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Results 68161-68170 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I recieved my lettre Directed to you at Philadelphia back from London because my friend thought it would not please me, when I should know you was at Paris, I send it you without opening it, tho you will now be acquainted with the philosophical part of it. As I referred to it in my last, which will have come to your hands by Abbe Georgel , I am affrayed...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I rcived yesterday from Madame chaumont the lettre of mr. Williams to which I iclose an answer, which you will be so good as to peruse and send to him by the first oportunity. I did not underwrite it, lest it should fall in wrong hands. If I was richer I should dare to venture the business without insurance. I should be very glad, if mr. Williams would...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did send you in Decembre last the issue of the experiment by which the conducting power of common heat may be determined in the different metals. I have since wrote to you in february, requesting to be informed of what is become of Mr Wharton. I gave you to understand that I was greately concerned in some articles of trade he carryed on for me when he did...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you a note some weaks ago to accompany the request of mr. Veinbrenner, which you allready had granted. His commissionary is allready gone to Hamburg and will set out with the first vessel for Philadelphia, waiting only for the introductory lettres you promish’d— Your last was dated may 16th, of Which I first recieved the copy. Reciev my thanks...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will have recieved my lettre dated Nov. 19th. with a parcel to mr le Begue Containing papers for the press. Count choteck inquired again whether his bill of exchange has been forwarded by you to America. I told him you have probably had no time to write me about it, but that I make no doubt but the commission is sent to America. From the inclosed...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It seems all your lettres miscarry in a certain way. Your last favour of the 26 of April came only to my hands a few days ago after having passed thro Vienna and a great part of the German Empire. I am still at Tissingen in Suabia upon the estate of the Prince de la Tour et Tassis , whose two sons I have succesfully inoculated. I intend to set out from here...
I take the liberty to recommend to your care this three Copies of the II volume of my work on vegetables , one for Dr. Franklin, one for the Philosophical society and one for M. Sam. Vaughan junior. I begg the favour of you to accept the fourth as a remembrance of mine. An other volume will soon appear, it being allmost out of press. I should have pay’d you my respects a long while ago, but I...
As I can make no doubt, but you will sometimes meet with a favourable oportunity of some traveller to forward this parcel, directed to Dr. Franklin, containing three books, and six copies of a pamphlet, of which the author begs you the favour of accepting a copy which accompanies the parcel, and will be delivred to you by Mr. Barrois le jeun, I hope you will, in regard to our venerable old...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I was not able to finish as soon as I expected the book I intend to publish, I find my self obliged to spend the winter in this capital, where I enjoye far more satisfaction and happiness then I can ever enjoye in the place, where I am destined to reside. Tho I have not had the pleasure of hearing directely from you, I had now and then the satisfaction...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will be surprised, that I did not keep my word or reather my resolution to come over to Paris. The reason was, that I undertook to finish a work upon the subject of the small pox and inoculation before I quitted this country, in which I was much interrupted by visitors and other avocations, which one can scarce avoid in a city as this, if a man has so...