68131From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Jefferson, 23 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
LS and press copy of LS : American Philosophical Society These People are so accustomed to see every thing done by Sollicitation of Interest, or what they call Protection, and nothing without it, that they hardly conceive it possible to obtain the Payment even of a just Debt but by means of Persons whom they suppose to have Influence enough to support and enforce their Pretensions. We should...
68132From Benjamin Franklin to J.-B. Marioge, 23 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Press copy of LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre dont vous m’avez honoré le 16 du mois dernier. Je n’ai Jamais été chargé de faire passer personne en Amérique pour y établir des manufactures. Le Pays est ouvert a tout le monde et le Congres ne cherche point à y attirer les Etrangers par des avantages particuliers. Chargé d’une Famille et à l’âge où vous étez,...
68133To George Washington from Henry Knox, 23 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
Heaven forbid my dear Sir, that you should measure my affection for you by the frequency of my letters. I have been absent from this place, a considerable part of the summer and upon my return I learned that you had gone to the Western Waters, and would not return untill the beginning of this month. There is another reason which I confess has had its influence. I considered you as overwhelmed...
68134To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Franklin, 23 November 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
These People are so accustomed to see every thing done by Sollicitation of Interest, or what they call Protection, and nothing without it, that they hardly conceive it possible to obtain the Payment even of a just Debt but by means of Persons whom they suppose to have Influence enough to support and enforce their Pretensions. We should naturally suppose that the proper time for asking such Aid...
68135The Duke of Dorset to the American Commissioners, 24 November 1784 (Adams Papers)
I transmitted without loss of time to the Marquis of Carmarthen, His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Copies of the two Letters which you had done me the honor of addressing to me; and am in consequence authorized to assure you, on the part of His Majesty’s Ministers, of their readiness to take into consideration any proposals coming from the United States that can tend to the...
68136From Benjamin Franklin to Jean-Anne Lafont, 24 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Press copy of LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre sans datte que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire. Votre Situation est embarrassante et J’en suis touché; mais, outre que Je ne puis donner de Recommandation à quelqu’un qui m’est absolument inconnu, il seroit mal’avisé de vous conseiller d’entreprendre un Voyage long est dispendieux pour aller vous établir...
68137The Duke of Dorset to the American Commissioners: Résumé, 24 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
LS and copy: National Archives; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society ⟨Paris, November 24, 1784: I transmitted copies of the two letters you sent me to the Marquis of Carmarthen, His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and am authorized to assure you of our ministers’ readiness to consider any proposals that will establish a system of mutual and permanent advantage to our two...
68138To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 24 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis on ne peut pas plus fâché mon Illustre Docteur d’avoir passe mon automne Si loin de vous et en vous disant cela je me flatte bien que vous ne le prenez pas pour un Compliment à La Françoise. Je ne le Suis pas moins Je vous assurre de n’avoir pas encore pu vous écrire un Seul petit mot. Mais La vie que Je mene ici est Si coupée par le regime qu’on y...
68139To Benjamin Franklin from John Shuttleworth, 24 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will do me a very essential Service if you will be pleased to inform His Excellency William Paca Esqr. our Governor that when I had the honor of a conversation with you at Plassy in June 1782 relative to my own affairs and those of Mr Harford I told you it was my intention to serve in the army of the united states in the line of my...
68140From George Washington to Henry Lee, Jr., 24 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
Accompanied by the Marquis de la Fayette, Captn Grancheau & the Chevr Caraman, I am just arrived at this place. The Marquis joins me in wishes to see you—come then to Dinner tomorrow, or as soon as you can make it convenient. I have heard since I came home, indeed at Dumfries, of some dispatches which went down for me from the Commee; but none have yet got to hand. I should be glad to receive...
