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Results 6811-6860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have received your very polite letter of the 18th —and the obliging manner in which you have...
I take the liberty of addressing you on a subject which from its nature I trust from your known...
It is represented to me, that Robert Wilson, who I am told, acts as Commissary under Mr Blain,...
Seven o’clock, and retired to my fireside, I have determined to enter into conversation with you;...
In Compliance with the Requisition of the Honle Continental Congress and of your Excellency, we...
I am to acknolege the receipt of your favor of the 10th. and am puzzled what to say on the...
22 January 1810. Transmits a report of the secretary of the treasury “on the subject of...
Enclosed is a copy of a letter which I have written to the Secretary of War on the subject of a...
I am favored with your Letter of the 30th Ulto also with one from His Excellency Governor Clinton...
General Smith (of N Carolina) with his very best Respects has the honour of sending to the...
I beg leave through you, to observe to the House of Representatives, that the statements...
Craving your very kind attention to what I had the honor of addressing you on the 8t. August...
6823[Diary entry: 27 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
27th. I left Mr. Logston’s a little after day-break. At 4 Miles thro’ bad road, occasioned by...
Having now the advantage of a short acquaintance with the Officers of my Regimt.; and an...
New York, February 13, 1787. On this date Hamilton reported on behalf of a committee of which he...
I received your Excellencys favour of this date, with One inclosed for Colonel Ogden, which I...
To Thomas Jefferson esquire, President of the United States; the friend of science, and patron of...
To his Excellency the Governor and the Council of Virginia. The Memorial & Petition of George...
Within a few Months, I have received many letters from you; for which I have not even found time...
I have received your favor of the 28th Ulto informing me that you were proceeding with a part of...
Will Pleas to Let my unhappy Situation apolligise for my being so troblesom in calling so...
As soon as I returned from Loudoun I wrote you a letter which I supposed wod. be in time for you...
6833[Diary entry: 15 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
15. At home all day alone.
6834General Orders, 2 April 1776 (Washington Papers)
General Ward to send a Regiment to morrow morning, at ten OClock, out of Boston, to relieve Col:...
I intercepted a deserter this evening from Elizth Town in his way to Chester County Pensylvania....
The inclosed protest & certificates I received last night with the letter from Capt. Ebenezer...
27 July 1801, Cap Français. No. 4. Reports that Toussaint has just arrived from Gonaïves, where...
ALS : Harvard University Library Le S. fouquet qui aura lhonneur de vous remettre la présente...
M r . Matthews yesterday delivered to me your very friendly Letter of the 15 th . of last month,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I set out from London the 2d. Inst. and arrived here about...
I was favored with the receipt of your letter of the 17th int. If you have any knowledge of the...
Your favor of the 7th Instant, affords me an opportunity of mentioning, that the Commissioners...
Instructions to the Recording Secretary at Head Quarters. A. 1. All Letters to Congress,...
I recieved yours of the 11th. which Coverd 360 Dollers. We finised the mill dam on 11th. we put a...
684519th. (Adams Papers)
Several of the gentlemen who accompanied the governor, yesterday to Haverhill, went on to Salem...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received yours of the 26th of September last, with your...
6847General Orders, 1 June 1777 (Washington Papers)
The General directs the following rules to be invariably observed throughout the army; and as he...
Smiths Clove [ New York ] July 22, 1777. Is sending Brigadier General John Glover’s brigade to...
Yours of the 25th was delivered me an hour ago. Inclosed you will receive a duplicate of mine of...
I thought Sir, when I received your Letter that it had forever Closed our Correspondence but I...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I have your Favours of June 2d. and the 7th Instant. I thank...
I have just Been Down to the out gards. Saw the Ennimy. they Lay about a half mile from...
I received Your kind and friendly Letter of December 15 and thank You for your sympathetic...
Permit me to introduce to thee, two of my young friends from Philadelphia, who will hand to thee...
Your Excellencys known Character for Candor, & humanity, has encouraged me to take the liberty of...
The public papers having announced the death of Mr. Purviance, Collector of the port of...
6857[Diary entry: 5 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
5. Wind very fresh and Cold from the No. West all day.
I had no intention that the Fire Brand should sail without my replying to your repeated kind...
I have recd. your favor of the 9th. inclosing a paper from Mr. Triplet. The case is stated so...
The period for the renewal of my notes in the banks of Virginia & of the US. being now...