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Results 6821-6830 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I congratulate you my dear Sir! most cordially on your Return to your native Country, and am greatly pleased with the Reception you have met with— You deserve well of your country, and I am happy to find that the acknowledgment of your Services is not left solely to Posterity. our Convention is still sitting. The opposers of the Constitution have proposed many amendments. As yet we proceed...
Having no Blank Commissions and Warrants with yr Signature on hand, I do myself the honor to enclose forty of each for your signature— I have the honor to be with / the greatest respect & esteem, / sir, your most obed hbl servant MHi : Adams Papers.
I came yesterday to this Town for a ride after my confinement, and to see my Friends. I have not been into it since I had the happiness of spending a week here with you. I am feeble and faint with the Heat of the weather, but otherways very well. I feel very anxious for your Health and almost fear to hear from you least I should hear you were sick; but hope your temperance and caution will...
I was informed on Saturday Evening that you had done me the honor to nominate me to the Senate as Chief–Judge of the Circuit composed of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware I shall ever consider this circumstance as one of the most honorable incidents of my life—I regret exceedingly that I am obliged to decline the h onor you so kindly offer me. The Salary would not maintain my family I have...
On conversing with M r. Parsons relative to Your Sons entring into the Study of the Law, I found him disposed to take him under his Instruction, and it being the Wish of your Son to live with him, I accordingly agreed with M r. Parsons on the Subject— After Commencement Vacation M r John will repair to Newbury Port— M r. Parsons’s Terms are £100— for Thrree Years exclusive of Board, the money...
The two last posts brought me your Favors of the 26 and 28th. Ult. It really gives me great Satisfaction at Length to see a prospect of a regular Correspondence between us. The Failure of my former attempts had almost discouraged me, tho’ from the frequent miscarriage of Letters to and from me, I had Reason to impute your Silence more to that than to any other Cause. I have not recd. a...
The very polite introduction to yours of Jan 3d I Consider not only as A Complement far beyond any Merit I can presume to Claim, but as Resulting in some Measure from that partial Byas which Ever Leads us to View through the most Favourable Medium whatever Regards those we Consider in the Light of Friendship. But when assure’d that I think myself both Honour’d and oblige’d whenever Mr. Adams...
Forty three volumes read in one year, and 12. of them quartos! dear Sir, how I envy you! half a dozen 8 vos in that space of time are as much as I am allowed. I can read by candlelight only, and stealing long hours from my rest; nor would that time be allowed me indulged to me, could I, by that light, see to write. from sun-rise to one or two aclock, and often from dinner to dark, I am...
My last two or three Letters were by Capt. Samson, who if he has not Shared the ill fate of some Others, must have been handed you long before this. Three Letters went by my Son. He had the Misfortune to be taken, and carried to Newfoundland, and I suppose the Letters went to the Bottom with a great Number of Others. In them I Endeavoured to give you as perticular an Account of our Affairs...
The Attorney General of the United States having maturely considered the questions submitted to him by the President of the United States, most respectfully reports his opinions as follows, Upon Question 1st. If a nation to whom a Minister Plenipotentiary is sent by another nation, refuse him residence, it is a just cause of displeasure, but if he be refused an audience and the refusal...