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Results 681-690 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Will you do me the favor to accept of the inclosed selfpointing pencil, the lead of which you will find in a small compartment at the end—and to believe me, dear Sir, With the greatest respect & esteem, Faithfully yours, RC (DLC) .
I have recd. your letter of the 12th. In the very crippled & feeble state of my health I cannot undertake an extended answer to your enquiries, nor should I suppose it necessary if you have seen my letter to Mr. Everett in August 1830, in which the proceedings of Virginia in 98-99 were explained, and the novel doctrine of nullification adverted to. The distinction is obvious between 1st. such...
I have recd. your letter of the 14th. I doubt not that Mr Randolph would be a faithful & capible Officer, in the place he seeks, but I have been oblidged by the numerious applications to me & the delicacy of discriminations to decline interposing in the case of candatates for office. I am glad to find that your constitution still resists your old complaint, & with an abatement of its...
While engaged in the bustle of life, occasionally, a serious thought would pass my mind, respecting the fathers of our Country. Mr Adams Mr Jefferson and Mr Monroe having taken their departure from the present State of being on the fourth of July; I queried in my own mind, whether we should not hear of your departure on the same day: but the 4th of July is past & I trust that you are yet alive...
Your letter of July 31. enclosing a letter from Genl. Washington to Genl. McIntosh came duly to hand. The signature is certainly by Genl. Washington himself, and it is equally certain I think that the body of the letter is in the hand of another. The original draft has very probably been retained & a copy of it sent as must have been frequently the case with him. In writing his name he did not...
Such various interpretations have been given to the Constitutional doctrines avowed in your Report to the General Assembly of Virginia, & believing a proper understanding of those doctrines to be of vital importance in the present alarming agitations of a neighboring State, agitations which, I fear, may soon exist as generally in this, will, I hope, justify the trouble my enquiries may give...
Here I am continuing my helter skelter letter. Mr. Madison resides about five miles from the Court House, among the Southwest mountains, and upon the slope of one of them. You leave the piedmont road about a mile from Montpelier and, turning to the left, pass through a dense forest for a considerable distance and until you descry at the end of a straight alley in the wood a high red gate, hung...
I recd by the last mail your letter of the 19th instant. It was preceded some Days by the volumes containing: "The Published Collections of the N. Y. Historical Society to which it refers. Be so obliging Sir as to tender to the Society my grateful acknowledgements for so valuable a testimony of its regard. I sincerely wish the Society every success in its laudable undertaking and that its...
I have recd. your favor of the 19th. You could not probably have chosen a spot more favorable to a continuance of your vigorous health, on which I congratulate you, than Schooleys mountain; nor one better guarded against the formidable Cholera which it is said has never visited insulated and elevated situations. My own health has much declined since you left us. My rheumatic inmate had been...
Your kindness on a former occasion, emboldens me again to intrude upon your valuable time. I have in my collection of Autographs but one letter of the revered Washington; which I take the liberty herewith to enclose, and to beg you will do me the favour to look at it, and inform me, if it be genuine. I know the signature to be his, but I have some doubts as to the body of the letter, though...