Results 68391-68400 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
68391 Washington, George Cash Accounts, December 1772 1772-12-01 Cash Decr 5— To Ditto [cash] recd for old Silver £  0.16. 0 8— To Ditto recd from Armisteads...
68392 Fairfax, Bryan Washington, George To George Washington from Bryan Fairfax, 2 December … 1772-12-02 When I parted with You on Pohic You did not seem inclinable to take my Land there, and I have...
68393 Washington, George Briscoe, John From George Washington to John Briscoe, 3 December 1772 1772-12-03 I have been inform’d, that a Survey which Captain Crawford made for me on the Ohio (being the...
68394 Washington, George Washington, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Washington, 3 December … 1772-12-03 I was in great hopes to have met with you at Fredricksburg, or seen you at this place on your way...
68395 Crawford, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Crawford, 3 December … 1772-12-03 I wrote you by V. Crawford I was indebted to Mess. Jacob Hitte & Son a Sum of mony whch I have...
68396 Washington, George Blair, John Jr. From George Washington to John Blair, 4 December 1772 … 1772-12-04 Letter not found: to John Blair, Jr., 4 Dec. 1772. On 9 Dec. 1772 the Exec. Journals of Virginia...
68397 Washington, George Jones, Edward From George Washington to Edward Jones, 4 December 1772 … 1772-12-04 Letter not found: to Edward Jones, 4 Dec. 1772. On 7 Dec. Jones wrote to GW : “I Recd your Letter...
68398 Jones, Edward Washington, George To George Washington from Edward Jones, 7 December 1772 1772-12-07 I Recd your Letter of the 4th Instant in which I find you Desire an Exact Account of all things...
68399 Hill, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Hill, 13 December 1772 1772-12-13 Your man got down on monday last & I was up the country at The Quarters & did not Get down till...
68400 Baker, Francis Washington, George To George Washington from Francis Baker, 15 December … 1772-12-15 At the time Capn Posey was in this Goal, his Son St Lawrence was in a Starving Condition about...