Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from James Mitchell, 19 May 1753

From James Mitchell9

ALS: American Philosophical Society

York May 19. 1753


I Received yours of April 28.1 Your order on me in favour of Mrs. Benger2 for one Hundred Dollars, shall be punctualy paid when presented, as was your order on me for fifty Pounds. I shall by Next post send an Account of the Stoves paid and those on hand. I am Your Obedient Servant

James Mitchell

The Inclosed is for my Son in Law, Expected your way from Fiall, if you heare of his Arrival at New York pray send it to him.

Addressed: To  Mr. Benjamin Franklan  Philadelphia  Free J. Mitchell

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9James Mitchell (c. 1704–1772), of Yorktown, Va., was BF’s agent for the sale of Pennsylvania fireplaces. Eddy, LedgerD,” p. 62; (Purdie and Dixon) Va. Gaz., Jan. 30, 1772; I Wm. and Mary Quar., XXVII (1918–19), 229.

1Not found.

2Widow of the late deputy postmaster general Elliot Benger (see above, II, 408 n), she qualified as executrix of his estate, Aug. 6, 1751. Mrs. Benger was a sister-in-law of Governor Spotswood. 2 Wm. and Mary Quar., IV (1924), 90; Va. Mag. Hist. Biog., II (1895), 340.

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