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Results 6811-6840 of 184,431 sorted by author
6811[February 1774] (Adams Papers)
I purchased of my Brother, my fathers Homestead, and House where I was born. The House, Barn and...
I write at this time only to authorise and request you, to subscribe for me, to the new loan, all...
I do myself the Honour of writing you, a very few Lines, just for the Sake of introducing to you,...
I had this Moment the Honour of receiving the Order of the Honourable the House of...
In conference with the G rand Pen sionary Bleiswick. He told me, it was determined to sign the...
6816[Fryday September 13. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Fryday September 13. 1776. The Committee appointed to confer with Lord Howe, having returned made...
I thank you kindly for your present of Dr. Gays Sermon. Such has been my veneration for that...
I know not how to throw off, the Lassitude that hangs upon me.—weary of a daily round, which to...
68191774. Septr. 11. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
There is such a quick and constant Succession of new Scenes, Characters, Persons, and Events...
Prices with you are much more moderate than here. Yesterday I was obliged to give Forty shillings...
In the letter which you did me the honour to write me the 24th. of February your Excellency...
Sometime Since I received from Gov. Bowdoin some Papers relating to Alexander Gross, with an...
I was So happy in the News of the agreable Circumstances of your Sister and her Infant, and of...
68241777. Feby. 9. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Allison. In the Evening walked to Fells Point, the Place where the Ships lie, a kind of...
I have received your favour of March 14th. and have not sent you an answer. It is not from any...
I was much disappointed, on the Arrival of Mr. Temple in London, at not finding a Letter from...
“The Characters, I So much admire among the ancients,” were not “formed wholly by Republican...
From the Conversation that pass’d, between you and me, when I had the Pleasure to See you for a...
Paris, 1 June 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, II, f. 86–88). LbC in John Thaxter’s hand ( Adams Papers...
I have recd your two Letters both without Date and one without a Name. My Respects and Thanks to...
Mr. Gadsden of South Carolina whose Fame you must have heard, was in his younger Years, an...
Mr. Boylston is going to Paris, with a Cargo of Sperma Cæti oil, and will be obliged to you for...
Last night I had the pleasure to receive your obliging letter of the 13 of this month, and thank...
I am every day accepting the Bills of Exchange, which were drawn upon Mr. Laurens: but I have no...
68351774 Monday Octr. 3. 1774. (Adams Papers)
Breakfasted at home with Coll. Dagworthy of Maryland, Captn. Dagworthy his Brother, Major De...
683625 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Fair and cold Weather. An extream cold night.
6837[Monday September 16. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Monday September 16. 1776. A Letter of the 14th. from General Washington, One of the 9th. from...
Let me introduce, Mr Elliot, the Bearer, and Mr Ticknor both Natives of Boston, both amiable and...
I have received your Letter of the 6th. with Judge Iredells Letter inclosed, informing of the...
I wrote you on the 25th of February on our American Title to all the Rights and Liberties of...