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Results 6791-6840 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Novbr. 22 Spent the day at home excepting about an hour in which I paid a number of visits—Dr....
The literary institution on which I before had the honor to address you has become organized with...
You will forgive my having so long delay’d to reply to your very kind letter of January 1st.,...
Your favor of Sept. the 11th. came to hand in due time and since that I have recieved the copies...
You will permit me to make acknowledgments to you for your kind letter to the Printer of the...
Permit me on the sad & melancholy annunciation of the papers of this day of the death of Mrs....
In an address to governor Brooks, accompanying my last annual return of the militia of this...
It is several months since your Mama and I have received a letter from you, or since I wrote one...
I inclose you a letter from our friend D’ Ivernois according to his request expressed in it. Our...
Ego recepi tua epistolam a te scriptam Vigesimo tribus mensis Julii. ubi nuntius te a bombardâ...
Inclosed I forward you five American Newspapers which I received last Evening by the Dove Capt....
I have to regret that I was out of Town the Morning that you called upon me. At the Time Doctor...
29th Rode out and called on my patient who is fast recovering and able to raise his broken arm—In...
We beg leave to refer to our last respects of 8 dec̃:, since wh ch. time we continue without your...
I received the letter you did me the Honour of writing to me by Mr. Andrews, and shall render him...
I have been prevented by indisposition, otherwise shou’d have had the honor of writing to you...
In Consequence of Understanding there are several applicants for the Command I now hold of the...
Many weeks have elapsed since I recd. a Letter from our Country, but a Packet of News papers,...
I take apon My Self to troble you With a few lines to in form you that for the Better Suply of My...
Comme vous connaissiez l’ardeur et la Sincérité de mes sentimens pour la cause de la liberté,...
I have the honor to inclose a pamphlet containing copies of letters written from Paris to Dr....
You were here the last year when the interest due to the French officers was paid to them, and...
I must then Submit to the painful task of condoling you with the irreparable loss—and yet—my Dear...
The great work is done. Today, the States of Holland resolved that their deputies to the States...
The year is rendered quite pleasing to me, in its beginning, by the arrival of your favour of the...
I was desirous of offering you some token of my dutiful Affection, upon yesterday’s anniversary;...
I have the honour to submit the inclosed list of names of candidates recommended to fill...
I have been so much engaged this week with company that, tho I never cease to think of you I have...
I enclose you a press-copy of my last Letter, thought it is more than ever uncertain whether...
The Result of Mr Jay’s Negotiation goes with this letter:—A Treaty which was sign’d yesterday,...
I congratulate you my dear Sir! most cordially on your Return to your native Country, and am...
Having no Blank Commissions and Warrants with yr Signature on hand, I do myself the honor to...
I came yesterday to this Town for a ride after my confinement, and to see my Friends. I have not...
I was informed on Saturday Evening that you had done me the honor to nominate me to the Senate as...
On conversing with M r. Parsons relative to Your Sons entring into the Study of the Law, I found...
The two last posts brought me your Favors of the 26 and 28th. Ult. It really gives me great...
The very polite introduction to yours of Jan 3d I Consider not only as A Complement far beyond...
Forty three volumes read in one year, and 12. of them quartos! dear Sir, how I envy you! half a...
My last two or three Letters were by Capt. Samson, who if he has not Shared the ill fate of some...
The Attorney General of the United States having maturely considered the questions submitted to...
the defeat of our late army & Considering them subject to similar disasters led me to invent...
I was Sorry to learn from Mr Chauquet that Some motives Seemed to hinder Your Excellency from...
We have before us your esteemed favour of 10 inst: with a letter for Messrs. Ravekes van Keulen,...
I have the Honor of transmitting to You, herewith enclosed, an address from the Senate and...
As I conceive it to be but that Justice which every Citizen may claim as His Due to have his...
I am honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 15 Instant with a List inclosed of several...
Having a very Convenient opportunity of Conveying a Line to you, by the Revd. Mr. Whitney (who...
Genet has the honor to thank Mr. Adams, who must already know that the Russell , of Byron’s...
From the short personal acquaintance with you when here in Nov. 1792, have ventured to request...
First and foremost, become a reconciling advocate for me with your dear lovely Portia, who, from...