68131From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Jefferson, 23 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
LS and press copy of LS : American Philosophical Society These People are so accustomed to see every thing done by Sollicitation of Interest, or what they call Protection, and nothing without it, that they hardly conceive it possible to obtain the Payment even of a just Debt but by means of Persons whom they suppose to have Influence enough to support and enforce their Pretensions. We should...
68132From Benjamin Franklin to J.-B. Marioge, 23 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Press copy of LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre dont vous m’avez honoré le 16 du mois dernier. Je n’ai Jamais été chargé de faire passer personne en Amérique pour y établir des manufactures. Le Pays est ouvert a tout le monde et le Congres ne cherche point à y attirer les Etrangers par des avantages particuliers. Chargé d’une Famille et à l’âge où vous étez,...
68133To George Washington from Henry Knox, 23 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
Heaven forbid my dear Sir, that you should measure my affection for you by the frequency of my letters. I have been absent from this place, a considerable part of the summer and upon my return I learned that you had gone to the Western Waters, and would not return untill the beginning of this month. There is another reason which I confess has had its influence. I considered you as overwhelmed...
68134To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Franklin, 23 November 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
These People are so accustomed to see every thing done by Sollicitation of Interest, or what they call Protection, and nothing without it, that they hardly conceive it possible to obtain the Payment even of a just Debt but by means of Persons whom they suppose to have Influence enough to support and enforce their Pretensions. We should naturally suppose that the proper time for asking such Aid...
68135The Duke of Dorset to the American Commissioners, 24 November 1784 (Adams Papers)
I transmitted without loss of time to the Marquis of Carmarthen, His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Copies of the two Letters which you had done me the honor of addressing to me; and am in consequence authorized to assure you, on the part of His Majesty’s Ministers, of their readiness to take into consideration any proposals coming from the United States that can tend to the...
68136From Benjamin Franklin to Jean-Anne Lafont, 24 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Press copy of LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre sans datte que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire. Votre Situation est embarrassante et J’en suis touché; mais, outre que Je ne puis donner de Recommandation à quelqu’un qui m’est absolument inconnu, il seroit mal’avisé de vous conseiller d’entreprendre un Voyage long est dispendieux pour aller vous établir...
68137The Duke of Dorset to the American Commissioners: Résumé, 24 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
LS and copy: National Archives; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society ⟨Paris, November 24, 1784: I transmitted copies of the two letters you sent me to the Marquis of Carmarthen, His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and am authorized to assure you of our ministers’ readiness to consider any proposals that will establish a system of mutual and permanent advantage to our two...
68138To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 24 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis on ne peut pas plus fâché mon Illustre Docteur d’avoir passe mon automne Si loin de vous et en vous disant cela je me flatte bien que vous ne le prenez pas pour un Compliment à La Françoise. Je ne le Suis pas moins Je vous assurre de n’avoir pas encore pu vous écrire un Seul petit mot. Mais La vie que Je mene ici est Si coupée par le regime qu’on y...
68139To Benjamin Franklin from John Shuttleworth, 24 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will do me a very essential Service if you will be pleased to inform His Excellency William Paca Esqr. our Governor that when I had the honor of a conversation with you at Plassy in June 1782 relative to my own affairs and those of Mr Harford I told you it was my intention to serve in the army of the united states in the line of my...
68140From George Washington to Henry Lee, Jr., 24 November 1784 (Washington Papers)
Accompanied by the Marquis de la Fayette, Captn Grancheau & the Chevr Caraman, I am just arrived at this place. The Marquis joins me in wishes to see you—come then to Dinner tomorrow, or as soon as you can make it convenient. I have heard since I came home, indeed at Dumfries, of some dispatches which went down for me from the Commee; but none have yet got to hand. I should be glad to receive...