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Results 6821-6870 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
6821[Diary entry: 26 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
26. Dull morng. Wind at So. Wt. and cool. Clear Noon & Muddy Sky in the Afternn.
6822[Diary entry: 26 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
26. Began to deliver my Wheat to Mr. Kirk. Carpenters not having quite finishd the Overseers...
6823[Diary entry: 27 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
27. Went on the Road, clearing between Mt. Vernon, and the Mill. In the Evening Mr. Stedlar came....
6824[Diary entry: 27 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
27. Showery all day (misty Showers) & still.
ALS : Abercairny Collection, Scottish Record Office, Edinburgh It gave me great Pleasure to see...
6826[Diary entry: 28 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. In the Afternoon went up to Mr. Robt. Alexanders in order to meet Mr. B. Fairfax & others a...
6827[Diary entry: 28 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. Misty Showers with intervening Sun. Wind Southwardly & fresh.
6828[Diary entry: 29 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
29. At Mr. Alexanders all day with his Phil & Captn. Posey—it raining. phil : probably Robert...
6829[Diary entry: 29 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
29. Constant Rain from abt. 7 Oclock till three—then Snow with variable Wind from So. Wt. to No....
Covenant Broken. Plea. Special Demurrer. 1. 2. 3. 4. Joinder in Demurrer. Auchmuty. 2 Breaches...
Sewall . Dougherty at Newfoundland, 3 Years, Little breakfasted dined suppd and lodgd there....
Sewall. Action of slander. Not directly charging Perjury. Things contrary to Truth and contrary...
James Athern Esqr. Joshua Gardiner. Folger has entered and cleared Vessell I am concerned in to...
The Affairs and Transactions of the Customs and Revenue, are very loose. Customs and Duties and...
6835[March 1768] (Washington Papers)
Mar. 1st. Went a fox hunting with the two Alexrs. and Posey. Was during the chase (in which...
Mar. 1st. Cool & clear. Wind fresh from the No. West. Ground froze. 2. Cool morning but clear,...
6837Observations [March 1768] (Washington Papers)
Mar. 3d. Deliverd a Load of 508 Bushels of Muddy hole Wheat to Mr. Kirks Ship and my Schooner...
6838Memms., March 1768 (Washington Papers)
If Ewes & Lambs are restraind from Wheat Fields, & no green food sowd to support them in the...
6839Cash Accounts, March 1768 (Washington Papers)
Cash Mar. 12— To Ditto [cash] of Mr Magowan Balle Acct £0. 6.10 21— To Captn Hanson Marshall for...
6840[Diary entry: 1 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
Mar. 1st. Went a fox hunting with the two Alexrs. and Posey. Was during the chase (in which...
6841[Diary entry: 1 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
Mar. 1st. Cool & clear. Wind fresh from the No. West. Ground froze.
6842[Diary entry: 2 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
2. Hunting again, & catchd a fox with a bobd Tail & cut Ears, after 7 hours chase in wch. most of...
6843[Diary entry: 2 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
2. Cool morning but clear, still, and pleasant afterwards. Frost again.
6844[Diary entry: 3 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
3. Returnd home much disorderd by a Lax, Griping and violent straining.
6845[Diary entry: 3 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
3. Lowering with some sprinkles of Rain.
6846[Diary entry: 3 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
Mar. 3d. Deliverd a Load of 508 Bushels of Muddy hole Wheat to Mr. Kirks Ship and my Schooner...
6847[Diary entry: 4 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
4. At Home, worse with the above complaints. Sent for Doctr. Rumney, who came in the Afternn.
6848[Diary entry: 4 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
4. Cool, Wind at No. West, & frosty.
6849[Diary entry: 5 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
5. Very bad the Doctr. staying with me.
6850[Diary entry: 5 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
5. Cool, & Cloudy. Ground froze. Towards Night Snow—just to whiten the Ground.
6851[Diary entry: 5 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
5. Deliverd another Load of 517½ Bushls. of the Neck Wheat to the above ship and returnd the same...
6852[Diary entry: 6 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
6. Something better—Doctr. still here—& Mr. Ramsay came down to see me.
6853[Diary entry: 6 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
6. Ground & snow hard froze. Clear, Wind Northwardly.
6854[Diary entry: 7 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
7. Rather better. Doctr. went home after breakfast. Mr. Ramsay staid to Dinner.
6855[Diary entry: 7 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
7. Clear & cool, wind still Northwardly.
Printed in The Pennsylvania Chronicle, and Universal Advertiser , December 5–12, 1768; draft in...
6857[Diary entry: 8 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
8. Mending fast. Colo. Thos. Moore calld here on his way from Alexa. Home, but made no stay....
6858[Diary entry: 8 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
8. Frosty Morning—but clear & pleast. day. Wind Southwardly.
ALS : The Royal Society Dr. Priestly left these Specimens of the Circles with me to be produc’d...
6860[Diary entry: 9 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
9. Still mending. At home alone.
6861[Diary entry: 9 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
9. No frost. Clear & pleast. forenoon & Mid day—but hazy afternoon. Wind fresh from South.
Autograph abstract: The Royal Society A brief Account of that Part of Doctor Priestly’s Work on...
LS : American Philosophical Society I inclose this in a Packet Sent by the Committee of...
6864[Diary entry: 10 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
10. Mending still. Rid out. Mr. Peake & Auge. Darrel dind here. Humphrey Peake (1733–1785), who...
6865[Diary entry: 10 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
10. Lowering Morning. Rainy, & Windy afternoon from the So[uth]ward.
6866Advertisement, 10 March 1768 (Washington Papers)
To Any of the Name of Stot, Wills, Richardson, or Smith In Durham, In England Alexandria Virg....
This Letter will, I expect, be delivered to you by Mr Walter Magowan, who for many years has livd...
The bearer Mr Walter Magowan has an order upon you for £13.0.9 being the proceeds of two Hhds of...
In my last from London I gave you a detail of the various schemes I had form’d and of the great...
6870[Diary entry: 11 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
11. At home alone all day.