Results 67881-67890 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
67881 Huntington, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 7 December … 1779-12-07 I am honour’d with your Excys favours of the 2d & 4th instant. You will receive herewith enclos’d...
67882 Huntington, Samuel Du Portail, Louis Le Bèque Samuel Huntington to Brigadier General Louis Le Bèque … 1779-10-27 I am favour’d with your letter of yesterday also one from Colo Hamilton of the 19th instant. I...
67883 Huntington, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 2 January … 1781-01-02 Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed, an Act of Congress of the 29th Ulto relative to...
67884 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 26 March … 1781-03-26 Philadelphia, 26 Mch. 1781 . Enclosing resolve of Congress of 24 Mch. and acknowledging TJ’s...
67885 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 18 October … 1780-10-18 Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed the Copy of an Act of Congress of the 10. Instant...
67886 Huntington, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 6 October … 1780-10-06 I do myself the Honor to transmit your Excellency Copies of two Acts of Congress of the 4. & 5....
67887 Huntington, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 9 December … 1780-12-09 I do myself the Honor to transmit your Excellency the enclosed Extract of a Letter from...
67888 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 9 November … 1779-11-09 Your Excellency will receive herewith enclos’d an act of Congress of the 8th instant together...
67889 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 6 March … 1780-03-06 Philadelphia, 6 Mch. 1780 . Encloses a resolve of Congress of this day requesting the governors...
67890 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 2 September … 1780-09-02 Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed an Act of Congress of the 26. Ulto., earnestly...