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Results 681-710 of 184,431 sorted by author
I knew not untill half an hour ago that Mr. Guile intended for Europe, he did not know it himself, it was a suden movement. He has not been able to come up as the vessel is expected to sail tomorrow, the Marquis and Count are already gone on Board. I have written by them, but should have been more full and particuliar by Mr. Guile if I had sooner known of his intention. He can give you a full...
How is it my dear son? You who used to be so punctual in your returns to your Friends that I your affectionate Mother have received but one Letter from You since you left Amsterdam. Has the cold Nothern Regions frozen up that Quick and Lively immagination which used to give pleasure to your Friends? Has it chilled your affections, or obliterated the Remembrance of her who gave you Birth? To...
I yesterday received your kind favour by mr Murry and the day before; yours by mr Bridgen. Mr and Mrs Rucker left us this morn­ ing, but I did not write by them knowing that the post would be much Spedier. You tell me to keep a journal, but you do not think what a task you impose or how every Hour is occupied at this place by those who stay only ten or twleve Days, and run the circle of...
What a scene has opened upon us since I had the favour of your last! Such a scene as we never before Experienced, and could scarcely form an Idea of. If we look back we are amazed at what is past, if we look forward we must shudder at the view. Our only comfort lies in the justice of our cause; and in the mercy of that being who never said, “Seek ye me in vain.” These are consolation s which...
You obligeing favour I received by Captain Lyde and thank you for its contents, which assured me of your kind remembrance of me, and your politeness at the same time: in being the first of our American Friends who crost the water to visit us in Stile. Many English Lords and Noblemen have visited us in the same way, but as it is not in our power to return the visit untill we happily reach the...
Your favour of May the Second came last Evening to Hand, and is the only line received from you since the 21 of March. Former puntiality lead s me to fear the miscarriage of my Letters, but a multiplicity of publick avocations may easily account for omissions where nothing very important calld for a reply. In Letters from Paris received by the Marquis, Mr. A dam s requests me to write you upon...
I have not written you for several days, you will easily suppose my time much occupied by having Mrs Johnson, & now our Boston friends here and making preparation to go away. Mrs Johnson will go tomorrow or Tuesday. Mrs Smith on Friday. Thursday will be my last public dinner. Mr & Mrs Stevens can tell you what a crow’d we had on friday evening. The rooms and entry were full, and so hot as to...
I congratulate you upon your having setled yourself thus far, and am pleasd to find you so well accommodated. you have a good office, a Good Library, and an agreable Family to reside in. be patient and persevering. you will get Buisness in time, and when you feel disposed to find fault with your stars, bethink yourself how preferable your situation to that of many others, and tho a state of...
I received by the Deacon two Letters from you this Day from Hartford. I feel a recruit of spirits upon the reception of them, and the comfortable news which they contain. We had not heard any thing from N. Carolina before, and could not help feeling anxious least we should find a defection there, arising more from their ancient feuds and animosities, than from any setled ill will in the...
You ask, in one of your letters to Mr. Adams, what is become of Mrs. Adams that I do not hear from her? If my heart had not done you more justice than my pen, I would disown it. I have so long omitted writing to you, that my conscience has been a very severe accuser of me. But be assured, my dear sir, that I never fail to talk of you with pleasure, and think of you with affection. I place the...
I do not know whether there is any getting over the Rivers. the Eastern Mail due yesterday is not arrived. the Ice has been broken up for two or three days past mr B Beals who has been here more than a week, talkd of leaving the city yesterday. I have given him a little matter addrest to Cousin Betsy. it is a small Box of the size of a little plate. in it you will find a shawl handkerchief...
I received on saturday Yours of May 28 th I wrote you on saturday previous to my receiving yours I am very sorry if the Box I sent should be lost. it was a square Box coverd with canvass, the same you sent my cap in last summer, addrest to mr smith— the dress in it together with the handkerchief Ruffels &c was of 30 dollors value. I intended it for Betsys wedding dress— the vessels Name the...
I cannot say that I write you from my Solitude, for who can call themselves Solitary, when in the society and company of a beloved son, who has been long absent, and who returns to his native Land, with a plentifull supply of the flowers and fruits which he has judiciously selected, from the various Countries into which he has traveld. he appears very happy surrounded by the Books in the...
I write you this Morning just to say that there are dispatches from our Envoys up to April by which it appears that they have had several conferences with Tallyrand, the subject of which was obtaining Money— they are just decupherd and will be communicated. no Reception from the directory, nor like to be any— I cannot but say to you, what will strike every one, that every hour they remain in...
I write you again by this vessel altho it seem’s as if there was a Spell to detain her; she has letters of various dates from me as you will find, some of which I hoped had reachd you, but the vessels by which they were sent, met with bad weather and were dismasted obliged to return into port. This letter will not be able to boast of any other merit than that of being last dated, for I can...
