chapel of the 13th. mustered, and enclose the...
6874 McHenry, James Madison, James To James Madison from James McHenry, 5 March 1789 1789-03-05 I did not learn till just now that you lodged in Town last night or I should have taken the...
6875 Court de Gébelin, Antoine Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Antoine Court de Gébelin, 25 … 1783-11-25 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer quelques billets pour la...
6876 Parsons, Joseph B. Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph B. Parsons, 29 April 1812 … 1812-04-29 29 April 1812, Washington. Confident of JM’s humanity, takes the liberty of stating a number of...
6877 Madison, James Coxe, Tench From James Madison to Tench Coxe, 17 January 1821 1821-01-17 I recd. a few days ago your favor of the 8th. inclosing a paper signed Phocion. Your own papers...
6878 Washington, George [Diary entry: 26 February 1768] 1768-02-26 26. Laid of a Road from Mt. Vernon to the Lain by Mr. Manleys.
6879 Jenings, Edmund Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Edmund Jenings, 6 December … 1779-12-06 ALS : American Philosophical Society As I Know not, whether your Excellency has received a Copy...
6880 Jefferson, Thomas Maréchal, Ambrose Thomas Jefferson to Ambrose Maréchal, 15 February 1818 1818-02-15 I am indebted to you for your letter of Jan. 28. and the information you are so kind as to give...
6881 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 28 October … 1807-10-28 I think there is nothing in the former regulations of the Salines which hindered merchants or...
6882 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [5 April … 1794-04-05 The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to The President & encloses the draft of a...
6883 Franklin, Benjamin Cushing, Thomas From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Cushing, 1 June 1774 1774-06-01 ALS and copy: Public Record Office; draft: American Philosophical Society I received your...
6884 Jefferson, Thomas Porée, Jean B. Thomas Jefferson to Jean B. Porée, 21 May 1810 1810-05-21 Your favor of the 2 d instant has been duly recieved, together with the Essay of M. Julien on...
6885 Hamilton, Alexander Report on the Petition of Francis Bailey, 23 February … 1790-02-23 [ New York, February 23, 1790. On this date the Speaker laid before the House of Representatives...
6886 Washington, George Knyphausen, Wilhelm von From George Washington to Lieutenant General Wilhelm … 1780-06-02 I beg leave to acquaint Your Excellency, that Congress have been pleased to empower me, by a late...
6887 Cunningham, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Cunningham, 29 December 1809 1809-12-29 When I wrote to you on the 9th. inst. I did not expect that I should again trouble you; nor did I...
6888 Hollis, Thomas Brand Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Brand Hollis, 27 January 1787 1787-01-27 I have read over most part of your book with no less satisfaction than pleasure and gained much...
6889 Washington, George Deane, Silas From George Washington to Silas Deane, 25 July 1778 1778-07-25 With very great pleasure I heard of your safe arrival at Philadelphia. with still greater, that...
6890 Madison, James Maury, James James Madison to James Maury, 6 February 1829 1829-02-06 On the rect. of your letter inclosing a letter to Mr. Walker, I put the latter into the hands of...
6891 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1776-09-01 I received your favor of this date and Intend this Evening to go to Harlem and see whether the...
6892 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas, Charles From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Thomas, 10 May 1780 1780-05-10 Please to furnish Capt. Markham for the use of the brig Jefferson with twenty three fathom of...
6893 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 8 September 1812 1812-09-08 I have yours of the 6th. I am willing & ready to act in either character alluded to. The effect...
6894 Graham, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Graham, 20 December 1816 1816-12-20 The Acting Secretary of War has the honor to submit to the President, the report made by the...
6895 Madison, James Morse, Jedidiah From James Madison to Jedidiah Morse, 28 March 1823 1823-03-28 J. Madison presents his respects to Docr. Morse with the annexed answers to the Queries...
6896 Adams, John Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurdsday, Fryday, Saturday, Sunday … 1766-03-04 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurdsday, Fryday, Saturday, Sunday 4–9 March .
6897 Madison, James Pinkney, William From James Madison to William Pinkney, 2 May 1808 1808-05-02 The papers herewith inclosed will authenticate and explain a very flagrant instance of the...
6898 Smith, William Stephens Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William S. Smith, 8 November … 1799-11-08 The General Court martial whereof Lt. Colo. Ogden is President, met agreably to interior orders...
6899 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Plats of Poplar Forest Boundaries … 1817-12-14 scale 50. po. to the inch. platted Dec. 14 17. Course pursued in making this plat. Dec. 14 17....
6900 Randolph, Edmund Mifflin, Thomas Edmund Randolph to Thomas Mifflin, 7 August 1794 1794-08-07 The President of the UStates has directed me to acknowlege the Receipt of your letter of the 5th...