George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, October 1770

Cash Accounts

[October 1770]

Octr 9— To Cash of Lt Jno. Savage his quota of advance towards Surveying the Soldiers Lands1 £6. 0.0
16— To Ditto Recd from Colo. Adam Stephen on the above Acct in part 4.12.6
Octr 3— By Cash sent Mrs Green of Annapolis Printg Advertisemt abt Poseys Ferry2 0. 6.6
By Luke Kenny Sadler his Acct 2. 6.3
5— By Cash to Jno. P. Custis 20/—By Do to M.P.C. 20/ 2. 0.03

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 320, 329.

1John Savage was one of the officers with GW at Fort Necessity. He became captain of a company in the new Virginia Regiment when GW took command of it in September 1755. Savage was at Mount Vernon on 2 and 3 October. See Minutes of the Meeting of the Officers of the Virginia Regiment of 1754, 5 Mar. 1771, for reference to the requisition.

2After the death of her husband Jonas Green on 11 April 1767, Anne Catharine Green became the publisher of the Maryland Gazette (Annapolis). Her son William Green, who had recently died, had been her partner since January 1768; another son, Frederick Green, was her partner from January 1772 until her own death in March 1775. The following unsigned advertisement ran in the Maryland Gazette from 11 Oct. to 1 Nov. 1770: “The Ferry lately kept by Captain Posey (over Patowmack River) from his Landing, to the Plantation of Captain T. Hanson Marshall, in Charles County, is still continued, and Travellers may depend upon a ready Passage in most kinds of Weather, as there are good Boats of different Sizes, and strong Hands always attending.”

3For GW’s cash accounts during the remainder of October and all of November, see Account of Expenditures for Trip to the Great Kanawha, 6 Oct.—30 November.

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