68141Enclosure: Floridablanca to William Carmichael, 24 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
The King has not only condescended with pleasure to permit the extraction of the Jack Ass which you sollicit on acct of General Washington But further his Majesty desirous that this Commission should be executed to the entire Satisfaction of so distinguished a personage, has ordered me to look out for & place at your orders two of the best of those Animals, in case that an accident should...
68142To James Madison from Andrew Dunscomb, 24 November 1784 (Madison Papers)
To accomodate the late Officers of the Regular Line of this State and others on their settlements, I have to request Your influence for leave to bring in a Bill granting power to me to administer the necessary Oaths or Affirmations in the execution of my official duties. With esteem and regard I am &c FC ( Vi ). A letterbook copy, addressed to JM, “In assembly.” On 15 Nov. JM was appointed a...
68143Dorset to the American Commissioners, 24 November 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
I transmitted without loss of time to the Marquis of Carmarthen, His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Copies of the two Letters which you had done me the honor of addressing to me, and am in consequence authorized to assure you, on the part of His Majesty’s Ministers, of their readiness to take into consideration any proposals coming from the United States that can tend to the...
68144Wilhem & Jan Willink to John Adams, 25 November 1784 (Adams Papers)
We apply to your Excellencÿ in behalf of an unfortunate young man, being a Citizen of Massechusetts New England called Sir Jonas Hartwell, who was gone to Spain to settle his affairs, and had received for his account from Boston the Brig remittance Cap: John Ashton loaded chiefly with a cargo of tobacco to the consignation by his absence of M ss. Widow Birmingham, at its arrival M r. Hartwell...
68145To Alexander Hamilton from John Chaloner, 25 November 1784 (Hamilton Papers)
Inclosed you have bill of Lading for two boxes remaining in my care for Mr Church. I suppose these must contain the several articles wanted by the Ladies as they are the only packages in my possession that does not contain Merchandize directed for Sale. Mr Church informed me that a package would be sent by the same Vessell that brought those, containing things for his use and which he desired...
68146To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Jefferson, 25 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
AL : Library of Congress Mr. Jefferson’s compliments to Dr. Franklin. He was formerly well acquainted with mr. Beaumarchais’ demand against the state of Virginia of which Mr. Chevallié’s makes a part. But many circumstances have escaped his memory, and he is quite unacquainted with the footing on which it stands at present. Mr. Short, who for two years past has been a member of the Council of...
68147From George Washington to George Clinton, 25 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
A few days ago I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 12th Instt. Altho’ I felt pain from your Silence, I should have imputed it to any cause rather than a diminution of friendship. The warmth of which I feel too sensibly for you, to harbour a suspicion of the want of it in you, without being conscious of having given cause for the change—having ever flatterd myself that our regards...
68148From George Washington to David Humphreys, 25 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
I have had the pleasure to receive two letters from you since your arrival in France, and cannot let the Marquis de la Fayette depart without an acknowledgement of them, altho’ his doing it is Sudden, & I at the same time am surrounded with Company. When I have a little more leizure (if that ever should be) I will give you all the occurrences of this quarter that have come under my view &...
68149From George Washington to Anastasie de Lafayette, 25 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
Permit me to thank my dear little correspondent for the favor of her letter of the 18th of June last, & to impress her with the idea of the pleasure I shall derive in a continuation of them. Her Papa is restored to her with all the good health, paternal affection & honors, her tender heart could wish. He will carry a kiss to her from me, (which might be more agreeable from a pretty boy) & give...
68150From George Washington to Adrienne, Marquise de Lafayette, 25 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
If my expression was equal to my sensibility, I should in more elegant language than I am Master of, declare to you my sense of the obligation I am under for the letter you did me the honor to write me by the Marqs de la Fayette, & thanks for this flattering instance of your regard. The pleasure I received in once more embracing my friend could only have been encreased by your presence, & that...