I have not written to you since I received your Letter giving me an account of the ordination, the fatigues of which I should have been glad to have shared with you, and I could not but blame myself, that I did not write to request mrs Porter to have opend our House, and Stables, and to have accomodated as Many persons as they could; it is now happily over and I congratulate the Town in having...
I received last Evening Your kind Letter of Feb ry 8 th . I thank you for your congratulation, and kind wishes To be the Successor of Mrs Washington and to make good her place will be an arduous task. I can only Say that my Sincerest Wishes will be joined With my best endeavours to give offence to no one & satifaction to all. I have amidst many gloomy reflections, receivd pleasure from the...
What can be the reason I have not heard from you since the 20 of April, and now tis the 27 of May. My anxious foreboding Heart fears every Evil, and my Nightly Slumbers are tortured; I have sent, and sent again to the post office, which is now kept in Boston at the office of the formour Solisiter General, not one line for me, tho your hand writing is to be seen to several others. Not a scrip...
Tis a Great Grief to me that I know not how to write nor where to send to you. I know not of any conveyance. I risk this by Major R ic e who promisses to take what care he can to get it to you. I have Received 3 Letters from you since you left me, 2 from H artfor d and one from D edha m. Tis a satisfaction to hear tho only by a line. We are told the most dissagreable things by use become less...
I wrote to you intending to Send the Letter by mr Dexter, but found he was gone. I therefore committed it to the post under cover to mr smith as the Letter had 200 dollors in it. be so good as to inform me by mrs Cranch when it reaches you I received Yesterday yours of Feb’ ry 25 th. I think the sooner the Building is begun the better and as Many hands employd as can be usefull in forwarding...
We leave this place this morning & hope to reach Home on fryday of the next week. I have written to mr smith to procure sundry articles for me in Boston which will require a Team to bring them to Quincy, & bags for oats will you be so good as to consult with mr Porter, and if mr Belcher can go to Town for them So as to get them up before we arrive I should be very glad. will you be so kind as...
I have rejoiced in the fine weather which has attended you through your journey, and the good Roads if you have had them as good as we have. Some cold Days but not enough so, to freeze or prevent our People from accomplishing the plowing at the corn Feilds. the Shelter for the young cattle is compleated & coverd with Sea weed. one Day more will cover the clover with manure, and to Day they...
I suppose you have written to me, tho I have not received it, for Mr. Ayers left his pocket Book with the Letters at Roxbury. However full in the Faith that I have a Letter there, I return you my thanks for it. We are all very sollicitious to hear from you; Brother has they tell us two eruptions; upon which I congratulate him. I hear also that he is in high Spirits, and more agreeable than...
your Aunt Cranch received a Letter from your Mother of Jan ry 1st in which she makes mention of having received a Letter from you: I wrote to her soon after she returnd Home, and sent the Letter to Boston. it was given to some private hand, and never has reachd her. I have since written to her by the post. She and your sister were well, and Abbes Arm much better for the application of Hughes...
William Shaw came from Boston last Evening to keep Sabbeth with me and brought me your Letter of August 16. 1796 which came by way of N York, and one for your Father of 13 th . he Sat out for Philadelphia on the 23 of this Month. I forwarded it to him this morning. it was the Duplicate which first came to hand, and tho it almost put out my Eyes to read it, I did, and made a coppy of it before...
This is the Sixteenth Day since you left me, and I have not yet heard a word from You. I hope tomorrows post will bring me a Letter. I wrote you on the 10 th . the Day before yesterday Was the first Winter Weather We have had, a pretty severe snow storm lasted through the Day. it fell moist & the rain the Day before renders it bad for wheels & worse for a Sled. the Weather is so moderate to...
Here am I all alone, in my Chamber, a mere Nun I assure you, after professing myself thus will it not be out of Character to confess that my thoughts are often employ’d about Lysander, “out of the abundance of the Heart, the mouth speaketh,” and why Not the Mind thinketh. Received the pacquet you so generously bestowed upon me. To say I Fasted after such an entertainment, would be wronging my...
My unkle who is very attentive to acquaint me with every opportunity of conveyance, last Evening let me know of a vessel going to Spain, and tho my Letters cost you much more than they are worth; I am bound as well by inclination, as your repeated injunctions to omit no opportunity of writeing. My last to you was by way of Bilboa. A vessel will soon sail for Amsterdam, by which I shall write...
I arrived in this city last Evening & came to the old House, now occupied by Francis as an Hotel. tho the furniture and arrangment of the House is changed I feel more at home here than I should any where Else in the city, and when sitting with my son & other friends who call to see me, I can scarcly persuade myself, that tomorrow I Must quit it, for an unknown & an unseen abode— My Journey has...
It was with a mixture of pleasure and pain that I read your Letter of December 25th from Berlin No 32— it gave me pleasure to see your Hand writing addrest to me, after a painfull interval of three months Some of your communications were attended with circumstances which gave me pain, and anxiety, for my dear Louissa, whose situation under the circumstances you describe; must have been...