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Results 6851-6900 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
On the 19 th: inst: the packets entrusted by you to the care of Erving, were handed me by M r:...
Your kind letters of Dec r 30 th from London and of Nov r 4 th from Helvoetsluys have been both...
I have yours of the 22 d. M r Van Persyn I shall be glad to see whenever it Suits his convenience...
You will find by the papers that I send with this letter, what you will perhaps know before the...
And why should I feel so anxious, so heavy at My Heart, and So depressed in My spirits? I cannot...
I had the pleasure yesterday to receive your kind letter of the 23 d of Febuary from London— we...
What ever the Majority of the House of Representitives may think of their conduct, and motives,...
Our Coach is Still immoveable. The Anarchical Warriours are beat out of all their Entrechments by...
I am not surprized at your Anxiety expressed in your Letter of the 25 th. which I rec d...
I last Evening received Your favours of April 21, 23, 24 & 26 th . I think an other week will...
The Result of Saturdays Debate in the H. of R. removes all Anxiety for the Remainder of this...
The first sight which saluted my Eyes this Morning was a fine colt. the complexion however is...
M r Richard Cooke of Mary land will tell you all the News— I expect to sign the Bills this day...
I am extreamly sorry to hear that you have been ill of your old Complaint: but was somewhat...
I received a few days ago your favour of Feb y: 29. which was doubly grateful to me, as it was...
Your favour of January 6 th: was received by our brother Thomas at the Hague, and by him...
Your favor of the 10 th: curr t: has just come to hand, and as I find a vacant moment, it cannot...
After a tedious Session of Congress, rendered uncommonly disgusting by the obstinacy of a Party...
It is a long time Since I have rec d any Letter from you, and the Report that you have had a...
I rejoice that the important question in Congress has terminated so happily, & that the Vice...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of Several Letters from You Since Your arrival in London, the...
I came into Town Yesterday with your Father, and was surprizd to find mr Gore upon the point of...
I arrived at Gravesend on Saturday, barely in time to get on board the vessel in which I had...
You remember I was ordered peremptorily to be at Gravesend on Saturday morning by ten or eleven...
The canvass of the votes for Senators for this district and for Members of Assembly to Represent...
It was no longer ago than Yesterday that I received your kind Letter of the 14. of December last,...
I returned here ten days ago from England and have this day received your letter of April 24. th:...
A Neighbour of ours Captain Richard Beal is going this week to sail for England, and I do not...
I have just received from my good friend Hall, a Letter of the 8 th: inst t: which is precious to...
Upon my file of unacknowledged letters, I find three from you, the last of which is of the 7 th:...
Four precious letters from you have come to the hand of your apostate Son Thomas, without any...
I begin again to number my letters to you; a practice which I neglected, in writing from England,...
So totally incapacitated do I feel myself for writing were it not through fear of giving you pain...
Your favor of the 2 d of last Month never came to hand until the 27 th. in course I could not but...
I have just received your letter of the 28 th: of last month, and though I have not yet read it...
This is the Aniversary of the Birth which of that Day when as the poet expresses it, We have in...
Your kind invitations would have induced Mr Peabody to have visited you at Quincy had it not now...
How shall I express my impatient anxiety at not hearing from you, five tedious weeks have elapsed...
Your letters of May 20. and 25. have both reached me forwarded from London. The latter was...
Permit me to felicitate you on your appointment to the Court of Lisbon which pleasing...
I received a few days ago your letter of April 27 th: which was forwarded to me from London. My...
I have just received my lovely friend, your letters of the 24 th: and 25 th: of last month. I...
Since the date of my last letter, (June 24 th: ) I am favored with your’s of May 19. which gives...
I have many favours in Letters, Newspapers, Pamphlets and Books to thank you for, the latest of...
This morning about one o’clock My Sally presented me with a charming daughter They are both...
Since the date of my last July 11 th I have received an Authentic account of Your appointment as...
I hope my amiable friend has before this received my letters of the 9 th: of last month, and of...
There has been an interval of Eight Months Since I received a line from Your Hand. this...
I have still to thank you for a very few lines addressed to myself, and for about half of a long...
Sunday last brought to hand your invaluable letter of the 6 th shall I confess I was nearly too...