68151From George Washington to Friedrich Anton Mesmer, 25 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
The Marqs de la Fayette did me the honor of presenting to me your favor of the 16th of June; & of entering into some explanation of the Powers of Magnetism—the discovery of which, if it should prove as extensively beneficial as it is said, must be fortunate indeed for Mankind, & redound very highly to the honor of that genius to whom it owes its birth. For the confidence reposed in me by the...
68152To George Washington from William Roberts, 25 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
This is to acquint your Exsellency that I maid Aplacation to Mr Lund Washington Near three Months ago to Know if I was to Stay a nother Year in your Imploy or not, his Reply was that he New Nothing to the Contrary that He Amagend I was to Contenew As you had Said Nothing Conserning My Going Away, Which Caused me to Rest Quiet—But to acquint your Exsellency that in your Absence to Richmon My...
68153From George Washington to William Washington, 25 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
From a letter dated the 9th of last month from my Nephew Geo: Augte Washington then at Burmuda, I have reason to believe he is ’ere this at Charleston. The poor fellow is travelling about in pursuit of health, which, it is to be feared he will never obtain. His determination at the time he wrote to me was, to procure a passage, which he thought might happen in a fortnight or three weeks, for...
68154To John Jay from Lafayette, 25 November 1784 (Jay Papers)
Altho I Hope in a few days Having the pleasure to see You, I must Beg Leave to mention a matter which Has not a litle Hurt My Feelings— You probably know that on my passing through New York, and particularly in my visit to Albany, it was intimated my presence on the indian treaty Could Be of some use to the public—at fort schuyler, I was desired to speak to the indians, which I did, and the...
68155To Thomas Jefferson from William Carmichael, 25 November 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
I pardon readily the persons to whose care the Letter which I have received with yours of the 2d Inst., was committed, since their Remissness has procured me an honor and a pleasure, which I have long been sollicitous to obtain. The intelligence which you have been pleased to convey to me, respecting the Situation of affairs in America, is so much the more Agreable as it is a long time since I...
68156From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Franklin, 25 November 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr. Jefferson’s compliments to Dr. Franklin. He was formerly well acquainted with Mr. Beaumarchais’ demand against the state of Virginia of which Mr. Chevallié’s makes a part. But many circumstances have escaped his memory, and he is quite unacquainted with the footing on which it stands at present. Mr. Short, who for two years past has been a member of the Council of Virginia, has arrived at...
68157From Alexander Hamilton to George Clinton, [26 November 1784–17 July 1787] (Hamilton Papers)
It is the wish of several of the Regents of the University that a Meeting should be appointed on some business of importance; and I am requested to write to you on the subject. It will be only necessary for you to write to Mr. Harpur who is secretary of the University desiring him to publish an advertisement according to mode prescribed in the act. I am Dr Sir with great respect & regard ...
68158Cotton Tufts to John Adams, 26 November 1784 (Adams Papers)
Yours of Sept. 5. I received the 13th. Instant and rejoice to hear that You are in the Enjoyment of that Family Felicity, which your Scituation heretofore necessarily prevented. The Powers which You have given and the Trust which You have committed to me are great. How well I shall execute them Time must determine. New Care and new Trusts have for some Years past been encreasing upon me , they...
68159To Benjamin Franklin from [Jean-Baptiste?] Deumié Groc, 26 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society L’etendue de vos Bontés à faire Le bien, et La Pureté de vos Sentiments à rendre Justice m’enhardisent à m’adresser à vous avec confiance, pour vous prier de vouloir bien Prendre Connoissance d’une affaire malheureuse, et Peut-etre unique, dans La quelle je me trouve enveloppé, Sans avoir pu découvrir Le vray resultat de ce quil en est; et Sur Laquelle je...
68160From George Washington to George Augustine Washington, 26 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
I have received two letters from you at Barbadoes, & three from Burmuda. The last informing me of your intention to embark for Charleston, which I much approve of. I have not wrote to you since you left Mount Vernon, first because I did not know where to direct to you & next because I was on the Western waters when your first letters from Burmuda came to this place. My best wishes however have...